The approved minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2022 July DPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 6 July 2022 at 7:00p.m
The new Neighbourhoods Sergeant for Dartmouth and Rurals joined the meeting via the audio connection. They described their 10 year history in the police, mostly in Torbay. They are now placed in Dartmouth alongside a constable, with responsibility for a huge area. They are recruiting for another constable and hopefully a PCSO as well. They want to try to increase community intelligence and communication, and to build trust and confidence in the Police. They would like to see an equal level service across the patch, with Dittisham seeing an officer at least weekly via PCSOs. They encouraged participation by DPC in the Police Advocate scheme.
Present: Cllrs Anderson (Chair). Nightingale (Vice-Chair), Green, Neale, and Unitt were present, as were A Thom (Clerk) and Devon County Councillor Hawkins. There were no members of the public.
96/22 Apologies:
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bond, Lloyd, and Quinn, and South Hams District Councillor McKay. Cllr Tucker was absent.
97/22 Declaration of Interests
Cllr Anderson declared a personal interest in Item 16 (Protocol in the event of the passing of a Sovereign).
98/22 Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 June 2022.
99/22 Public Issues
99/22.1 Bonfire smoke
A resident has written to DPC about smoke from bonfires in the village.
If bonfire smoke create a nuisance this can be reported to South Ham District Council.
Bonfire smoke can have effects on resident’s health. Green waste smokes, if residents must burn please only burn dry garden waste. The creation of a habitat pile is an alternative.
DPC will provide information about bonfires on the parish website and in a flyer. Cllr Nightingale will update his 2021 article. DPC will work to develop a strategy to reduce local bonfires.
100/22 Community Reports
100/22.1 South Hams District Council Councillor
The Clerk reported that Cllr McKay has been in contact with Officers about the abandoned vehicle on Riverside Road and the legal removal process has now re-started. The Clerk was asked to obtain an estimate of when the vehicle will be removed so that Cllrs can place cones to prevent it being blocked in by other parked cars. Cllr McKay has also been looking into the very poor waste and recycling collection service being received by Lower Street.
100/22.2 Devon County Council Councillor
Devon County Councillor Hawkins noted that there would be an executive meeting of South Hams District Council the following day regarding the waste and recycling contract with FCC. He had no DCC matters to report.
101/22 SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted:
101/22.1 0544/22/TPO Dittisham Sailing Club Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0HS. T001: Oak – Sever Ivy. T002: Oak – Sever Ivy. T004: Oak – Remove lowest primary branch on E side. Hanging over garage. T005: Sycamore – Remove branch with axial crack at approx. 6m from GL on E side. To prevent branch failure onto path or building. T006: Sycamore – Remove epicormic growth from base. To remove conflict with building. T007: Sycamore – Reduce lateral branches over building by 1-2m. To reduce weight of branches. Tree Works Allowed.
101/22.2 0507/22/HHO Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder application for construction of free standing garden building (summerhouse) within rear curtilage (Resubmission of 1105/20/HHO). Refusal.
101/22.3 1104/22/CLP Kebechan House Capton To Capton Cross Capton Devon TQ6 0JE. Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Dormers on the back of Kelbechan house, one with Juliette balcony and amendments to fenestration. Cert of Lawfulness (Proposed) Refusal.
101/22.4 0485/22/FUL Bramble Torr Dittisham TQ6 0HZ. Application for access drive, platforms, building and drainage (Retrospective). Refusal.
101/22.5 0681/22/ARC 2 Watermans Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3,4,6 and 10 of planning consent 1048/19/HHO. Discharge of condition Approved.
102/22 The Planning Inspectorate, Appeal Decision
The following decision was noted:
102/22.1 APP/K1128/X/22/3291595 Vipers Quay, Dittisham, Dartmouth, Devon TQ6 0HE. Lawful Development Certified.
103/22 New planning applications
103/22.1 1767/22/FUL Land at Barberry Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JA. Erection of general purpose agricultural building.
It was resolved unanimously to Support.
103/22.2 1806/22/PDM Barn at Barberry Farm, Dittisham, TQ6 0JA. Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to 1No. dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated operational development (Class Q (a+b)). For information only.
103/22.3 1732/22/LBC St Annes Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed building consent for replacement of external stores door.
It was resolved unanimously to Support.
104/22 Platinum Jubilee Holiday Events
It was decided to write to thank the organisers of the events in the village and to confirm an £800 grant request to the Parish of Dittisham Charity to partially offset DPC’s grants for the community lunch.
105/22 Proposal to Use Village Halls to Create a Network of Outposts for Police Officers
The questions asked in letter from Anthony Mangnall MP have been passed on to the Village Hall Management Committee.
106/22 Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
106/22.1 Ham Events
- Dart 10K Event 2022
It was resolved to approve the 2022 Hire Agreement with the Swim Collective with two changes: to include no drinks served in glass, which the organiser supports, and to note that the event timings are to be confirmed.
Cllr Green declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in the next item and left the meeting.
- Request from residents to book The Ham for a wedding 17 June 2022 (15-18 June hire)
It was resolved to approve the request.
Cllr Green returned to the meeting,
106/22.2 Maintenance Working Group
Cllr Anderson reported that issues raised in the 2022 annual playground inspection are all Low Risk. Simple maintenance items will be dealt with by the MWG. Additional actions required need further review.
The MWG has a project for maintenance of the bus shelter (seating slats, noticeboard, staining, gutter, clear overgrowth). There is a project to look at the installation of posts at the top of Ham Lane. The plan to improve the sight line for vehicles has been discussed with DCC Highways. The basket swing requires a barrier for the September Dart 10K event. The new sleepers have been installed over the ditch adjacent to The Ham Car Park.
107/22 Car Park Attendant Contract
It was resolved to extend the contract for two years, to 18/7/24, to review the frequency of machine emptying required after one year, to update the insurance of money requirements to be consistent with advice from insurers, and to remove the requirement to send an image of each car park ticket when a machine is emptied.
108/22 DPC Trees Risk Assessment Survey
It was decided to accept the quote from the same contractor used in 2021 to carry out the 2022 risk assessment survey.
109/22 Personnel Committee.
The creation of a Personnel Committee and Subcommittee and the Terms of Reference was discussed. It was agreed to use the TOR circulated with two changes – to add to promote wellbeing to the Committee’s TOR and to remove the requirement that a Subcommittee is made up of DPC councillors from the Subcommittee’s TOR. The Committee will have the power to make decisions without consulting the full Council. The final decision was deferred because a special resolution is required to change the decision of the May meeting to create a combined HR and Finance Committee.
110/22 Finance Working Group
It was resolved to add members of the FWG to the Lloyds and NatWest accounts bank mandates.
111/22 Protocol following the passing of a Sovereign
Cllr Anderson left the meeting.
It was resolved to unadopt the ‘Death of a Senior National Figure’ policy which was developed in 2018. The Parish Council will follow the Society of Local Council Clerks Advice Note. The Note discusses what the national protocol and events will be and raises the question of considering events for rescheduling or cancellation. The Advice Note might be useful to the Ditsum Players, Village Hall Management Committee, and Regatta Committee, and the Clerk was asked to share it with them and to add it to the website and Facebook. Cllr Neale will discuss with the VHMC. There will be a condolence book in the Church. DPC’s box of resources (condolence books, black tablecloth etc) is stored in the Village Hall and available for use as required.
Cllr Anderson returned to the meeting.
112/22 Proposal from Creative Car Parks
It was agreed that the proposal for DPC to use Creative Car Parks services in The Ham Car Park will not be assessed further because the company is not able to provide a service in The Level Car Park.
113/22 Financial Matters
113/22.1 Financial Reports.
It was resolved to accept the reports.
113/22.2 Payments
It was resolved to authorise the following payments:
- Play Inspection Company, Annual Inspection, £150.00
- Resident, Jubilee Lunch Grant, £1,848.50
- Cllr Bond, Noticeboard for Bus Shelter Reimbursement £14.99
- Devon Communities Together, Annual Membership Fee £50.00
- Clerk, Office expenses reimbursement CE52 June £19.03
The payments made since the 1 June meeting were noted:
- Clerk, June Salary and May overtime , £1,414.09
- HMRC, June PAYE/NI/ENI, £410.03
It was noted that the May pension payment is late because of issues with the transfer of source account.
DPC was glad to support the Jubilee lunch event on The Ham. The Clerk was asked to publicise its support.
114/22 Annual Insurance Premium
It was noted that the premium has been paid. Cover for subsidence of the Old Chapel Burial Ground wall was included with an additional cost of £117.43, total premium £768.14. The Clerk said that a question about engineering breakdown cover for the car park machines remains outstanding.
115/22 Correspondence
The following correspondence was noted.
- Invitation – Dartmouth Academy/ Reach Programme – July 12th 2022 11am – 4pm
116/22 Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be on 7 September 2022 at 7:00 pm.
117/22 Closure of the Meeting
It was not necessary to consider closing the meeting to consider quotes.
The meeting ended at 21 22.