DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held on
Wednesday 2 September 2020 at 7:00p.m using public videoconferencing

Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Green, Nightingale, and Quinn were present, as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, Devon County Councillor Hawkins, and A Thom (Clerk). There were two members of the public.

174/20  Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Lloyd.

175/20 Declaration of Interests

None declared.

176/20  Approval of the minutes of the meetings held on 1 July, and 22 July 2020.

It was resolved to approve the minutes.

177/20  COVID-19 Response

The project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information was reviewed. No issues were raised.

178/20  Public Issues

178/20.1    Flooding in the Village

There were areas of flooding in the village during the downpours on 13 and 14 August.

A Task and Finish Group was formed to consider the local preventive response to the very heavy rain we have been experiencing. It is made up of Cllrs Green, Bond, and Faulkner, and Mike Pearey (Parish Lengthsman) –. Cllr Hawkins will listen in. The TAFG will contact Cllr Nightingale regarding Capton. Cllr Bond will organise. The group prefers to meet face to face, socially distanced, if possible.

Residents are asked that if there is heavy rain, please go and photograph where the water is running.

The Group will report back to the October or November meeting of DPC.

178/20.2    Complaint about The Ham Bottle Bank

This complaint relates to the bottle bank being left full, and further waste then dumped around it making it more unsightly.

Cllr Tucker asked if the bottle bank might be able to be removed following implementation next year of the new waste system – which includes glass collection from households. Cllr McKay said this might be possible. Cllr McKay will review the suggestion with SHDC’s Officers.

There is a problem with reports of full bottle banks on The Ham not being actioned promptly. This will be chased with Cllr McKay’s assistance. There is also an ongoing problem with fly tipping around the Foxenhole bottle bank.

DPC will request a SHDC Officer’s Briefing on the new recycling service takes place two weeks after the November DPC meeting, on 18 November. This Briefing will be promoted to residents.

178/20.3    Dog fouling

The Clerk passed on that further comments have been received from residents concerned about dog fouling in the village. Cllr McKay reported that Councillors can give fixed penalty notices for littering – training is required if name/address is requested. The Clerk and Cllr McKay will pursue the request already made by DPC, for SHDC to relocate some village bins and for one new bin to be installed.

179/20  Community Reports

179/20.1     Devon County Council Councillor

County Cllr Hawkins said that he had nothing to report.

Cllr Tucker asked Cllr Hawkins to raise with his colleague, the badly potholed state of the bypass to Dittisham from Totnes. Cllr Nightingale has information about an Energy Saving Trust funded event for councillors about EV charging points, which he will pass on to Cllr Hawkins for dissemination.

179/20.2     South Hams District Council Councillor

South Hams District Council Councillor McKay reported that SHDC is reconsidering its Budget. Although the Council was not in a bad position, there is the prospect of a big budget gap – with the prospect of a COVID second wave plus the effect of Brexit – so SHDC will have to be careful. SHDC is holding workshops on how to recover. There is another Overview and Scrutiny meeting tomorrow. The climate change and biodiversity fund has not been used yet.

Cllr McKay has acquired a traffic speed radar, to accrue data about how fast the traffic in Harbertonford travels, with a view to achieving action on that issue. It is available if needed in other locations.

180/20  Communications in relation to planning/tree applications.

180/20.1     1106/20/LBC Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed Building Consent for construction of ancillary garden building (summerhouse) within rear curtilage. Withdrawn.

180/20.2     1130/20/HHO & 1131/20/LBC Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder & listed building consent for replacement of two low-quality extensions and general refurbishment. Conditional Approval.

180/20.3     1649/20/HHO & 1650/20/LBC Chipton Barton Dittisham TQ6 0HW. Retrospective householder and listed building consent application for conversion of swimming pool barn and proposed refurbishment works. Conditional Approval.

180/20.4     1833/20/VAR Barberry Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JA. Removal of condition (e) of planning consent 18/1285/75/1 (agricultural occupancy condition). Conditional Approval.

180/20.5     2041/20/ARC Kiln Lyon Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning consent 0277/20/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.

180/20.6     Planning Inspectorate regarding appeals for Seymour Drive Application numbers 0319/20/CLE and 2583/19/FUL. The PI will make its decision on both applications at the same time.

180/20.7     Serve a TPO – Ref: 1403309 South Hams District Council No. 1014 Tree Preservation Order 2020. Capton Wood, Capton, centred at SX836540 Confirmed as Served.

181/20  New planning applications.

181/20.1     1585/20/FUL Land adjacent to Dartmouth Park and Ride site Wessex Way Dartmouth. READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Construction of new two storey Health and Well-being Centre and associated external works.

No further comments.

181/20.2     2626/20/ARC Bruckton Shippon Dittisham TQ6 0HW. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4 & 5 of listed building consent 0204/20/LBC.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Nightingale, unanimous).

181/20.3     2516/20/LBC & 2515/20/HHO 1 Glendale Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EY. Listed building and householder consent for internal alterations, general refurbishment and installation of 2no. rooflights.

The proposal has rooflights facing south.

Support with DPC’s comment about addressing the cumulative effect of light pollution on nocturnal species and on residential amenity (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner, unanimous).

181/20.4     2123/20/LBC The Linhay Barn, Chipton Barton Dittisham TQ6 0HW. Listed building consent for refurbishment works.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Nightingale, unanimous).

182/20  Planning application responded to during the Clerk’s leave

182/20.1     2132/20/VAR Greenbank Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following grant of planning consent 3578/19/FUL to install 12no. solar pv panels and 2no. velux roof lights on south east roof elevation, alterations to 1no. living room window from flat to shallow bay window.

183/20  Consultations

  • England Tree Strategy. Closes 11 September 2020

Cllrs Green, Faulkner, and Nightingale are preparing a response.

  • SHDC Parking Permit Review. Closes 11 September 2020
  • NALC proposed changes to the current planning system. Closes 17 September 2020

Cllr Anderson said that the proposal tries to reinforce protection of the AONB and similar areas.

  • NALC White paper – Planning for the future. Closes 15 October 2020
  • NALC Transparency and competition (land control). Closes 16 October 2020
  • DCC 2021-2027 Updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Devon. Closes 15 October 2020

The Task and Finish Group will make suggestions.

  • SHDC Licensing Act 2003 – Licensing Policy Consultation. Closes 16 October 2020

184/20  Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums

184/20.1     Maintenance Working Group

The birds nest swing has been installed on The Ham. One shackle went missing post-installation. It has been replaced with the same. The playground inspection report identified that the birds nest swing is a little too low. The installer has been asked to rectify.

Hemlock Water Dropwort was identified on The Ham, by Sustainable Dittisham. Cllr Bond took management advice from the Environment Agency. There is no specific guidance on what to do. It has been cut and left.

184/20.2    Car Parks

Regarding the Dittisham Sailing Club permits, the Working Group is mindful of DSC’s November AGM, but the Working Group needs to meet to form a view. It will report to the 7 October meeting of DPC.

A member of public joined the meeting temporarily.

185/20  Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

It was agreed to promote the vacancy without a closing date for submissions of interest.

186/20  Financial Matters

186/20.1     Financial Report

The report, which showed a balance of £61,444.50 and unearmarked reserves of £10,725.94 was adopted by resolution.

186/20.2    Payments

It was resolved to approve the following payment: Play Inspection Company, Annual and post-installation inspection, £300.00

It was resolved unanimously to approve the payment of 90% of the following invoice from Wicksteed: Purchase and installation birds nest swing, £8,093.59. 10% will be withheld until the height of the swing has been rectified. The Clerk will write to Wicksteed with feedback about DPC’s experience in purchasing the galleon and the swing. Councillors will send feedback suggestions to the Clerk.

186/20.3     The new national Clerk’s pay agreement with effective date 1 April 2020 was noted.

184/20.4     Clerk’s Overtime Claim

It was resolved to approve   the claim for payment for 20 hours overtime worked, mainly prior to taking annual leave.

A performance review and a review of workload have been planned for October.

185/20  Correspondence

  • 28/7/20 Premier Marinas’ town planning consultant regarding Noss Marina Applications 0504/20/VAR, 0528/20/FUL & 0529/20/FUL. Cllr Anderson responded with clarification to SHDC that DPC supports with robust planning conditions to mitigate any negative effect on the environment.

186/20  Next meeting

It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held on 7 October 2020 at 7:00 pm.


The meeting closed at 20:55.