The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN 2024 November 06 DPC Draft Minutes
DRAFT Minutes of the monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council on
Wednesday 6th November 2024 in Dittisham Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Nightingale (Chair), Bond(Vice-Chair), Golding, Green, Hawkes, Neale, Pope, and Unitt
Absent: Cllr Lloyd
There were no members of the public present in person and there was no Zoom audio-connection.
Public Forum: No issues were raised
1. To receive apologies for absence. None.
2. Declaration of Interests: Cllr Neale declared an Other Registerable Interest in the Dittisham
Village Hall Management Committee grant application.
3. Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd October 2024.
4. Community Reports
4.1. South Hams District Council Councillor
Cllr John McKay reported that SHDC has agreed terms with Dartington Hall Estate about the Cider Press project. Discussions continue with regard to Schumacher College.
The Climate Change symposium was very successful. A decision regarding the South Hams Festival will be made on 21st November 2024.
The SHDC budget is being progressed. A consultation regarding SHDC car parking charges will be available soon.
Cllrs questioned Cllr McKay on the following issues:
Tax on second homes (non-primary residences) – how are these residences identified? How will the extra revenue be spent?
Inheritance tax – the effect on farmers?
Cllr McKay will investigate and report back at a future meeting.
4.2. Devon County Council Councillor
Cllr Jonathan Hawkins reported that he had agreed to the locality fund (£500) being put towards the cost of the defibrillator on The Ham.
Dartmouth Youth Club – Well attended. Several free trips have been organised. Ivy Lane hasn’t been sold yet, so the Club can continue to meet there for a while longer. Plans for the development of the RNLI building will continue.
Friday Hub at Townstal Village Hall 10.30-1pm. Reminder that free refreshments, access to a range of services and the foodbank are available.
Dartmouth Composting project is progressing.
Cllr Hawkins attended a SHDC Overview and Scrutiny meeting that was specially arranged to raise concerns with officers from South West Water about pollution in our rivers from sewage and flooding.
SHDC have a financial deficit of £1.3 million (mostly as a result of the cost of waste and recycling and the Leisure Centres).
‘Tractor of lights’ event: Dec 14th driving from Dartmouth Park and Ride to Town Centre.
5. Financial Matters
5.1. Financial Reports
The Financial Reports and Bank Reconciliations were noted.
Finance Committee to discuss and clarify presentation of the financial information.
Car Parks Working Group to report back to a future meeting re parking meter data that they
5.2. Payments: The following payments were authorised:
Defibrillator The Ham £2,795.00
Scribe Accounting Software £328.32
RingGo Service Fee July-September 2024 £311.90
Clerk Expenses Reimbursement for £67.12
Parish Lengthsman June to September 2024, £287.50
Annual Level Car Park Loan repayment £5,000
Payments authorised since the last monthly meeting were noted:
External Audit £378.00
South West Water (SWW) Quay tap. March to Sept 2024 £53.29
Annual support agreement Defibrillator on the Ham £198.00
5.3. Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/2024
The Final Report from the External Auditor was noted
5.4. Local Government Pay Award 2024/25
The implementation of the new Award was noted.
6. Planning Decisions to note since our October meeting.
6.1. 2279/24/LBC and 2280/24/HHO The Old Bakehouse, Manor Street, Dittisham. TQ6 0EX.
Householder application to add double pile with half hipped extension to rear, raise ridge line, addition of roof lights & dormer & internal alterations to create new bedroom suite:
Conditional approval for both LBC and HHO applications
6.2. 2620/24/LBC and 621/24/HHO Lilac Cottage,The Level, Dittisham,TQ6 0ES
Householder application for loft alterations, minor alterations to first floor & outbuilding:
Conditional approval for both LBC and HHO applications
7.0 New Planning Applications
7.1 2812/24/HHO High Standing, Rectory Lane, Dittisham, TQ6 0HD – Proposal: Householder application for alterations to roof tiles, installation of solar panels & roof lights, replacement & alterations of windows & doors, replacement of uPVC lobby structure & front door canopy & rendering of external walls.
SUPPORTED (by resolution) No comment
7.2 3187/24/HHO Shimmerings, Riverside Road, Dittisham, TQ6 0HS – Proposal: Householder application for erection of new outbuilding & retaining wall in rear garden: SUPPORTED (by resolution) Comment: Lighting re dark skies; not to be used as ancillary accommodation; colour of external timber cladding to blend with the surrounding.
7.3 1884/24/LBC Myrtle Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX – Listed Building Consent for replacement windows, cement render removed & replaced with lime render, soil pipe reinstated, facia board & gutter/downpipe replaced & general repairs. SUPPORTED (by resolution) No comment.
8.0 Review of DPC Car Parks’ Charges, Times, and Enforcement of Parking on DPC’s Beach
The Reports were considered.
It was resolved to treat the DPC carparks as SHDC Zone 2 types with the following modifications: No 30 minute, 24 hour or overnight parking; and to apply increases to the tariffs.
It was resolved to change the charging time to start at 8am and end at 6pm.
It was resolved to maintain the current enforcement area.
It was resolved to retain the current types, numbers of permits, and eligibility criteria.
DPC’s proposals will be fed back to SHDC for inclusion in their public consultation.
9.0 Update Cllr info and composition of working groups.
To be finalised and agreed at a future meeting.
10.0 Reports from Working Groups and External Forums
10.1 Patients Participation Group Meeting
Cllr Unitt attended the meeting on October 9th 2024 and will be attending a further meeting on Friday 8th November to test the new appointment system.
10.2 Maintenance Working Group
Maintenance work on the benches on The Ham will start in the New Year.
10.3 Many thanks to the Rotary Club who have gifted some purple flowering Crocus bulbs. It was agreed to plant more bulbs in the current planting sites on the Ham triangle and in the Level Carpark to raise awareness of their ‘End Polio Now’ campaign.
10.4 Emergency Plan
Checking phone contacts and consideration of a Draft Emergency Advice Card will be discussed on the PC Planning day.
The PC are supportive of Cllr Unitt researching the technical possibilities of having an emergency generator for Village Hall.
10.5 West Dart Bus
Cllr Hawkes provided an extensive report covering the history and current situation.
He reported that more people are taking advantage of this provision.
11.0 Airband
DPC agreed for Cllrs Neale and Nightingale to write to Airband to ask for an update on broadband provision for the Parish, and to our MP to support her efforts to resolve the current situation.
12.0 Climate & Nature
Sustainable South Hams Update (SusSH) – Climate and Nature Symposium – Fri 11th Oct
Cllr Hawkes provided a comprehensive report.
The presentation by Cllr Nightingale was deferred
13.0 Grant application made to DPC
The application from Dittisham Village Hall Management Committee for a 2025/26 grant will be discussed further and a decision made at a future meeting.
14.0 Correspondence:
The correspondence was noted:
SWW limited access to roads in Ditsum in October – thanks to Cllr Bond for disseminating the information to parishioners so promptly.
South Hams Community Action – Volunteer Engagement Event. Weds 13.11.24
Letter of thanks to the organisers of the Dittisham Music Festival was much appreciated
Request for information, from Crediton PC, with regards to having drains and culverts cleared. Cllr Bond responded.
Raleigh Estate – The PC agreed to engage with the project to develop walking routes on the Estate. Cllrs Bond, Green and Neale will be involved.
The missing sign at the T junction to indicate the way to Bosomzeal – residents are encouraged to report the lack of a sign on the DCC ‘report it’ site. The correspondent has been informed that the provision of a sign is on the DCC list and DPC will contact DCC to raise the matter again.
15.0 Consultations –
The following consultations were noted
15.1 Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) sets out the transport priorities across the county between 2025 and 2040. Does DPC wish to respond? (draft document of the plan is available to view on the Have Your Say webpage)
15.2 Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue – Precept consultation
16.0 Cllrs Strategic Planning Meeting.
It was resolved to have a budget of £180.
17.0 Next Meeting:
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on December 4th 2024 at 7:00 pm in Dittisham Village Hall.
18.0 Closure of the Meeting
It was resolved, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item because of the confidential nature of the business.
19.0 Quote for cutting Riverside Rd hedge – it was resolved to accept the quote £590.
20.0 Quote for Jubilee steps handrail – deferred.
The meeting closed 9.15pm
Ros Neale 2nd Clerk