Jul 14, 2023 | Delegated Decisions
2023 July 14 Manor Street Roadworks
MN_2023 July 13 DPC Public Zoom Meeting
2385/23/TCA Rose Grove Lower Street Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0HY. T1: Christmas spruce – fell due to close proximity to property on a slope, risk of blowing over.
DPC Councillors consulted by email.
Email – 20230728 Re Planning application consultation (ref 2385_23_TCA ) Dittisham
Tree Warden Form 2385 23 TCA
Feb 22, 2022 | Delegated Decisions
The approved minutes can be downloaded here MN_2022 February DPC Approved Minutes
or read below.
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council on Wednesday 2 February 2022 at 7:00p.m.
Due to high numbers of local COVID-19 cases and the end of the law allowing virtual meetings, the meeting started with a public videoconferencing virtual only meeting and was immediately followed by a meeting in Dittisham Village Hall.
- Present: Cllr Tucker (Chair), Bond, Green, Neale, Nightingale, Quinn, and Unitt, and A Thom (Clerk).
- Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Anderson and Lloyd.
- Declaration of Interests
Cllr Nightingale declared an interest in Barn at Capton planning application. Cllr Neale declared an interest in Firze Park planning application.
- Approval of the Minutes of the meetings held on 3 November, 1 December 2021, and 5 January 2022.
It was resolved to approve the Minutes (unanimous resolution, proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Neale).
- Public Issues
- Concerns raised by a resident about the amount of Building Work in the Village
It was resolved to respond that DPC does not have power to limit volume and timing of building works, it can be mindful of the resident’s concerns in DPC’s comments on future planning applications, and that DPC will look at creating a future subgroup (to report back to DPC) to consider if other action is available and appropriate.
- Community Reports
- South Hams District Council Councillor
Deferred pending the arrival of Cllr McKay.
- Devon County Council Councillor
Deferred pending the arrival of Cllr Hawkins following another meeting.
- SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted:
- 2974/21/HHO Merrion Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for alterations and two small extensions. Conditional Approval.
- 4472/21/ARC Spindlewood Higher Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0HT. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4 of Planning Permission 2455/21/FUL Discharge of condition Approved.
- 4146/21/CLP Vipers Quay Dittisham TQ6 0HE. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed repair work to jetty. Cert of Lawfulness (Proposed). Refusal.
- New planning applications
- 4752/21/FUL Barn at Capton Capton TQ6 0JE. Demolition of barns and erection of 4 new dwellings following Class Q consent (1034/21/PDM) including landscaping and improvements to access.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Neale, unanimous).
Cllr Nightingale was removed from the meeting for the duration of this item. DCC Cllr Hawkins arrived during this item. Cllr Hawkins joined the meeting when Cllr Nightingale returned.
- 4778/21/HHO & 4779/21/LBC Fern Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder application & Listed Building consent for works to existing summer house comprising replacing existing exterior wooden French doors with same size and construction, apply new natural colour wooden cladding to exterior and finish with clear coat protection, install new flooring, remove interior wall for flooring renewal and replace in same location and remove interior fitted cupboards and replace them.
Support and ask if there is a new foul sewage connection. DPC notes that there is a plan for a foul sewage connection which is not described or on other plans (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Unitt, unanimous).
- 0141/22/FUL Vipers Quay Dittisham TQ6 0HE. Repairs to jetty, including rebuilding of existing stone wall on northface and parts on east and west sides, removal and replacement of concrete base, removal of part concrete slab on north end to drainage channel to facilitate work and replace afterwards.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Unitt, Cllr Quinn abstained, voting cllrs unanimous).
- 4699/21/FUL Firze Park Capton Dartmouth TQ6 0JE. Demolition of an existing agricultural building and construction of a replacement dwelling (following Class Q Approval 3213/20/PDM) and associated landscaping.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green seconded Cllr Unitt, unanimous).
Cllr Neale was removed from the meeting for the duration of this item.
- Devon County Council Councillor’s Report
DCC Cllr Hawkins reported that the first Youth Night at the Dartmouth Leisure Centre was a success and well attended. The next is on 11 February and the Nights will then be monthly, roughly on the second Friday. Ivy Lane is reopening. It will not be charging at all. The Health and Wellbeing Centre is going up, with the second floor progressing well. The HWBC is on time to open towards end of summer. The plans for a community bid for the Dartmouth Hospital site, which includes Dartmouth Town Council, are positive at the moment. SHDC was ranked thirteenth most successful council for climate and sustainability projects which is good news. DCC will set its 22/23 budget soon and SHDC sets its next Thursday. The long-standing leader of DCC has said it is the hardest budget he has set.
- New tree applications
- 4343/21/TPO Yew Tree Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. G1: Ash – fell due to dieback. G2: Hazel – coppice to 0.5m from ground level to increase biodiversity. G3: Hornbeam – crown thinning by up to20%. Remove squirrel damaged branches. To reveal healthy wood and promote growth. G4: Sycamore & Ash – Remove due to poor condition. T1:Ash – crown lift to 6m from ground level to allow light to understorey trees. T2: Ash – fell due to dieback. T3: Cherry – fell due to encroachment into garden and to provide more room for other cherry trees. T4: Willow – pollard to 3m from ground level to encourage healthy regrowth. T5: Hornbeam – crown lift to 3m from ground level to increase biodiversity. T6: Maple – crown thin by up to 25% to reduce.
Support the application and comment that DPC would recommend the replacement of trees which will be or have been felled (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Neale).
- Correspondence, 3/12/21 Resident, Construction of a balcony instead of a Juliette balcony approved in the planning application
The Clerk is to respond that DPC will not be writing to SHDC because this is not DPC core business and SHDC is the responsible authority (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Nightingale).
- Holes drilled in lower trunk of two diseased mature village trees
DPC will make it known publicly that it is not acceptable to damage and kill trees (resolution unanimous except Cllr Green who was not present due to IT connection issues).
- Platinum Jubilee Events
An extraordinary meeting will be held on 9 February to consider an application to use The Ham for a community Jubilee Lunch.
- Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
- Playground Task and Finish Group
It was resolved to approve the Playground TAFG’s unanimous suggestion that it be disbanded (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Nightingale).
- Dog Fouling Task and Finish Group
The circulated update report from Cllr Neale was noted.
The request from the South West Gaffers for tents and campervans on The Ham 5-8 August 2022 for Dittisham Regatta was approved (resolution proposed Cllr Bond, seconded Cllr Neale, Cllr Unitt absent for this vote).
- Village Hall Management Committee
The circulated update report from Cllr Neale was noted.
- Buckingham Palace Garden Party Wednesday 25 May 2022 – Invitation Draw
The Clerk was instructed to ask five former DPC Chairs if they would like to go into the draw, and to have a local draw if more than one wishes to attend.
- Financial Matters
The Report was adopted by resolution.
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
- Clerk Office Expenses Reimbursement CE46 £21.92 which the Clerk advised will be reduced due to shared Zoom access
- Cuming Containers, Removal of green waste, £230 + VAT
- P Wheatley, Paint Old Chapel Burial Ground Railings, £260
- Income and Expenditure Accounts
The recommendation to change to Income and Expenditure accounts was approved (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Unitt).
It was resolved to approve the 2021 Review as circulated.
The claim for 14 hours overtime to set up the accounting software was approved.
- Jubilee Steps
It was resolved that the consideration of installing a railing would be reviewed in the autumn (resolution proposed Cllr Unitt, seconded Cllr Neale.
- Correspondence
The following correspondence has been addressed, for information only.
9/1/22, Resident, Construction of a wall: DCC matter
- Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held 2 March 2022 at 7:00 pm.
- Process for confirming the virtual meeting’s decisions in the Village Hall
The Clerk shared their screen to show councillors a copy of the list of principle or policy decisions which to be ratified in the following meeting in the Village Hall.
Meeting in Dittisham Village Hall
- Present: Cllr Tucker (Chair), Bond, Quinn, and Unitt, and A Thom (Clerk).
5/22 Confirmation of Decisions
It was resolved to confirm the list of principle or policy decisions made by the preceding public virtual meeting (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Quinn).
The ratified decisions are as follows and described above:
- Approval of the Minutes
4.1. Concerns raised by a resident about the amount of Building Work in the Village.
- Correspondence, 3/12/21 Resident, Construction of a balcony instead of a Juliette balcony
- Holes drilled in trees
13.1 Playground – To approve the Playground TAFG’s unanimous suggestion that it be disbanded.
13.3 Ham Events – South West Gaffers’ request
- Buckingham Palace Garden Party
15.3 Income and Expenditure Accounts
15.4 Risk Assessment Review
15.5 Overtime Claim
- Jubilee Steps
Jan 14, 2022 | Delegated Decisions
MN_2022 January DPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of a Public Virtual Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held on
Wednesday 5 January 2022 at 7:00p.m via Zoom conferencing
Present: Councillors Anderson (Vice-Chair, meeting Chair), Bond, Lloyd, Neale, Nightingale, Quinn, and Unitt were present, as were Devon County Councillor Hawkins and South Hams District Councillor McKay, and A. Thom (Clerk).
- COVID-19
Taking into account the COVID risks, councillors’ views, and the need to hold a face to face meeting a decision was made for the Parish Council to only meet via Zoom. This is therefore not a formal Parish Council meeting. It instructed the Clerk on operational and business continuity decisions as permitted by delegated authority. Decisions of principle or policy have been deferred.
- Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Tucker and Cllr Green.
- Declaration of Interests
Cllr Quinn declared an interest in the Dartside planning applications.
- Approval of the minutes of the meetings held on 3 November and 1 December 2021.
This item was deferred.
Councillors discussed the difficulty of not being able to make all decisions in a virtual meeting – as was possible when government legislation permitting virtual Parish Council meetings was in force. The Clerk will write to government to describe the problem.
- Public Issues
- Meeting with a resident to discuss their correspondence about the amount of Building Work in the Village. To agree DPC’s response.
This item was deferred.
- Community Reports
- South Hams District Council Councillor
SHDC Cllr McKay said that there is there is a senior SHDC working group considering the delivery of Waste and Recycling service.
The Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group is looking at best practice, for example what other local authorities nationally are doing. It welcomes any input.
Cllr McKay has been to six parish councils about the procedure for installing speed indicator devices and found that there is confusion about the process. Devon County Council procedures relaxed in July 2020 and this can now be done via the DCC Neighbourhood Officer.
SHDC is about to set its budget.
The Local Government Association is lobbying for permission to hold virtual meetings and agrees it should be standard and an available option.
Harris and Sons hardware store in Totnes is closing down, which Cllr McKay commented is very sad.
Cllr Nightingale said that regarding business rates, councils can charge based on the rateable value or a percentage of the profit. He will pass information on to Cllr McKay.
Cllr Anderson commented that Dittisham has issues with speed in the summer.
- Devon County Council Councillor
DCC Cllr Hawkins agreed that interactive speed signs are now easy to install and said that this hasn’t been raised by DPC in the past. The community decides the location. They cost £1,500-£2,500. Signs with speed limit are not advised by DCC because drivers might drive faster to clock their speed. Installation could be achieved in six months.
The Health and Wellbeing Centre is progressing. Cllr Hawkins visited Bakers Estate on Tuesday. The first 12 residences have been moved into. There will be about 115 ‘affordable’ properties.
The first Youth Leisure night at the Dartmouth Leisure Centre is next Friday. It is required to sign up in advance and have permission.
Work is going to take place on Bow Hill in Ashprington.
- SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted:
- 3363/21/HHO 2 Watermans Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder application for 15 solar panels on two frames in garden. Conditional Approval.
- 3322/21/HHO Mason Park Capton TQ6 0JE. Householder application for new sun room to replace porch. Conditional Approval.
- New Planning Applications
- 4472/21/ARC Spindlewood Higher Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0HT. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4 of Planning Permission 2455/21/FUL.
No comment.
- 4423/21/CLB Dunedin Cottage The Quay Dittisham Devon TQ6 0EZ. Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a Listed Building following leakage of kerosene from domestic boiler to the rear of the property.
SHDC Officers will make a decision based on evidence provided to SHDC.
- 1778/21/HHO & 1779/21/LBC Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder application & Listed Building consent for installation of air heat source pump.
It was resolved to request a noise impact assessment and to note an anomaly in the application regarding the proposed position of the pump (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Nightingale, Cllr Quin abstained, the vote was unanimous). DPC deferred taking a view until further information is provided.
- Correspondence, 3/12/21 Resident, Construction of a balcony instead of a Juliette balcony Sherwood Cottage 3024/21/HHO
This item was deferred.
To consider submitting a response from DPC.
- Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, Draft Community Risk Management Plan, 14/1/22
The local the Operational Readiness Manager has responded to DPC’s correspondence. They have offered to discuss the areas of concern to evidence how the Service would respond to an incident. It was agreed that Cllr Unitt would meet with them and report back to DPC.
The Operational Readiness Manager also offered to talk about the importance of home safety visits, smoke detectors and other prevention work / advice that the Service provides to support our communities to try and prevent incidents from occurring. Councillors suggested that this would be a good subject to address in the Annual Parish Meeting.
- Technical Consultation on the Local Government Finance Settlement for 2022/23, 13/1/22
No comment made.
- One-off emptying of Brown Bins
No objections were raised to advertising the offer from an Ashprington Parish Councillor for he and some other ex-servicemen to do a one-off emptying of brown bins left sitting full in Dittisham to the Ashprington Community Composting site.
- Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
- Playground Task and Finish Group
The approval of the Playground TAFG’s unanimous suggestion that it be disbanded was deferred.
- Maintenance Working Group
The Group has circulated a Report. The meeting resolved to go ahead and do two maintenance items – to replace the sleepers across the stream next to The Ham car park and in the bus shelter to replace a damaged slat and install a larger noticeboard. A risk assessment will be carried out for the installation of the sleepers. The MWG will do the bus shelter work.
- Dog Fouling Task & Finish Group
It was confirmed that DPC will ask SHDC to place a dog waste bin near Rectory Lane, at the end of the track towards Bozomzeal. This was agreed by the November meeting subject to the Notice of Intent, trying to contact the owner of the land, and consulting nearby neighbours, which have been done.
- Village Hall Management Committee – To respond to the letter to DPC dated 2/11/21
This item was deferred.
- Village Hall Management Committee
The consideration of the proposal that DPC contributes Items 7, £252 Annual cost of WiFi Internet Connection, and Item 8, £1850 Carpentry Repairs to outside Stores – including new fascia board, doors, gutters etc. was deferred.
To make the grant the Council should be confident that value for money has been obtained, so it would be very useful to have an application from the VHMC which provides that information. Cllr Neale will follow this up.
It was resolved to authorise the following payments:
- SHDC, Final 2021 Maintenance Contract, £2,357.86
- Devon Association of Local Councils, Being a Good Councillor Short Course, £48.00
- Clerk, Expenses reimbursement CE45, £57.77
Payments since the 1 December meeting were noted:
- ARCCAS, Ham Maintenance Jobs, £472.80
- Scribe, Accounting Software, Annual & set up fees, £450.00
- Contract Signs, Playground, turning bay, & slippery signs, £126.00
- Information Commissioner’s Office, Direct Debit Annual Fee, £35.00
Approval of the 2021 Review as circulated was deferred.
It was resolved to approve the Clerk’s claim for five hours overtime in December.
- Making Tax Digital VAT Return Digital Requirement
Approval of the use of Scribe to submit the required returns was deferred.
- Jubilee Steps – Consideration of the recommendations in the Report was deferred.
- Correspondence
The following correspondence has been addressed, for information only.
- 2/12/21, Dittisham Utd, Has withdrawn from the South Devon Football League
- 2/12/21 Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service Request for confirmation of current assessment of how it will access residences in Dittisham
- Next meeting
It was confirmed that the next ordinary meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held 2 February 2022 at 7:00 pm.
- Extraordinary Meeting to set the 2021/22 Budget and Precept.
A meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 26 January.
It was resolved to close the meeting because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the remaining business.
- Consideration of Quotes for work agreed by the meeting
It was resolved to purchase two reclaimed sleepers from Bradfords: £41.39 each plus £12.50 delivery
It was resolved to purchase two timber slats to fix the seat in the bus shelter, £20, and cork board for the noticeboard £19.99.
The meeting closed at 20:36.
Dec 10, 2021 | Delegated Decisions
The draft muinutes of a meeting held on 1 December can be downloaded as a pdf or read below.
MN_2021 December DPC Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes of a Public Virtual Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held on
Wednesday 1 December 2021 at 7:00p.m.
Present: Councillors Anderson (Vice-Chair, meeting Chair), Bond, Green, Lloyd, Neale, Nightingale, Quinn, and Unitt were present, as were Devon County Councillor Hawkins and South Hams District Councillor McKay, and A. Thom (Clerk).
1. COVID-19 Precautions
Taking into account the COVID risks (local delta & unknown omicron), councillors’ views, and the need to hold a face to face meeting a decision was made for the Parish Council to only meet via Zoom. This is therefore not a formal Parish Council meeting. It instructed the Clerk on operational and business continuity decisions as permitted by delegated authority. Policy decisions have been deferred.
2. Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Tucker.
3. Declaration of interests
None declared.
4. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2021
Deferred due to the next official meeting of Dittisham Parish Council.
5. Public Issues
- Meeting with a resident to discuss their correspondence about the amount of Building Work in the Village
Deferred to the next official meeting of Dittisham Parish Council.
The Clerk corrected their notes in the Report – Village-Design-Guides can be adopted by the Planning Authority as Supplementary Planning Documents.
6. Community Reports
- South Hams District Council Councillor
Cllr McKay said there is quite a lot pressure to introduce community composting.
SHDC is looking at changing the funding process for biodiversity projects to make funding more accessible for larger organisations, which currently need to go to each SHDC councillor. Cllr McKay has been lobbying on behalf of Sustainable South Hams.
South Hams District Council has declared a housing crisis and a lot of good work has been done since. Cllr McKay has concerns about a proposal affecting Baltic Wharf in Totnes.
Cllr McKay is concerned that the enforcement cases list is long and status doesn’t seem to change.
Cllr Lloyd said that the lack of affordable housing has a local effect making staff recruitment difficult.
- Devon County Council Councillor
The Health and Well Being Centre is being built on schedule. Cllr Hawkins encourages people to fill in the NHS survey about what you would you like built at the old Hospital site.
A meeting this afternoon confirmed free Dartmouth Leisure Centre youth nights for people aged 10-17 years from 14 January 6pm-9pm. Once month at first, maybe more later. All areas will be open. There will be roller blading on the first night, archery in February, and a pool disco in March. Dartmouth Youth Group would welcome volunteers.
The Food Bank has moved to Townstal Community Hall on Friday mornings. There is easy parking, lunch, tea, coffee and cakes etc.
The Devon County Council budget process is very hard this year. Its permitted increase is 2%, plus a 1% increase for adult social care and children’s services.
An Ashprington Councillor is setting up a one-of green waste collection project in the next few months. If anyone wants a collection he can help. Dartmouth Green Partnership is establishing a new community composting facility at Jaw Bones. It is hoped it will take green waste free of charge from Dittisham, Blackawton etc
7. SHDC Planning Decisions
7.1. 3442/21/HHO & 3443/21/LBC Meadow View The Level Dittisham TQ6 0ES. Householder & Listed building consent for replacement rear conservatory extension. Conditional Approval.
7.2. 4003/20/ARC 2 Watermans Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Discharge of condition Approved.
7.3. 3493/21/LBC Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed Building Consent for the removal of existing roof structure and the installation of a new roof structure. Conditional Approval.
7.4. 3495/21/HHO Gurrow Point Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0JH. Householder application for proposed external material changes to East elevation with smaller attic window. Conditional Approval.
8. New planning applications
8.1. 2974/21/HHO Merrion Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for alterations and two small extensions.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Bond, seconded Cllr Lloyd, unanimous).
8.2. 4146/21/CLP Vipers Quay Dittisham TQ6 0HE. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed repair work to jetty.
The decision will be made by SHDC on the basis of relevant evidence. No comment sent by DPC.
9. Consultations
- Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, Draft Community Risk Management Plan, 14/1/22
Cllr Unitt asked how the Service would access via narrow roads in the Village.
The Clerk will ask for confirmation that the Service has a current assessment of how it will access residences in Dittisham.
This will be an item on the next Agenda.
- SHDC, Draft proposed SHDC Grounds Maintenance layer (to enhance biodiversity on Council green spaces).
No response to SHDC by DPC. Councillors commented that DPC is making a lot of the changes discussed in the proposal and as SHDC is its Maintenance Contractor it can engage directly with SHDC.
10. Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
- Playground Task and Finish Group
To approve the Playground TAFG’s unanimous suggestion that it be disbanded was deferred.
The Group’s Report as circulated was noted. Cllr Anderson explained that the suggested increase in the 2022/23 budget allocation to £4,500 takes into account possible works to protect The Ham retaining wall from erosion.
The circulated update Report was noted.
- Domestic Energy Efficiency Workshop on 24 November
Cllr Nightingale was not present at this point because of broadband issues. Item deferred.
- Site Meeting – The Ham Review of Tree Planting’ effect on residential views
It was resolved to confirm that two outstanding recommendations in the report would be implemented: hedge infill planting January 2022 using Cllr Green’s trees available at no cost to DPC and to write to Binham Cottage about maintenance of The Ham.
The Group’s Report was noted as circulated. The Clerk will write to the car park contractor regarding insurance and liability.
11. Village Hall Management Committee
To respond to letter from the VHMC dated 2/11/21 was deferred to the next official meeting.
12. Village Hall Management Committee
To consider the proposal that DPC contributes Items 7, £252 Annual cost of WiFi Internet Connection, and Item 8, £1850 Carpentry Repairs to outside Stores – including new fascia board, doors, gutters etc. was deferred to the next official meeting.
13. Purchase of Signs
It was resolved to support purchase of a second ‘can be slippery’ sign for Jubilee Steps (approximately £12.50) & installation of one ‘Ambulance’ sign in the turning bay on Manor Street.
14. Domestic Energy Efficiency Workshop on 24 November
Cllr Nightingale gave a report on the workshop. The meeting supported Cllr Nightingale’s proposal to give feedback to Devon Communities Together.
15. Accounting Software
It was unanimously resolved for DPC to purchase accounting software.
16. Management of records created by DPC in its response to the COVID pandemic crisis
The records will be reviewed on a case by case basis and updated, retained or deleted as required.
17. Circulation List
Cllr Unitt has suggested a list to improve communication with residents. Cllr Nightingale suggested use of a mailing list system which would allow people select contact preferences. This project is ongoing.
18. Lengthsman Report
The Parish Lengthsman has asked about allocation of projects to DPC and DCC grant budgets. The Clerk will resend the criteria. There were no suggestions for new blocked buddle holes which are already approved by DCC and can be reopened by the Lengthsman.
19. Financial Matters
19.1 Financial Report
The Report was supported. It showed a balance of £79,275.81 and unearmarked reserves of £12,346.32.
19.2 Payments Due
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
- SHDC Bin Emptying on The Ham 11/8-27/10, £43.20
- Village Hall Hire Oct-Dec, £90.00 (The Clerk to request a credit for use for January 2022 meeting)
- Cllr Anderson Southern Timber ‘Perma Timber) posts, £86.02
- Cllr Anderson Screws pin, nuts and washers signs playground & ambulance, £41.23
- Clerk Expenses reimbursement CE44, £37.58
19.3 Payments made since the last meeting
It was resolved to note:
- Visitor Refund of duplicate payment Ham Car Park, £6.00
- Cllr Bond Defibrillator safety tags & Mesh Pegs, £23.96
- Society of Local Council Clerks CiLCA Qualification, £410.00
- SLCC Enterprises Reference Texts, £174.90
19.4 Overtime Claim
The Clerk’s claim for nine hours overtime in November was approved by resolution.
19.5 Draft Budget 2022/23
The Clerk will prepare a final budget based on the figures in the Finance Working Group report.
20. Eco Weed & Moss Treatment
Expenditure of up to £15 for Cllr Bond to purchase materials and trial on the playground wetpour surface was approved. Cllr Bond will confirm with Wicksteed it won’t damage the surface and ask if they have recommendation of other environmentally friendly options.
21. Snow Shovels for Dittisham Grit Bins
It was resolved to confirm use of the approved £150 to purchase coal shovels (£6.96 each) and to accept Cllr Bond’s offer to purchase one in exchange for small shovel purchased last year which is too small for gritting purposes.
22. Jubilee Steps
Consideration of the recommendation that no action will be taken by DPC to install railings was deferred.
21. Correspondence
21.1 Received
- Resident, 3/11/21, Recycling Collection 3rd November 2021, replied and referred
- Dartmouth Caring, 5/11/21, Offer of a Presentation, Cllrs agreed APM and to suggest WI too
- Resident, 7/11/21, Enquiry to Cllr Anderson about local occupancy Covenant, assisted and referred
- Citizens Advice South Hams, 16/11/21, Thanks for grant of £300
21.2 Sent
- Valuation Office Agency, Request for Information about The Ham car park and The Level car park regarding Business Rates
23. Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held on 5 January 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
24. Closure of the Meeting
It was resolved to close the meeting because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.
It was resolved to accept the quote for Scribe Accounting Software (£375+VAT). The use of the software will commence as soon as feasible. The Clerk’s aim is to use it for the Budget process.
The meeting closed at 21:21.
Sep 9, 2021 | Delegated Decisions
MN_2021 September DPC Approved Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held via public videoconferencing on Wednesday 1 September 2021 at 7:00p.m
- Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Bond, Green, Lloyd, Neale and Quinn were present, as were Devon County Councillor Hawkins, South Hams District Councillor McKay, A Thom (Clerk), and one member of the public.
- Cllr Tucker explained the nature of the meeting. A virtual only meeting was held because of the assessed COVID-19 risk. The Clerk explained that formal decisions would be limited to those which can be implemented under authority delegated to the Clerk.
158/21 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Anderson (Vice-Chair) and Cllr Nightingale.
159/21 Declaration of Interests
None declared.
160/21 Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2021.
161/21 Public Issues
161/21.1 Roadside Cleans by South Hams District Council
Cllr Tucker said that he has noticed manual cleans being done by South Hams District Council to remove vegetation from the side of the road. The Clerk was asked to write to SHDC and send a photo of growth in the village.
161/21.2 2949/21/CCN Foxenhole Farm Planning Application
Cllr Hawkins said that the ‘pop up’ camping approvals were for 56 days this year. It was thought they would have 28 days next year.
162/21 Community Reports
162/21.1 South Hams District Council Councillor
Councillor McKay supported the holding of a remote meeting.
He discussed his concerns about problems with the waste and recycling collection system and how they might be resolved.
Regarding climate change, Cllr McKay reported that the Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group is looking at the Action Plan. Councillor McKay has put forward an Action Plan based on the three priorities – road traffic, domestic, and business.
162/21.2 Devon County Council Councillor
Councillor Hawkins reported that the Health and Wellbeing Centre has started construction. It is hoped it will be open by this time next year. Little Cotton show homes are being built and the affordable housing will be built as soon as possible. Construction was delayed by COVID and should have been this summer.
A new youth group is being set up in Ivy Lane. There will be youth nights one night a month, initially at the Leisure Centre.
Dartmouth Green Partnership is in discussions about setting up community composting at Jawbones.
There is lobbying of County Hall to ask the Leader for a budget increase for Highways in the next Budget. Cllr Hawkins said that many areas are desperate for resurfacing.
163/21 Public Issues
163/21.1 2978/21/ARC & 2915/21/ARC Dartside Manor Street Current Planning Applications
A member of the public who had now joined the meeting said that the proposed ridge tiles in these planning applications are black, but the area has red. They asked DPC to request red tiles in keeping with three neighbouring listed cottages.
164/21 SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted:
164/21.1 0668/21/FUL Dittisham Sailing Club, The Ham Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0JH. Replacement of rotting cedar shingles with natural slate. Conditional Approval.
164/21.2 0763/21/HHO Low Dolphin Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans received) Householder application for new rear extension with internal alterations to existing building and the removal of garage door. Conditional Approval.
164/21.3 1556/21/ARC Former Site Of Kiln Lyon Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 6, 7 and 10 of Planning Permission 0277/20/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.
164/21.4 1843/21/HHO 8 Meadow Cottages The Level Dittisham TQ6 0EU. Householder application for first-storey extension over existing conservatory and extension of existing first floor balcony. Conditional Approval.
164/21.5 1760/21/LBC & 1759/21/HHO The Cider Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX Listed building consent and householder application for new boat/garden store and workshop in existing garden. Withdrawn.
164/21.6 2949/21/CCN Foxenhole Farm Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0HP. Caravan Club notification of proposed Certificated Location. No objection Recommend Approval.
164/21.7 2657/21/TCA Dartside, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX. T1: Lawson Cypress – Fell due to excessive shading to garden; T2: Pittosporum – Lateral reduction by 2 metres on the east side as growing excessively; T3:Magnolia – Crown thin by 10-20% due to heavy limbs. No Objection Raised
164/21.8 2099/21/VAR Sunbeams Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans) and 3 (privacy screen approved drawings) of planning consent 4101/20/VAR. Conditional Approval.
164/21.9 2774/21/NMM Sherwood Cottage Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Non-material minor amendment to planning consent 4237/20/HHO. Withdrawn.
164/21.10 2101/21/HHO Sunbeams Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for free standing PV panels. Conditional Approval.
164/21.11 1524/21/HHO & 1525/21/LBC Householder & Listed Building consent application for general internal and external alterations. Conditional Approval.
164/21.12 2578/21/LBC & 2577/21/HHO Dunedin Cottage The Quay Dittisham TQ6 0EZ. Listed Building consent and householder application for an air source heat pump. Withdrawn.
164/21.13 1381/21/VAR Water Edge Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Application for variation of conditions 2 (approved drawings) and 5 (use as ancillary to main house) of planning consent 0268/16/HHO. Refusal.
165/21 New planning applications
165/21.1 2345/21/HHO The Gate Lodge, The Old Rectory Rectory Lane Dittisham TQ6 0HD. Householder application for single storey extension to Gate Lodge.
Conditional Approval had already been granted by SHDC. The application was informally assessed by Councillors over the summer and it was decided not to call a meeting to make a formal comment.
165/21.2 3024/21/HHO Sherwood Cottage Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for removal of utility structure and garage with replacement single storey extension. Works include removal of existing conservatory, removal of extension to chimney pot and replacement windows. Extension to include external porch (resubmission of 4237/20/HHO).
DPC has previously supported. No further comment made.
165/21.3 2978/21/ARC & 2915/21/ARC Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (facing and roofing materials), 4 (stone facing sample panels), 5 (roof details) and 6 (window and door details) of planning consent 1131/20/LBC, and Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (facing and roofing materials), 4 (stone facing sample panels), 5 (roof details) and 6 (window and door details) of planning consent 1130/20/HHO.
DPC will write to request that the ridge tiles are red – so that the three neighbouring listed cottages retain matching ridge tiles. The proposed ridge tiles are black (resolution proposed Cllr Green seconded Cllr Neale, Cllrs Bond and Quinn abstained).
166/21 Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan – Regulation 14 Consultation 2 August to 13 September 2021
No comment.
167/21 Consultations
No comment was made on the following consultations:
- Peninsula Transport Regional Strategy. Closes 17 September
- SHDC Planning validation checklist. Closes 14 September
- South West Transport Network consultation on vision and goals. Closes 17 September.
168/21 Waste and Recycling Collections by SHDC
The consideration of feedback by DPC to SHDC was deferred because of the nature of the meeting.
169/21 Public Village Bins
The payment of £3 per week for an extra emptying of bins on The Ham (Wednesday) was confirmed, and the period requested will be from Easter to the end of October (resolution proposed Councillor Neale, seconded Councillor Lloyd).
The quoted cost of £50-£250 per bin for SHDC to relocate two existing bins in the village was accepted with the proviso that SHDC will first be asked to offset the cost against the cost of a replacement for the bin removed from the Manor St turning bay (resolution proposed Councillor Neale seconded Councillor Bond, unanimous). One general waste bin will be moved to The Ham (from The Level phone box) and one dog waste bin to Higher Street (from below the bus stop on Riverside Road).
170/21 Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
170/21.1 Maintenance
The report on the annual Playground Inspection was noted. All matters raised in the Report are ‘low risk’. The Group will consider the further action required. The wetpour repair requirement will be reported to Wicksteed by the Clerk.
170/21.2 Village Hall
Cllr Neale reported that the Village Hall Management Committee is working to build up a sinking fund and it requests payment of grants in the current financial year. The Annual Premises Report was noted. The Clerk was asked to respond thanking the VHMC for the Report and to say that DPC looks forward to a meeting at the end of September.
171/21 Proposed remit for a Climate & Environment Working Group
This item was deferred.
172/21 Graffiti on The Ham
Cllr Bond reported that there was graffiti of signs in the area of The Ham during August. One sign was changed by Devon County Council, SHDC cleaned one sign, and South West Water repainted its gate.
173/21 Treeworks
It was resolved to approve sharing part of the cost of £295 for treeworks pro-rata with Blackawton PC. DPC’s treeworks are to crown raise the Lime in The Level Car Park and to remove a small dead Rowan from Ham Triangle.
174/21 Financial Matters
174/21.1 Financial Report
It was resolved to adopt the Report and bank reconciliation, which showed a total balance of £78,493.84 and unearmarked reserves of £12,343.82.
174/21.2 Payments Due
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
- Parish Lengthsman, Final 5 hours 20/21 and 10 hours April-June 21, £300.00
- SHDC, Invoice #2 part of maintenance contract in arrears, £589.46
- Kingsbridge Websites, Village Hall pages, £100.00
- Cllr Anderson, Reimbursement for expenses (hand sanitiser, land registry, and stationery), £53.99
- Cllr Neale, Mulch mats for The Ham (as approved by DPC), £71.48
- Clerk’s Invoice for overtime work on document review and disposal project, £127.30
174/21.3 Level Car Park Loan Repayment
Consideration of the 2021/22 £5,000 repayment was deferred.
174/21.4 Village Hall Maintenance Grant
Consideration of the review of whether the £3,000 grant requested can be made was deferred.
174/21.5 Clerk’s Expenses Reimbursement CE41
It was resolved to approve CE41 £50.83.
174/21.6 Report on DPC’s Filing Cabinets removed from the Hall
The Clerk reported that the four drawer filing cabinet was unusable and has been disposed of. The rust on the two drawer filing cabinet has been painted with metal primer and the cabinet repainted.
175/21 SLCC Webinars
Expenditure for attendance at the following courses was approved: Appraisal Techniques 7 September 11-12 am £30, GDPR e-course £30.
176/21 Correspondence
176/21.1 Received
- SHDC Cllr Pearce, 18/7/21, Request from visiting yachtsman for shower facilities on The Ham. Referred by the Clerk back to Cllr Pearce to reply regarding SHDC’s decision.
- Resident, 19/8/21, Letter raising objection to eventual height of trees planted by DPC on The Ham because of concerns they will ultimately block river views, and requesting review or annual pollarding to limit to 25 feet
Councillor Neale and the Clerk will liaise regarding sending an initial response. The policy assessment was deferred for consideration by the next face-to-face meeting.
- Community Ownership Fund, £150 million over 4 years for community ownership of assets and amenities.
- DCC Grant HMCEF for Lengthsman work, £300 approved as requested
- Community Broadband – SHDC 2 year project for businesses and residents.
176/21.2 Sent
- South West Water – To advise that beach manhole cover is up and note heavy traffic on beach
- SWW – Invoiced for parking in The Ham Car Park in August
177/21 Next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council
It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held on 6 October2021 at 7:00 pm.
Cllr Tucker noted that COVID-19 case numbers are dropping and DPC will plan for a meeting in the Hall if possible.
The meeting ended at 20:20