MN_2021 June DPC Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in
Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 2 June 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Lloyd, and Quinn were present, as was Devon County Councillor Hawkins.
On Zoom: Cllr Neale, A Thom (Clerk), and one member of the public. Councillors who are not physically present are not permitted to vote.
111/21 Apologies
Apologies were received from South Hams District Councillor McKay, Cllr Nightingale, and Cllr Green gave advance notice of a conflicting appointment which might delay him.
112/21 Resignation of Cllr Faulkner
Cllr Tucker explained that after 16 years serving the Parish and its Parishioners in roles as Clerk, Councillor, Vice-Chair and Chair to the Council Cllr Faulkner has decided to stand down from the Parish Council. Cllr Tucker said that Cllr Faulkner has put a huge amount into the Parish over that time. There will be a gathering next Wednesday say thank you, weather permitting.
113/21 Declaration of Interests
None declared.
114/21 COVID-19 Response
No comments were made about the Parish project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information.
115/21 Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meetings held on 5 May 2021.
116/21 Public Issues
116/21.1 Recycling Collection Service Questions
A member of the public asked questions about problems with delivery of the new recycling service; including when problems will be resolved, vehicles purchased and sold, food waste, how may residences haven’t been visited (they stated that there are 61 properties beyond Thornwell which have not had a recycling collection using the new system).
In the absence of Cllr McKay, Devon County Cllr Hawkins answered in his capacity as SHDC Cllr for Dartmouth. Cllr Hawkins said that SHDC has weekly meetings with the contractor, FCC. Eight large and three small vehicles have been purchased, and they are looking at purchasing least another one small vehicle. There is a special email address for affected properties to use. Pending resolution, food waste should go in the black bins, not brown garden waste bins. The expansion of the roll out has been ceased for six to eight weeks.
117/21 Community Reports
117/21.1 South Hams District Council Councillor
Deferred in the absence of Cllr McKay.
117/21.2 Devon County Council Councillor
Cllr Hawkins thanked Cllr Faulkner for working with him so well, and said he will be sorely missed and a hard act to follow.
Cllr Hawkins said that DCC had a full meeting last Thursday and had to hire the Rugby Club in Exeter to hold it; at cost to taxpayer and DCC. The building of the Health and Wellbeing Centre starts this month. Weather permitting, the Park and Ride service will be using part of the unused playing fields at Norton over the summer. Cllr Hawkins commented that Lower Street looks lovely after the roadworks. The roundabout at Sainsburys should finish on Friday. There will be no traffic lights until some night-time closures for three days in June / July.
118/21 SHDC Planning Decisions Noted
118/21.1 1034/21/PDM Barn at Capton Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0JE. Prior approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 4 dwellings (Class C3) and associated operational development (Class Qa+b). Prior Approval Given.
118/21.2 1520/21/AGR Part Bramble Torre Farm Dittisham TQ6 0HE. Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development – proposed barn for storage of machinery and timber. Ag Determination details not required.
119/21 New planning applications
119/21.1 1413/21/FUL Newlands Farm Blackawton TQ9 7DR. Extension of existing agricultural building for dry storage.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Lloyd, Cllr Tucker declared a personal interest and abstained).
119/21.2 1381/21/VAR Water Edge Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Application for variation of conditions 2 (approved drawings) and 5 (use as ancillary to main house) of planning consent 0268/16/HHO.
Object (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Lloyd, Cllr Quinn abstained)
Two conditions of planning approval 0268/16/HHO are being breached by commercial and independent use of the boathouse building (the meeting was told it has been advertised on Air BnB for 18 months) and a change in floor plan to use the loft space for sleeping. DPC will ask planners to enforce the conditions and ask for a retrospective application for the use.
119/21.3 0546/21/FUL Little Coombe Cedar Huts Dittisham TQ6 0JB. READVERTISEMENT (revised plans received 17.05.21) Installation of 5 new shepherds huts, relocation of Airstream caravan and associated development.
Object on the same grounds as DPC’s previous comment on this application (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Bond, unanimous)
119/21.4 0763/21/HHO Low Dolphin, Lower Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HY READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans received and amended development description) Householder application for new rear extension with internal alterations to existing building and the removal of garage door
Object on the same grounds as DPC’s previous comment on this application (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Bond, unanimous)
120/21 Reports from Councillors Working Groups & Specific Responsibilities / External Forums
120/21.1 Maintenance Working Group
SHDC has responded that it does not have resources to quote and carry out works related to the surface outside Binham Cottage. The Clerk’s suggestion that DPC engage ‘handyman’ contractor to facilitate completion of projects was supported.
120/21.2 Ham Events Working Group
South West Gaffers’ written application for up to 12 in total campervans overnight in the Ham Car Park & tents on the Ham 13 – 16 August 2021 during Dittisham Regatta was considered. South West Gaffers has provided evidence of public liability insurance. The WG has prepared a plan providing spaces for up to six tents spaced 6 metres apart. The WG’s recommendation to approve South West Gaffers’ request on that basis was approved unanimously.
120/21.3 Vehicles parked at junction of Manor Street and The Lane
The Clerk was delegated authority to finalise the A5 windscreen note.
121/21 Emptying of Bins on The Ham
FCC’s schedule is to empty the dog and litter bins on Fridays and Mondays. FCC has advised that additional collections are £3.00 per collection if there is capacity to collect on another day. The meeting supported pursuing additional collections and the Clerk was also asked to check if FCC empties the bins on a bank holiday.
122/21 Lobbying Government for Remote Meeting Legislation
It was resolved unanimously to write supporting remote meeting legislation. The flexibility is considered valuable.
123/21 Fraud Protection Training offer from South West Regional Organised Crime Unit
The Clerk was asked to request training and support.
124/21 Parish Council Information Security
The recommendations in the Clerk’s Report about an incident where historical documents stored in filing cabinets in the Village Hall were left unlocked were approved: ten project hours allocated to complete records review and disposal project, allocation of four additional core Clerk hours per week for June and probably some long term increase, completion of a performance appraisal to report back to the July meeting, and as DPC’s representative on the Village Hall Management Committee Cllr Neale will work to improve communication.
125/21 DPC Green Filing Cabinets
The Clerk hopes to use the four drawer filing cabinet. If that is possible there will be an old style two drawer metal filing cabinet to dispose of. The Clerk will be responsible for disposal.
126/21 Government Protect Duty Consultation – Use of legislation to enhance the protection of publicly accessible locations from terrorist attacks and ensure organisational preparedness. Closes 2 July.
No comment by DPC.
127/21 Financial Matters
127/21.1 Consider approval of Financial Report
The item was deferred in the absence of the Report.
127/21.2 Payments Due
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
- Tindle Newspapers, Car Park machine attendant contract advert, £111.60
- SHDC, Bollard, £264.00 incl. VAT
127/21.3 Payment Made
The payment of 4th quarter VAT invoice £702.73 since the last meeting was noted.
127/21.4 Clerk’s Overtime Claim
It was resolved to approve the Clerk’s claim for ten hours overtime.
128/21 Correspondence
The correspondence received was noted:
- 11/5/21 West Dart Bus, Notification of alleged collision between vehicle and trailered boat – referred to responsible authorities
129/21 Next Meeting
The holding of the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council on 7 July 2021 at 7:00 pm was confirmed.
130/21 Closure of the Meeting
It was resolved to close the meeting to members of the public and press to address the remaining items because of commercial in confidence nature of the business.
131/21 Insurance Cover
The Clerk was delegated authority to finalise the Parish Council’s insurance cover from 3 July in consultation with councillors. The decision is delayed while the replacement cost of the retaining walls is updated.
132/21 Level Car Park drain clearance quotes
Consideration of the quotes was deferred pending further consideration of new information.
133/21 Car Park Machine Attendant Contract
It was unanimously resolved to accept the quote of £2,000 for the Contract.
134/21 Village Hall Building Works
The Clerk was asked to write to the Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee to feedback on the good job done with the building works.
The meeting closed at 20:28.