The draft minutes from our Sept 4th meeting can be downloaded here Sept 4th 2024 Draft minutes , read below, or found by clicking the following link:
Incorporating the Hamlet of Capton and the Manors of Bozomzeal and Coombe
DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held
in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 4
th September 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Cllrs Nightingale(Chair), Bond(Vice-Chair), Golding, Green, Hawke, Neale,
Pope, and Unitt were present, as were Devon County Council Councillor Hawkins.
SHDC Cllr McKay.
There were no members of the public present in person and there was no Zoom
Public Forum
No issues raised
1. Apologies:
Apologies for absence received from Cllr Golding. (Clerk)
Absent: Cllr Lloyd; Annette Thom (on sick leave – Cllrs sent their best wishes for a
speedy recovery)
2. Declaration of Interests
Cllr Bond declared an interest in item 5.2
3. Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meetings held 3rd July 2024
4. Community Reports
4.1. South Hams District Council Councillor
4.11 Cllr McKay reported that SHDC were working towards taking over the Cider Press in
Dartington to create a local food hub supporting regenerative agriculture and reducing the
supply chain length.
4.12 SHDC have offered to help Schumaker College, Dartington to develop a robust
business plan to enable them to become independent of Dartington Trust. Existing students
have been given assurance that their courses will complete.
4.13 The South Hams Festival – all go for June/July 2025 – Theme climate change and
biodiversity. Matched funding up to £1000 can be claimed by the PC to put on a local event.
4.14 Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) awards up to £10,000 for capital costs if
matched and matching can be for running costs not just capital.
4.15 Oct 11th Sustainable South Hams meeting at Follaton House – (D H has filled in
questionnaire,with Sune’s help, and has signed up to attend)
4.16 South Brent woodland project is developing well. SHDC acquired the land and also
grant support from DEFRA. There are plans to do a similar project in Kingsbridge.
4.17 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is still in consultation and SHDC will
be appealing the suggestion that the housing formula indicates that 875 new houses need to
be built in South Hams per year (up from 550).