The Approved minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2023 April DPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in
Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Carbon Savers Course, Session 4 – Quality of Life

The 15 minute video was screened. The exercise for this module is to use the quality of life calculator to assess which parts of your day give you the most enjoyment and contribute to your quality of life.

Present: Councillors Anderson (Chair), Nightingale (Vice-Chair), Bond, Green, Hodge, Neale, and Unitt were present, as were A Thom (Clerk), Devon County Cllr Hawkins, and South Hams District Cllr McKay. There were no members of the public.

  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Lloyd and Tucker.

  1. Declaration of Councillors Interests in Items on the Agenda.

Cllr Anderson declared a personal interested in the application from St George’s Church for a grant from DPC.

  1. Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2023.

  1. Public Issues

No matters raised.

  1. Community Reports

    1. South Hams District Council Councillor

SHDC Cllr McKay reported that SHDC Cllrs are receiving a briefing on SHDC’s work to alignm with the Devon wide waste collection service. There is a special full Council meeting on 13 April to approve related payments.

    1. Devon County Council Councillor

DCC Cllr Hawkins said that the timing of the waste service spending decision relates to the timing to order new collection vehicles. The Dartmouth Health and Wellbeing Centre opens next month. Whether the parking for the Centre will be charged and the standard of construction of a secondary access footpath are under discussion. DCC is proposing parking meters in eight towns in Devon, including Dartmouth. Flooding near Venn Lane and near Norton Park has been reported to DCC Highways. An additional £9.4 million has been received for pothole repair in Devon.

  1. Financial Matters

    1. Financial Reports

The Reports were approved by resolution. They showed a total balance of £76,600.67 and an unearmarked general fund of £26,759.70 on 31 March, and the cashbook reconciled with bank statements.

    1. Payments

      1. Payments

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

  • DALC, Being a Good Councillor Course #2 & 3, £36.00

  • SHDC, 22/23 Payroll, £120.00

  • SHDC, Ham Car Park Rates, £2,986.52

  • SHDC, Level Car Park Rates, £2,829.33

  • Dittisham Village Hall, Hire Jan – March 2023, £127.00

  • Community Heartbeat Trust, Annual Support agreements, £396.00

  • Clerk, March Expenses reimbursement, £21.63

  • South West Water, Quay tap December 22 to March 23, £23.91

The decision on whether to continue the Devon Communities Together membership, with an annual fee of £50.00, was deferred to the May meeting.

      1. Payments made since the March meeting

The following payments were noted:

  • Lazerpics, Paper DSC car park permits, £165.00

  • Clerk, March Salary £1,247.95

  • HMRC, March, £212.66

  • NEST Pensions, March, £98.56

      1. It was noted that a DALC, Chair’s Training course booking has been authorised, £36.00.

    1. ReceIpts

The following receipts were noted:

  • SHDC, Grant towards project to clear debris and weeds from roads in the village, £400.00

  • DCC, HMCEF Grant for Lengthsman work in the Parish, £300.00

  • National Grid, Use of Level Car Park during works on Manor Street, £100

    1. Applications to DPC for Grants

  • Village Hall Management Committee, Village Hall maintenance

It was resolved unanimously to approve the application for a grant of £3,000.

  • St George’s Church, Graveyard grounds maintenance

Cllr Anderson left the meeting.

It was resolved unanimously to approve a grant of £1,000, less than the sum requested.

Cllr Anderson returned to the meeting.

  • Citizens Advice South Hams

It was resolved unanimously to approve the application for a grant of £350.

  1. SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decisions were noted:

    1. 3628/22/FUL Herongate Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY Extension to boathouse to provide ancillary accommodation. Withdrawn.

    2. 0064/23/HHO Herons Flight Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS.Householder application for minor changes to the existing planning consent 1183/21/HHO (retrospective). Conditional Approval.

    3. 3296/22/HHO Yew Tree Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. READVERTISEMENT (amended documents) Householder application to replaceexisting single storey extension with new two storey extension & internal alterations, alterations to front parking, replacement of failing & leaking windows & addition of porch canopy above front entrance (Resubmission of 4130/21/FUL). Conditional Approval.

    4. 4337/22/HHO Overdart House Rectory Lane Dittisham TQ6 0HD. Householder application for alterations and additions to existing dwelling (Resubmission of 2238/22/HHO). Conditional Approval.

  1. New planning applications
    1. 0021/23/FUL Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Installation of a solar array and associated works (Retrospective).

It was resolved unanimously to comment in Support.

    1. 0376/23/HHO Watermans Cottage Manor Street Dittisham. Householder application for demolition of existing summerhouse & re- build in new style (resubmission of 2539/22/HHO).

It was resolved unanimously to comment in Support with the condition that the summerhouse is ancillary to the use of the main dwelling, and also to raise DPC’s concerns regarding light pollution.

    1. 0442/23/HHO & 0443/23/LBC Church Cottage Higher Street Dittisham TQ6 0HT. Householder application & Listed building consent for internal alterations to change an existing first floor dressing room into a shower room.

It was resolved unanimously to comment in Support.

    1. 0659/23/ARM Distins Boatyard Old Mill Lane Dartmouth. Application for approval of reserved matters following outline consent2327/22/OPA relating to landscaping. Neighbouring Parish Consultee.

It was resolved unanimously to comment in Support.

    1. Variation to the premises licence of The Seahorse Restaurant, 5 South Embankment, Dartmouth, TQ6 9BH.

The application was noted.

    1. For information: 0851/23/COM Land at SX 837 053 Capton Dartmouth TQ6 0JE. Notice of intention to install a telegraph pole at 10.5m high (9m above ground) for the provision of FTTP.

The application was noted.

  1. New tree applications
    1. 1118/23/TEX Langscott Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. : T1: Silver Birch – Wind has blown tree over & T2: Silver Blown – Root plate lifted on one side and heavily leaning, to be dismantled before it falls over.

It was resolved unanimously to comment in Support and to request the planting of suitable replacement trees.

  1. Sustainable South Hams River Assembly 18 March 2023

A verbal report was received on the Assembly.

  1. Consultations

    1. South West Water, Draft Water Resources Management Plan. Closes 9 May 2023.

The Clerk delegated authority to respond, in consultation with Cllrs Nightingale and Anderson.

  1. Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums

    1. Personnel Councillors

It was resolved unanimously to approve the proposed Training and Development Policy.

It was resolved unanimously to delegate the Clerk authority to authorise training as per the Policy.

It was resolved unanimously to agree the recommendation that the Clerk’s core hours remain 18 hours per week for April, May, and June.

The Personnel Committee Councillors support the Civility and Respect Pledge in principle and are reviewing further actions required for DPC take the Pledge. A two minute introductory video was screened.

  1. Application to Hire The Ham for a Coronation Games Event on Monday 8 May

It was resolved unanimously to approve the application with the addition of additional measures to manage the flow and safety of participants and visitors, as circulated, and with an explicit safety policy.

  1. Proposal for maintenance of trees and hedge on the north side of the entrance to the Level Car Park

It was resolved to approve the proposals in the Report.

  1. Request for a new Memorial Bench on The Ham

It was resolved to approve the request and the general location proposed. The precise location remains to be determined.

  1. DPC Cloud Storage Provider

It was resolved to approve the proposal to change DPC to Jottacloud cloud storage.

  1. DPC Standing Orders

It was resolved to approve the updated Standing Orders.

  1. DPC Information Management System Policy

It was resolved to approve the proposed Policy.

  1. Parish Website – COVID resources pages

It was resolved to confirm that the pages will be removed.

  1. DPC Consultation Process

The consideration of a community consultation process was deferred.

  1. To note or consider correspondence

The following correspondence was noted:

  • Sent 9/3/22, DCC Cllrs Hughes and Leadbetter Request for reinstatement on DCC’s gritting schedule. Response received Cllr Hughes (Highways) and a Highways Officer.

  • 9/3/22 Neighbourhood Team Sergeant Introduced and provided contact details

  • Anthony Mangnall MP holding open meetings with South West Water representatives. – Brixham: 30th March 2023 at 5pm & Totnes: 27th April 2023 at 5pm

  • 6/3/23, Notification of installation of one new telegraph pole for the provision of FTTP at Capton, TQ6 0JE

  • 15/3/23, Airband, Notice of road closure permit request on Capton,TQ6 0JE in the next 6 months.

  1. Annual Parish Meeting

It was noted that the Meeting will take place on Wednesday 19 April at 7:00 pm.

  1. Next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council

It was noted that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and the next monthly Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 10 May 2023 starting at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting closed at 21:20