The Agenda can be read below Agenda for October meeting or downloaded here:

Incorporating the Hamlet of Capton and the Manors of Bozomzeal and Coombe
To all members of Dittisham Parish Council Sept. 26th 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council to be held in
Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 2
nd October 2024 at 7:00p.m for the purpose of
transacting the following business.
a. Public Forum
To consider any issues raised by members of the public.
Members of the public are invited to give their views, to question the Parish Council about issues
on this Agenda, or to raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chair.
1.To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Interests
To declare interests in items on the Agenda.
3. Approval of Minutes
To consider approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 4
th September 2024.
4. Community Reports
4.1. South Hams District Council Councillor
4.2. Devon County Council Councillor
5. Financial Matters
5.1. Financial Reports
To note Financial Reports
5.2. Payments
To authorise the following payments:
 Clerk Expenses Reimbursement for July, August and September – £187.39
 Payment for Car Park Attendant June-September – £500.
To note payments authorised since the last monthly meeting:
Ringo processing fee, SHDC, £234.22
Tindle newspaper, for advert in Kingsbridge Gazette £134.40
To reimburse Cllr Bond for Parish-related hardware expenses £6.78 and £4 respectively.
6.0 Planning Decisions to note since our September meeting.
6.1. 2062/24/LBC Myrtle Cottage, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX Listed Building Consent for
of 5 timber single glazed windows – withdrawn
7.0 New Planning Applications
7.1. 2280/24/HHO The Old Bakehouse, Manor Street, Dittisham. TQ6 0EX
Proposal: Householder application to add double pile with half hipped
extension to rear, raise ridge line, addition of rooflights & dormer & internal alterations to create
new bedroom suite: comments by 3 October 2024.