‘A Member Of Ditsum Players’
Membership helps us to continue to offer high quality productions, and attract new Players, as well as people with technical skills, or those happy to provide backstage support in the future. The Players are always looking to expand our Membership and bring new energy into the group.
In addition to helping ensure the perpetuity of our not-for-profit theatre group, Members of Ditsum Players will be notified of any forthcoming plays four weeks prior to any performance by email.
Cost of Membership:
There is no charge to become a Member. All you have to do is provide us with your name and email address and you will be automatically included in our mailing list to receive advance notice and booking details of all our productions, events and important notices
Please click on the link at the bottom of this page to complete your application. Once done select the ‘Submit’ button to finalise your application.
If you are having difficulty in completing or submitting your application please contact: or by phone on:
01803 722633