West Dart Bus


West Dart Bus Timetable

The West Dart Bus Timetable:

Coming soon.

Booking essential – at least 24 hours prior to departure.
Call: 01752 690444 or email:

Travel is free – donations very welcome

The West Dart Bus is run by the Ivybridge and District Community Transport Association (IDCTA).

They are often able to assist with one-off requirements as needed – please ask!

Office: 01752 690 444 or

Local Liaison Officer, Tony : 07849142455

Bus driver’s mobile number: 07849142413

Local Bus Service

There is no public Stagecoach service into the village. The nearest bus stop is at the Sportsmans Arms.

For public transport information in Devon, visit: new.devon.gov.uk/travel
Traveline: 0871 200 22 33    www.traveline.info

Concessionary Bus Travel: 01392 383688