MN_2021 February DPC Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held using videoconferencing on Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Green, Lloyd, Neale, and Nightingale were present, as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, Devon County Councillor Hawkins, and A Thom (Clerk). There were two members of the public
17/21 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Quinn.
18/21 Declaration of Interests
None declared.
19/21 Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 January 2021
It was resolved to approve the Minutes.
20/21 COVID-19 Response
The project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information was discussed.
The draft circulated letter of thanks was approved. The proposed ‘spot the first crocus’ and lockdown photo competitions were agreed, and the purchase of small prizes supported (Chair and Clerk to formally approve purchases). Other local parishes are welcome to join an extended photo competition.
21/21 Public Issues
21/21.1 0210/21/HHO Pump Cottage Planning Application
The applicant described the proposals and the reasoning.
21/21.2 Pump Cottage Water
The owner of the property described their concern about water coming into their garden. It is an unusual amount of water which they have not seen before. They appreciate updates received from DPC about further investigations. They said that the new tarmac at the top of the drive helps keep water away and they would be very uncomfortable if anything was done to lower the existing ridge.
21/21.3 Old Chapel Burial Ground Access
A member of the public requested an update on the review of safe public access. Cllr Anderson the summarised the actions taken and agreed by DPC to support the safe access by members of the public to visit graves in the burial ground.
21/21.4 Jubilee Steps
A member of the public said that fruit has fallen and the steps need attention.
21/21.5 Car Blocking Slipway
A member of the public described a recent incident with a parked vehicle near the Ferry Boat Inn creating an obstruction and the owner couldn’t be located. Cllr Tucker said that if vehicles are obstructing the highway they should be reported to the Police.
21/21.6 Snow or Ice warden
A member of the public asked about a warden for the Parish and a gritter which can be towed behind a vehicle. Cllr Tucker said that this is an item later on the Agenda. Insurance and Chapter 8 training issues need to be considered.
21/21.7 Building Site on Riverside Road opposite Ham Lane
Cllr Faulkner raised his concern about materials, vehicles, toilet, and two full size containers one on top of the other on the pavement. Cllr Bond confirmed that this has been reported to Devon County Council which has confirmed that the necessary permission has been provided by DCC.
21/21.8 Vegetation/Weeds on Roads in the Village
Cllr Neale commented on vegetation/weeds on the roads in the village. Community working groups might be a solution. Chapter 8 certification and safety issues would need to be considered. Cllr McKay commented that the mechanical sweepers can use wire brushes.
21/21.9 Scheduling of Building Works
Cllr Lloyd asked whether when commenting on planning applications DPC looks at the overall number of projects happening in the village. Cllr Tucker said that this isn’t considered. DPC does not have the power to schedule works. DPC can request restrictions around deliveries in the village, e.g. school transport hours, in its planning comments.
22/21 Community Reports
22/21.1 South Hams District Council Councillor
In general the waste collection issue has subsided. Cllr McKay has received an email about issues in Lower Street, and asked residents to let him know if there are any problems. Work is being done on the budget and possible climate change actions. Most activities are related to COVID.
Cllr Anderson said that he responded to the SHDC Housing Strategy consultation and has been asked to be on the Working Group.
22/21.2 Devon County Council Councillor
SHDC and DCC are busy with COVID. Considerable grants are available for families and businesses. It is being looked at to relax some of the rules to see if businesses who missed out previously can receive help. There are COVID Compliance Officers (four in the South Hams) working to ensure COVID compliance. Cllr Hawkins asked to please ensure that the police are notified of people visiting their second homes. They can be fined up to £1,000. Councillor Hawkins has been out with the Neighbourhood Officer inspecting Highways. There is a 1.5 million pound increase for capital works on bridleways etc. Recycling Centres are open. Leisure Centres are closed.
23/21 SHDC Planning Decisions
- 3405/20/VAR Cobwebs Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Application for removal of condition 3 of planning consent 18/1460/99/F.
- 3669/20/HHO Gurrow Point Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0JH. Householder application for replacement sunroom with loggia and replacement conservatory with new extension & associated landscaping. Conditional Approval.
- 3681/20/OPA Land East of The Cottage Capton TQ6 0JE. Outline Application with all matters reserved for erection of a single dwelling and associated works. Withdrawn.
24/21 New Planning Applications
- 4237/20/HHO Sherwood Cottage Riverside Road Dittisham Devon TQ6 0HS. Householder application for removal of utility structure and garage with replacement single storey extension. Works include removal of existing conservatory, removal of extension to chimney pot and replacement windows.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Nightingale).
- 0210/21/HHO Pump Cottage The Level Dittisham Devon TQ6 0ES. Householder application for alterations and extension and conversion of garage into new accommodation.
Support with DPC’s comment about mitigation of light pollution (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner).
- 0275/21/ARC Gurrow Point Riverside Road Dittisham Devon TQ6 0JH. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 (roof finish details) for planning application 3669/20/HHO.
No comment.
25/21 Consultations
- Interim Devon Carbon Plan, Devon Climate Emergency (DCE) partnership, Closes15/2/21.
The Clerk was delegated authority to respond in consultation with cllrs. A Zoom meeting will be arranged.
26/21 Management of Level Car Park Drains
This item was moved forward on the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion. The assessment of the drainage to date was reviewed. Cllr Bond reported that no dye has been detected in Pump Cottage after adding to the watercourse and to the surface water drains. The Clerk has circulated a report about DPC’s responsibility to maintain watercourse and surface water drainage on its property. It was agreed to continue work to assess and obtain a process and then take it forward.
27/21 Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums
27/21.1 Footpaths Forms and Bids
It was resolved to support the proposed report and three bids for works as circulated.
28/21 Parish Website – Ditsum Players Webpage
It was resolved to support a webpage and associated costs which the Clerk said would be less than £60.
It was agreed that Communications Working Group will review the website. Cllr Bond will coordinate.
29/21 Parish Response to Snow
Suggestions for a snow warden, grit bin shovels, or other resilience measures were considered.
A Snow Warden Working Group was formed: Cllrs Green and Lloyd. Cllr Green will lead. It will get information from the DCC Neighbourhood Officer. To report to the March meeting.
It was resolved to approve expenditure of up to £150 for the Clerk to organise purchase of shovels for grit bins.
30/21 Vehicles parked at junction of Manor Street and The Lane
Cllrs Anderson and Bond will review and report to the March meeting.
31/21 Event on The Ham – Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2-5 June 2022
The proposed community event is of the type DPC is keen to support. The Clerk advised that the application is currently an in principle approval and uses The Ham for more than four days in total, both of which are against DPC policy. The applicant is expecting to have more details in the near future. The Parish Council agreed that it would hold the days open for the applicant for three months while the applicants confirms their requirements.
32/21 Management of Toilets on The Ham
The Clerk asked whether SHDC wishes to consider evaluation of the service being provided. DPC has a contract with SHDC which gives SHDC permission to provide the toilet facilities. The Clerk was asked to write to SHDC about whether there might be a breach of the agreement.
33/21 Census Day – Sunday 21 March 2021
No additional actions were proposed to advertise the Census.
34/21 Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill
For information only.
35/21 Financial Matters
35/21.1 Consider approval of the financial report.
It was resolved to approve the report which showed a total balance of £59,974.47 and unearmarked reserves of £10,843.65.
35/21.2 Payments
- Cllr Anderson, 1/200 OS Plan of OCBG, £17.40
- Cllr Bond, Dye, batteries and torch, £18.54
- Cllr Faulkner, Trees etc for The Ham planting, £230.95
- SHDC, Grounds Maintenance 2020, £1,103.40
It was resolved to approve the payments. Cllr Anderson, Bond, and Faulkner abstained.
35/21.3 VAT Payment
The third quarter VAT payment of £692.50 or slightly more if Level Car Park permits have been sold in the period was approved by resolution.
36/21 Correspondence
16/12/20, 2021/22 Local Government Finance Settlement: Technical Consultation. Closed 16/1/21
22/1/21, Village Hall Management Committee, DPC’s decision to defer a decision on the grant application
26/1/21, DCC, Co-ordination of installation of electric supply and resurfacing works
37/21 Scheduling of Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
The Annual Parish Meeting was scheduled for 21 April at 7 pm. It is an opportunity to review achievements, encourage connection, and to celebrate and honour. Working Groups were asked to choose their top three to four achievements to talk about. The Clerk was asked to ask Parishioners for topics for the meeting. This will be discussed by the March meeting.
38/21 Next meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be on 3 March 2021 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting closed at 21:35