The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN 2024 December 04 Draft Minutes
DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council on
Wednesday 4 December 2024 in Dittisham Village Hall
Present: Parish Cllrs Nightingale (Chair), Bond (Vice-Chair), Golding, Hawkes, Neale, Pope, and Unitt, and Devon County Council Cllr Hawkins.
Absent: Cllrs Green and Lloyd.
There were no members of the public present in person and there was no Zoom audio-connection.
Public Forum
No matters were raised.
Apologies for absence were received from DPC Cllr Lloyd and SHDC Cllr McKay.
Declaration of Interests
Cllr Pope declared an interest in the planning application for Shearwater.
Cllr Hawkes declared an interest in the Friends of the Dart grant application.
Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2024.
Community Reports
4.1. South Hams District Council Councillor
Deferred in the absence of Cllr McKay.
4.2. Devon County Council Councillor
Cllr Hawkins reported that there will be a full council meetings for both SHDC and DCC on Thursday 5 December.
SHDC will be debating the proposed new parking charges on 6 December 2024. This will be followed by a public consultation before final decisions are made in the New Year.
A decision will be made in February 2025 about devolution to combine DCC with Torbay Council. The Government are thinking about making Devon and Cornwall into a combined authority. Cllr Hawkins has serious reservations about introducing a Mayoral system.
The Friday Hub at Townstal Community Hall continues to support the needs of local people. Families receiving child credit benefits will receive £20 vouchers for each child this Christmas. DCC is liaising with schools to give children of families who fall just outside the criteria to also receive the voucher.
The Youth Club goes from strength to strength.
A major donor has come forward to support the development of the RNLI building project, should it go ahead.
FREE trips for children: Plymouth Argyle fixture; Panto at the Theatre Royal, Plymouth; Roller blading at the Dartmouth Leisure Centre; Fish and Chips at Rockfish.
Cllr Hawkins asked if the information about the Townstal Community Hub could be put in the Parish Magazine. This was agreed and Cllr Nightingale suggested creating an advert for this purpose.
Cllr Hawkes suggested using the West Dart Bus to take youngsters from outlying villages to the Youth Club activities.
Review of DPC Car Parks’ Tariffs
The Chair proposed to suspend Standing Order 7(c) so the future car parks’ tariffs for Dittisham Parish Council’s Car Parks could be reconsidered. Carried (by resolution)
It was resolved to adopt the residents discount scheme, as per SHDC proposal, and to adopt SHDC’s proposed standard tariffs for its car parks in Totnes (excluding Longmarsh) with following modifications: No 30 minute, 24 hour, or overnight parking.
The resolutions agreed at the November meeting of DPC were maintained:
To change the charging time to start at 8am and end at 6pm.
To maintain the current enforcement area.
To retain the current types, numbers of permits, and eligibility criteria.
Charges for Dittisham Sailing Club and Level Car Park permits.
DPC’s proposals will be fed back to SHDC for inclusion in their public consultation, due to start in the near future.
Closure of the Meeting at 19.30
It was resolved, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the commercial-in-confidence or legal nature of the business.
DCC Cllr Hawkins left the meeting.
Management of a Freehold Title
This item was moved forward on the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion.
It was resolved to approve the payment of the invoice for £500 received from DPC’s solicitors.
An action plan was agreed to progress the management of the Freehold Title
Meeting re-opened to members of the public and press at 19.30.
9.1. Financial Reports
The Financial Reports and Bank Reconciliations were noted. The reports showed total funds of £91,257.95 and an unearmarked general fund of £38,332.52 at 30 November 2024.
9.2. Payments
The following payments were authorised:
Village Hall Hire July to November 2024 £130.00
Clerk November expenses reimbursement £37.86
Royal British Legion grant £50.00
Cllr Hawkes left the meeting
9.3. Grant Application Request
It was resolved to make a grant of £500 to the Friends of the Dart.
Cllr Hawkes returned to the meeting.
9.4 Draft 2025/26 Budget
The report was noted. The Finance Working Group will meet again to finalise a proposed budget.
Grants Received to support the purchase of the Defibrillator on The Ham
It was agreed to write to thank Dittisham Sailing Club, The Parish of Dittisham Charity, and Devon County Council for their financial support.
SHDC Planning Decisions since the November meeting
The following decision was noted:
2812/24/HHO High Standing, Rectory Lane, Dittisham, TQ6 0HD. Conditional Approval.
New Planning Applications
12.1 2482/24/HHO Tunis, The Quay. Dittisham TQ6 0EZ. Householder application for extension to rear of property with associated works inc demolition & rebuild of existing ancillary building.
OBJECT (by resolution) with the following comments:
The proposal to extend the property from a 2/3 bedroom dwelling to a property providing 4 bedrooms is contributing to the poor housing mix in the Parish and the under supply for 1/2/3 bedroom dwellings in Dittisham Parish. (ONS data shows an overprovision of 4 bedroom dwellings in Dittisham Parish).
Notable increase in hard landscaping / loss of permeable and green landscaping leading to increased surface water run-off.
Upscaling of ‘shed’ (as described on plans submitted) to bedroom accommodation is considered over-development.
Increased vehicular traffic in the Conservation Area.
Overall increase to light pollution. DPC is concerned to reduce the cumulative effect of light pollution on the survival of nocturnal species and on residential amenity and recognises the importance of preserving dark landscapes and dark skies.
Overall negative impact on the associated Listed Buildings and the character of the Conservation Area.
If the development is approved, DPC requests:
A condition that the proposed garden accommodation shall not be used as a separate dwelling and remains as proposed, as an ancillary bedroom.
A suitable construction management plan due to the access difficulties of the site.
Appropriate conditions to minimise light pollution, particular attention being on external & garden lighting.
Cllr Pope left the meeting.
12.2 3571/24/HHO Shearwater, Riverside Road, Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for general alterations to internal layout, driveway access, window replacement & some changes to external fenestration & detailing.
SUPPORT (by resolution).
Cllr Pope returned to the meeting.
12.3 Variation of premises licence. Application from The Slipway Café Limited, Unit 4-5 Quayside House, Galmpton TQ5 0EH for a variation to their premises licence. The application is to extend the licensable activities outdoor to a pop-up kitchen from a container and include the seating area on a covered wooden deck as well as all picnic benches of which are in the current car park adjacent to The Slipway Café location.
It was agreed that no comment will be made by DPC.
Cllr Golding gave her apologies and left the meeting.
Consultation – Remote Meetings
It was agreed that Cllrs would respond individually to this consultation.
Closes 19 December 2024
Reports from Working Groups & Councillors with Special Responsibilities
14.1 Village Hall Management Committee
The reports from Cllr Neale were noted:
DPC to the VHMC meeting dated 20 November 2024
Report from the VHMC to DPC meeting dated 4 December 2024.
14.2 New Village Car Park Working Group
Cllr Bond gave a verbal update and further meetings will be arranged to try to progress this project.
14.3 West Dart Bus
The report from Cllr Hawkes was noted. DPC are pleased that the work to secure the future of the bus is progressing well.
DPC’s Zoom Subscription Costs
The proposal to cease the subscription to Zoom was carried by resolution.
Dittisham Community Group to purchase The Red Lion Inn
The Community Group had asked if DPC would like to have a Cllr on the steering group. It was agreed to send a letter declining this offer. However should the Red Lion be purchased by the Group DPC would be willing to become involved in developing its future.
Memorial bench on The Ham: The request for a memorial bench was approved (by resolution). The applicant may choose to refurbish an established bench or provide a new bench in a style agreed by The Council.
Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 15 January 2025 at 7:00 pm.
Closure of the Meeting
It was resolved, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the commercial-in-confidence or legal nature of the business.
Grounds Maintenance Contract
It was resolved to agree the proposal to take up the option to extend the contract for three years to 31 December 2027.
Ham Lane Hedge Maintenance
The Chair proposed to suspend Standing Order 7(c) to consider a revision of the quote accepted by the November meeting. It was resolved to accept the revised quote of £810+VAT.
Quotes for recommended work to re-pollard the Willow on The Ham
It was resolved to accept a quote of £380 to carry out the works.
The meeting closed at 9:25 p.m.