The approved minutes can be downloaded here MN_2022 February DPC Approved Minutes

or read below.

APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council on Wednesday 2 February 2022 at 7:00p.m.

Due to high numbers of local COVID-19 cases and the end of the law allowing virtual meetings, the meeting started with a public videoconferencing virtual only meeting and was immediately followed by a meeting in Dittisham Village Hall.

  • Present: Cllr Tucker (Chair), Bond, Green, Neale, Nightingale, Quinn, and Unitt, and A Thom (Clerk).
  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Anderson and Lloyd.

  1. Declaration of Interests

Cllr Nightingale declared an interest in Barn at Capton planning application. Cllr Neale declared an interest in Firze Park planning application.

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the meetings held on 3 November, 1 December 2021, and 5 January 2022.

It was resolved to approve the Minutes (unanimous resolution, proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Neale).

  1. Public Issues
    • Concerns raised by a resident about the amount of Building Work in the Village

It was resolved to respond that DPC does not have power to limit volume and timing of building works, it can be mindful of the resident’s concerns in DPC’s comments on future planning applications, and that DPC will look at creating a future subgroup (to report back to DPC) to consider if other action is available and appropriate.

  1. Community Reports
    • South Hams District Council Councillor

Deferred pending the arrival of Cllr McKay.

  • Devon County Council Councillor

Deferred pending the arrival of Cllr Hawkins following another meeting.

  1. SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decisions were noted:

  • 2974/21/HHO Merrion Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for alterations and two small extensions. Conditional Approval.
  • 4472/21/ARC Spindlewood Higher Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0HT. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4 of Planning Permission 2455/21/FUL Discharge of condition Approved.
  • 4146/21/CLP Vipers Quay Dittisham TQ6 0HE. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed repair work to jetty. Cert of Lawfulness (Proposed). Refusal.
  1. New planning applications
    • 4752/21/FUL Barn at Capton Capton TQ6 0JE. Demolition of barns and erection of 4 new dwellings following Class Q consent (1034/21/PDM) including landscaping and improvements to access.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Neale, unanimous).

Cllr Nightingale was removed from the meeting for the duration of this item. DCC Cllr Hawkins arrived during this item. Cllr Hawkins joined the meeting when Cllr Nightingale returned.

  • 4778/21/HHO & 4779/21/LBC Fern Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder application & Listed Building consent for works to existing summer house comprising replacing existing exterior wooden French doors with same size and construction, apply new natural colour wooden cladding to exterior and finish with clear coat protection, install new flooring, remove interior wall for flooring renewal and replace in same location and remove interior fitted cupboards and replace them.

Support and ask if there is a new foul sewage connection. DPC notes that there is a plan for a foul sewage connection which is not described or on other plans (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Unitt, unanimous).

  • 0141/22/FUL Vipers Quay Dittisham TQ6 0HE. Repairs to jetty, including rebuilding of existing stone wall on northface and parts on east and west sides, removal and replacement of concrete base, removal of part concrete slab on north end to drainage channel to facilitate work and replace afterwards.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Unitt, Cllr Quinn abstained, voting cllrs unanimous).

  • 4699/21/FUL Firze Park Capton Dartmouth TQ6 0JE. Demolition of an existing agricultural building and construction of a replacement dwelling (following Class Q Approval 3213/20/PDM) and associated landscaping.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green seconded Cllr Unitt, unanimous).

Cllr Neale was removed from the meeting for the duration of this item.

  1. Devon County Council Councillor’s Report

DCC Cllr Hawkins reported that the first Youth Night at the Dartmouth Leisure Centre was a success and well attended. The next is on 11 February and the Nights will then be monthly, roughly on the second Friday. Ivy Lane is reopening. It will not be charging at all. The Health and Wellbeing Centre is going up, with the second floor progressing well. The HWBC is on time to open towards end of summer. The plans for a community bid for the Dartmouth Hospital site, which includes Dartmouth Town Council, are positive at the moment. SHDC was ranked thirteenth most successful council for climate and sustainability projects which is good news. DCC will set its 22/23 budget soon and SHDC sets its next Thursday. The long-standing leader of DCC has said it is the hardest budget he has set.

  1. New tree applications
    • 4343/21/TPO Yew Tree Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. G1: Ash – fell due to dieback. G2: Hazel – coppice to 0.5m from ground level to increase biodiversity. G3: Hornbeam – crown thinning by up to20%. Remove squirrel damaged branches. To reveal healthy wood and promote growth. G4: Sycamore & Ash – Remove due to poor condition. T1:Ash – crown lift to 6m from ground level to allow light to understorey trees. T2: Ash – fell due to dieback. T3: Cherry – fell due to encroachment into garden and to provide more room for other cherry trees. T4: Willow – pollard to 3m from ground level to encourage healthy regrowth. T5: Hornbeam – crown lift to 3m from ground level to increase biodiversity. T6: Maple – crown thin by up to 25% to reduce.

Support the application and comment that DPC would recommend the replacement of trees which will be or have been felled (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Neale).

  1. Correspondence, 3/12/21 Resident, Construction of a balcony instead of a Juliette balcony approved in the planning application

The Clerk is to respond that DPC will not be writing to SHDC because this is not DPC core business and SHDC is the responsible authority (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Nightingale).

  1. Holes drilled in lower trunk of two diseased mature village trees

DPC will make it known publicly that it is not acceptable to damage and kill trees (resolution unanimous except Cllr Green who was not present due to IT connection issues).

  1. Platinum Jubilee Events

An extraordinary meeting will be held on 9 February to consider an application to use The Ham for a community Jubilee Lunch.

  1. Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
    • Playground Task and Finish Group

It was resolved to approve the Playground TAFG’s unanimous suggestion that it be disbanded (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Nightingale).

  • Dog Fouling Task and Finish Group

The circulated update report from Cllr Neale was noted.

  • Ham Events

The request from the South West Gaffers for tents and campervans on The Ham 5-8 August 2022 for Dittisham Regatta was approved (resolution proposed Cllr Bond, seconded Cllr Neale, Cllr Unitt absent for this vote).

  • Village Hall Management Committee

The circulated update report from Cllr Neale was noted.

  1. Buckingham Palace Garden Party Wednesday 25 May 2022 – Invitation Draw

The Clerk was instructed to ask five former DPC Chairs if they would like to go into the draw, and to have a local draw if more than one wishes to attend.



  1. Financial Matters
    • Financial Report

The Report was adopted by resolution.

  • Payments Due

It was resolved to approve the following payments:

  • Clerk Office Expenses Reimbursement CE46 £21.92 which the Clerk advised will be reduced due to shared Zoom access
  • Cuming Containers, Removal of green waste, £230 + VAT
  • P Wheatley, Paint Old Chapel Burial Ground Railings, £260
  • Income and Expenditure Accounts

The recommendation to change to Income and Expenditure accounts was approved (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Unitt).

  • Risk Assessment Review

It was resolved to approve the 2021 Review as circulated.

  • Overtime Claim

The claim for 14 hours overtime to set up the accounting software was approved.

  1. Jubilee Steps

It was resolved that the consideration of installing a railing would be reviewed in the autumn (resolution proposed Cllr Unitt, seconded Cllr Neale.

  1. Correspondence

The following correspondence has been addressed, for information only.

  • Received

9/1/22, Resident, Construction of a wall: DCC matter

  1. Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held 2 March 2022 at 7:00 pm.

  1. Process for confirming the virtual meeting’s decisions in the Village Hall

The Clerk shared their screen to show councillors a copy of the list of principle or policy decisions which to be ratified in the following meeting in the Village Hall.

Meeting in Dittisham Village Hall

  • Present: Cllr Tucker (Chair), Bond, Quinn, and Unitt, and A Thom (Clerk).

5/22      Confirmation of Decisions

It was resolved to confirm the list of principle or policy decisions made by the preceding public virtual meeting (resolution proposed Cllr Tucker, seconded Cllr Quinn).

The ratified decisions are as follows and described above:

  1. Approval of the Minutes

4.1.      Concerns raised by a resident about the amount of Building Work in the Village.

  1. Correspondence, 3/12/21 Resident, Construction of a balcony instead of a Juliette balcony
  2. Holes drilled in trees

13.1      Playground – To approve the Playground TAFG’s unanimous suggestion that it be disbanded.

13.3      Ham Events – South West Gaffers’ request

  1. Buckingham Palace Garden Party

15.3      Income and Expenditure Accounts

15.4      Risk Assessment Review

15.5      Overtime Claim

  1. Jubilee Steps