The Approved Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall, with Zoom audio conferencing, on Wednesday 3 November 2021 at 7:00p.m. can be
downloaded as a pdf here:
MN_2021 November DPC Approved Minutes
or read below.
Present: Councillors Anderson (Meeting Chair), Bond, Neale, Nightingale, and Unitt were present, as were A. Thom (Clerk), two members of the public, and Cllr Quinn and South Hams District Councillor McKay via audio link.
Councillors present via audio link are not able to vote.
184/21 COVID-19
The COVID-19 precautions being taken by the meeting were noted.
185/21 Apologies:
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Tucker (Chair) and Green, and Devon County Councillor Hawkins.
186/21 Declaration of interests
Cllr Unitt declared a personal interest in the Dittisham Sailing Club permits (Item 11.1).
Cllr Quinn declared a personal interest in the Request for a TPO – Ref: 1798627 (Item 9.1).
Cllr Neale declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in 3322/21/HHO Mason Park planning application (Item 8.2).
187/21 Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2021 with the following change to MN 163/21.1: ‘They said that Lod Cottage’s flagstaff is an indication of the height.’ replaces ‘They said that Lod Cottage’s flagstaff blocks some of the view – as an indication of height’.
188/21 Public Issues
188/21.1 Tree Policy & Planting, and Absence of Food Waste Collection
A member of the public raised the issue that no food waste is being collected, noting that the public discussion about issues with the waste and recycling service has focussed on recycling and green waste collection.
They said that the Woodland Trust website has a good paragraph about where to plant trees and asked that the Parish Council look at that please. They also re-extended an invitation for the Parish Council to see from their house the view and the potential effect on that view from tree planting by the Parish Council on The Ham.
189/21 Community Reports
189/21.1 South Hams District Council Councillor
SHDC Cllrs were invited to tour the centre where compacted waste is converted. Cllr McKay said it is extraordinary what technology can do and he actually questions why waste is separated to start with. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee meets tomorrow and will discuss how the decision regarding brown bin collections and the letter which has gone out was made.
For FCC to receive a penalty reports of problems have to come directly from residents into SHDC’s system.
Climate and biodiversity recommendations are being considered tomorrow. This includes South Hams wide targets.
Community Forum presentations have happened. There is a move toward more practical working together with SHDC.
Cllr Nightingale provided the information that the Raleigh Estate is now getting garden waste dumped in lots of their gateways. This is an issue.
189/21.2 Devon County Council Councillor
Deferred in the absence of Cllr Hawkins.
190/21 SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted.
Incorporating the Hamlet of Capton and the Manors of Bozomzeal and Coombe
190/21.1 3024/21/HHO Sherwood Cottage Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for removal of utility structure and garage with replacement single storey extension. Works include removal of existing conservatory, removal of extension to chimney pot and replacement windows. Extension to include external porch (resubmission of 4237/20/HHO). Conditional Approval.
190/21.2 2455/21/FUL Spindlewood Higher Street Dittisham TQ6 0HT. Demolition of existing dwelling and provision of replacement dwelling with associated landscaping. Conditional Approval.
190/21.3 3364/21/LBC 2 Watermans Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed building consent for 15 solar panels on two frames in garden. Withdrawn.
191/21 New planning applications
191/21.1 3495/21/HHO Gurrow Point Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0JH. Householder application for proposed external material changes to East elevation with smaller attic window.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Neale, unanimous).
191/21.2 3322/21/HHO Mason Park Capton TQ6 0JE. Householder application for new sun room to replace porch.
Cllr Neale left the room.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Unitt, unanimous).
Cllr Neale returned to the room.
192/21 New tree applications
192/21.1 Request for a TPO – Ref: 1798627 South Hams District Council No. 1057 Tree Preservation Order 2021. Yew Tree Cottage, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX. Serving of New Order.
Support As Served (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Neale, unanimous).
193/21 SHDC Code of Conduct
It was resolved that DPC would adopt the new Code (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Nightingale, unanimous).
194/21 Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
194/21.1 Car Parks Working Group
The report of the 2022 Review of Dittisham Sailing Club Permits for The Ham Car Park was considered.
It was resolved that there will be a 5% increase in the charge for the 2022/23 permits and subsequently annual CPI increases – as recommended in the Report. There was a discussion about whether to limit the total number of permits, for example a maximum of 200. A cap will not be set this year. Agreed by unanimous resolution.
194/21.2 Dog Fouling Task and Finish Group
There were no objections raised to the proposed location for a bin near Rectory Lane, at the end of the track towards Bozomzeal. The land is unregistered. It was agreed that a 21 day Notice of Intent will be posted. DPC will try to locate the owner and also contact nearby households about the proposal. Agreed by unanimous resolution.
194/21.3 The Ham Events Working Group
It was resolved to agree to receiving payment by the Outdoor Swimming Society for the 2022 hire of The Ham as the deposit in November 2021 and balance by the end of April 2022 or within 3 weeks of tickets going on sale, whichever is sooner.
194/21.4 Maintenance Working Group
It was resolved unanimously to choose playground sign version A and to accept the proposed specifications for square wooden post for the signs.
195/21 Update on Payment of Grants to the Village Hall Management Committee
The Clerk updated DPC on actions taken since the 6 October meeting. The deferred 2021/22 grant of £3,000 for Hall maintenance has now been paid. This is the second year of the requested five year commitment. The
Incorporating the Hamlet of Capton and the Manors of Bozomzeal and Coombe
grant is paid before the works are done, except the 21/22 grant which has been paid by DPC later in the financial year. DPC will need to consider whether maintenance reserve funds can be held by VHMC. DPC does not have a role in the day to day management of the Hall. The intent of the proposal for Cllr Anderson to be present during the Annual Premises Survey Assessment is to facilitate reporting on use of grant funds paid by DPC. Cllr Anderson commented that a letter has been received from the VHMC Chair this week and there may be a meeting during November.
196/21 Report from DPC Representative on Village Hall Management Committee
Cllr Neale discussed the possibility of DPC contributing to the ‘Wish List’ works appeal. The proposal that DPC contributes Items 7, £252 Annual cost of WiFi Internet Connection, and Item 8, £1850 Carpentry Repairs to outside Stores – including new fascia board, doors, gutters etc, will be on the Agenda of the December meeting.
197/21 Tree Planting on The Ham
DPC reviewed its response to the letter from a resident raising objection to eventual height of trees planted by DPC on The Ham because of concerns they will ultimately block residents’ river views, and requesting review or a policy to limit their height to 25 feet. Five councillors have done a further site visit. Their recommendation is no change to trees already planted. DPC is developing a Tree Policy. There will be a public consultation on the draft. The resident’s view will be taken into account in the Policy.
198/21 Remembrance Service Arrangements
The arrangements for DPC’s representative at the Service were confirmed. The donation of £25 to the Royal British Legion in lieu of a new wreath was approved.
199/21 Financial Matters
199/21.1 Consider approval of Financial Report.
The report showed a total balance of £84,239.32 and unearmarked reserves of £12,196.32.
199/21.2 Payments Due
The following payments were approved:
• Clerk, Expenses reimbursement CE43, £87.90
• DALC, Conference attendance (4) & CiLCA, £430.00
• Dartmoor Tree Surgeons, Crown raise Lime & remove dead rowan, £201.60
• SCM Construction Ltd, OCBG Railing Repair, £456.00
199/21.3 Clerk’s Overtime Claim
The claim for six hours overtime between July and November was approved.
199/21.4 Accounting Software
DPC is investigating a changeover to an Accounting Software designed for Parish Councils.
199/21.5 Grant to South Hams Citizens Advice
It was resolved to approve a grant of £300.
199/21.6 Draft Budget & DPC Objectives
Cllrs were asked to provide information about the Working Groups’ 2022/23 requirements for the 1 December Draft Budget.
200/21 Correspondence
• 8/10/21 Resident, Concerns raised about tree planting, Interim response
201/21 Next Meeting
The next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held on 1 December 2021 at 7:00 pm.
202/21 Closure of the Meeting
It was resolved to close the meeting to the press and members of the public because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the remaining business.
203/21 Quotes
The price to obtain the agreed wooden posts for the new playground signs from Southern Timber at a cost of £13.98 per post was accepted.
Incorporating the Hamlet of Capton and the Manors of Bozomzeal and Coombe
The meeting closed at 21:34.