Eligibility for Residents’ Permits

All private property owners and residents within the Parish of Dittisham who pay SHDC Council Tax for the property may apply for private car parking permits. The permits are specific to the named person(s) shown on the annual Council Tax advice invoice. The vehicle names ownership for which the permit applied for must match the name(s) on the Council Tax bill and V5C vehicle registration document will be required for permit applications.

Business Rate payers are not eligible for permits.

A maximum of two permits per property will be issued.

The first permit for each household to be valid in both The Ham and The Level car parks and be free of charge.

The second permit for each household to be valid in The Ham car park only and be free of charge. Should the householder choose for a second permit to be valid in both car parks a fee of £100 per annum is payable.

A change of permit details may be made up to four times per annum for each permit e.g. change of vehicle.

Permits are valid 24 hours a day all year.

Permits are non-transferable and valid only in Dittisham car parks.

Residents’ Permit Help and Advice

Please contact South Hams District Council for assistance with technical issues in obtaining and managing your residents’ permit:

Preferably by email to

Alternatively by phoning SHDC Customer Service on 01803 86 1234

Dittisham Parish Council will assist applicants, where possible, with help and /or advice in obtaining their permits. Please contact any of the persons below:

Cllr. Richard Bond
Tel. 01803 722549
Email –

Cllr Graham Anderson
Tel. 01803 722220
Email –

Cllr Mike Faulkner
Tel. 01803 722549
Email –

Dittisham Car Park Tariffs

Dittisham Car Park Tariffs


Car Park

1⁄2 hour 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours All day 1800 to 0900
The Ham 50p £1 £2 £3 £3.50 £5.00 no charge
The Level n/a £1 £2 £3 £3.50 £5.00  no charge

Seven day ticket £25.00

RingGo can be used to make payment. Machines are coin only and do not give change.

After 6.00 pm tickets can be purchased for the next day.
The same charges apply to both car parks.
The same charges apply all days of the year including weekends and holidays.


Click here to download

How RingGo (Cashless Parking) Works

RingGo lets you pay for your parking without coins, you just need a payment card and a smartphone or pc.

Click here for more information. This link takes you to an external site over which the Parish Council has no control.