APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held using public videoconferencing on Wednesday 3 June 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Green, Lloyd, Nightingale, and Quinn were present, as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, Devon County Cllr Hawkins, and A Thom (Clerk). There were six members of the public.

98/20    Apologies

All councillors present.

99/20    Declaration of Interests

Cllr Quinn declared a personal interest in Item 9.1 Dartside planning application.

Cllr Tucker declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Item 21 Outdoor Swimming Society Dart 10K event.

100/20  Supplementary COVID-19 Standing Orders

It was resolved to approve the Standing Orders.

101/20  Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 May 2020.

102/20  COVID-19 Response

Cllrs reviewed the project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information.

Cllr Quinn commended the work being done by Dartmouth Caring and The Red Lion. Cllr Green has noticed that social distancing is not being as well respected which is a concern.

Breaches of the lockdown guidelines can be reported to the Police.

130/20  Public Issues

130/20.1      Bonfires in the village

A member of the public raised their concern that they have observed a lot of bonfires in the village – around every other day. They said fires are mostly green waste. Their concerns are that this is antisocial, can have a negative effect on health, and releases carbon. They commented it is against the law to cause a nuisance and are aware there is a mechanism to report that to SHDC. DPC’s action was requested to prevent residents being disadvantaged.

Cllr Tucker asks residents to be careful and to think of others. Environmental Health at SHDC will come out. Professional landscape gardeners have a duty to take away the garden waste they produce, to the best of his knowledge.

It was agreed particulate pollution, is an issue, especially from green waste. Cllr Nightingale will provide further information.

It was suggested this is partly an education issue. It may be possible to help change habits. The green waste may be able to be allowed to decompose down, and might provide habitat. A community composting scheme supported by shredding by SHDC might be possible. It might be possible to have a local shredder. Sustainable Dittisham might be able to help develop a long-term solution. Cllrs Nightingale and Green, and A Thom will follow this up. The member of the public who raised the matter will send photos.

130/20.2     The Ham Toilets

A member of the public said they are interested DPC’s view on whether it prefers the toilets on The Ham remain closed or be re-opened. They said that Dittisham Sailing Club is considering whether to unlock its building. If The Ham toilets are re-opened it would ease pressure on DSC to re-open. It was noted that the Ham car park is getting busier.

This Agenda item was brought forward by the Chair.

Cllr McKay said it was SHDC’s intention to reopen the toilets in the next week. Toilets need to be cleaned and tested for legionnaires disease so this takes some time. Once opened they will be cleaned twice a day.

DPC took the view that it supports the re-opening of the toilets on The Ham.

Three more members of the public joined the meeting bringing the total to six.

131/20  Community Reports

131/20.1     South Hams District Council Councillor

Cllr McKay reported that he has been working to help local business as best he can. The new discretionary grant is good and positive – filling a gap. However, he thinks that grant will run out of money quickly.

The Overview and Scrutiny meeting tomorrow will be important to plan SHDC’s actions going forward.

The Government is looking at debating the structure of Local Government, with the possible creation of unitary councils.

Cllr Lloyd asked how DPC as a Parish Council feeds into the discussion. Cllr McKay said that the process will be decided by the Secretary of State.

131/20.2     Devon County Council Councillor

Cllr Hawkins gave his view that a unitary council might happen, and that they work, with the advantage that it is clear who is responsible. He said there should be perhaps four unitaries in Devon, because of its large size. He said it is very important that we protect parish and town councils. Cllr Hawkins said that this discussion is of secondary importance at this time.

The COVID-19 pandemic has cost DCC 85 million pounds and SHDC 8.5 million pounds. Both councils are hoping for extra funds from central government. SHDC is likely to have a special budget in September.

The planning application for the Dartmouth Health and Well Being Centre has been submitted.

The Fleet Care Home is now open in Dartmouth, on the former Riverview site.

Satellite imaging of local parishes is being discussed with Sustainable Dittisham. Cllr Hawkins suggested it would be more cost effective to image the entire AONB and the share the cost.

The Forestry Commission is not prosecuting the removal of trees at Seymour Drive in Dartmouth.

Councillor Hawkins emailed report stated:

Both at County and South Hams, Council Meetings are continuing and as the lock down changes both Councils are continuing to keep up with the daily changes that Central Government announce.

County are particularly concerned with the well-being and protection of children and vulnerable people.

With lock down and the continued self distancing these services are adapting to ensure our residents safety comes first.

Schools as we know have now re opened, changes to class rooms and staff safety  have been paramount.

Parents can keep their children home if they feel that there are safety concerns or feel it is best for their families.

South Hams and Devon County have been given money from Central Government to pass onto business to help them over this period.

The most recent has been £2.3 million Discretionary Grants to help those businesses that have not been covered by previous grants.

South Hams are working with all other Districts to provide a Devon Wide scheme, these are in particularly aimed at Marine businesses and those that have no land based facilities.

The Government have also given South Hams £78,000 to help redesign town Centres temporarily to help with social distancing, widening pavements etc


Department of Transport have realised an emergency fund of £250 million for active travel.

Devon’s share is £338,000.

This is for quick wins installing segregated cycle lanes and widening pavements.

On a better note for rural areas such as ours the Government has confirmed that the allocated £27 million for Devon announced in the Autumn 2019 budget is still available.

This will be spent on repairs, resurfacing roads and work to prevent pot holes.

I also spoke recently to our local Police concerning Second Homes, Holiday lets.

If you know of anyone who should not be living in a Second Home or a Holiday let that has visitors please report it to the Police, they should not be here and certainly not staying over night.

The police will visit, warn the offenders and return the next day and give them a fine, if they have not gone by the second day the fine will be doubled.

We have been lucky locally so far and we must do all we can to protect our communities.

132/20  Communications from SHDC in relation to planning applications

The following decisions were noted:

  • 0586/20/LBC Ferry Boat Inn Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed Building Consent for installation of 2no. replacement oak lintels in first floor prep room. Conditional Approval.
  • 0167/20/LBC Darling Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed building consent for replacement windows. Conditional Approval.

Cllr Quinn left the meeting.

133/20  New planning applications

  • 1130/20/HHO & 1131/20/LBC Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Replacement of two low-quality extensions and general refurbishment.

Support (unanimous resolution, proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner).

134/20  Consultations

  • DCC Reallocation of Roadspace for Active Travel

No comment will be made by DPC.

Cllr Quinn re-joined the meeting.

  • DCC New funding for local bus service support. Closes 26 June 2020.

Cllr Hawkins said Dartmouth Town Council has submitted a bid to improve the bus service to Totnes and Torbay Hospitals. DPC agreed that it would take action to support this bid. Clerk to follow up.

Cllr Lloyd left the meeting temporarily.

135/20  Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums

135/20.1     Reports from Working Groups

It was agreed that Groups will submit a summary of the previous year for the July meeting.

135/20.2     Ham Maintenance Working Group

The Report on works undertaken and required was noted.

136/20  Devon Air Ambulance Trust

It was noted that DPC has received notice of a phased reintroduction of services using aircraft modified to protect from COVID-19, and a courtesy request for approval of night training flights.

137/20  Habitat Review

The proposed revised process, working with Sustainable Dittisham’s habitat group instead of Devon Wildlife Trust, and the proposed plan were noted and agreed.

138/20  Dittisham Beach Life Buoy

It was confirmed that replacement is required. The Clerk will respond to the Salcombe Harbour Master.

139/20  Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

Cllr Lloyd re-joined the meeting.

It was agreed that the vacancy for one parish councillor will be re-advertised. A Zoom videoconference meeting will be held on Wednesday 24 June at 6 pm if there are candidates to interview.

140/20  Financial Matters

140/20.1     Financial Report.

It was resolved to adopt the Report which showed a balance of £71,786.23 and unearmarked reserves of £14,710.76.

Cllr Tucker said that the Finance Committee does not think that the car park supervision arrangements need to be changed. The Clerk said that an extraordinary meeting could be used to discuss this formally if needed.

140/20.2                 Payments Due and Received

It was resolved to make the following payments:

  • Village Hall, Hire Feb-April 2019,             £79.20
  • SHDC, Business rates The Level car park,           £2,694.60
  • SHDC, Business rates Ham car park,      £2,844.30
  • OSS, Refund 2020 Hire,                         £6,750.00
  • Maintenance Contractor, Ham retaining wall and other works as invoiced, £1,481.00

Payment of the insurance policy was deferred to the July meeting pending a reply from the broker.

140/20.3     DPC Lloyds account

It was resolved that forty five thousand pounds would be transferred to DPC’s Lloyds account by cheque. The Lloyds account is used to make DPC’s payments by electronic funds transfer.

140/20.4     Asset Register

Consideration of whether to set a value beneath which items will not be added to the Register was deferred pending further information. Whether insurance should be based on a depreciated or replacement value will also be reviewed prior to renewal of the policy.

140/20.5     Review of Risk Assessment and Statement of Internal Controls

It was resolved to approve the documents as circulated.

140/20.6     Village Hall Annual Report

DPC agreed to the Village Hall Management Committee’s request that the Report be made in the Autumn when the works are finished, instead of now as previously agreed. DPC will expect a report for its 7 October 2020 meeting.

140/20.7     Maintenance contract

It was unanimously resolved to approve a one year extension to the contract. This is an option within the existing contract.

140/20.8     Parish Lengthsman contract

It was resolved to add to the infrastructure improvement works funded by a DCC grant, subject to the pending response from DCC on the terms of the grant.

141/20  South West Water

The recent works to clean membranes and their impact on The Ham car park were noted. It was resolved to accept the proposal from SWW that SWW pay for 12 car park spaces for three days.

142/20  Correspondence


22/5/20, HMRC, VAT reply

27 & 29/5/20, SWW, Works and use of the car park

Draft ‘Things to do’ booklet, Dartmouth Caring


20/5/20, HMRC, VAT number and registration

22/5/20, SWW, Works and use of the car park

143/20  Next meeting

The next ordinary meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held on 1 July 2020 at 7:00 pm.

144/20  Outdoor Swimming Society Dart 10K Event

It was resolved to close the meeting to members of the press and the public because of the commercial sensitivity of the matter.

Members of the public, and Cllrs Tucker, McKay and Hawkins left the meeting

The closed discussion agreed DPC’s approach to future Outdoor Swimming Society’s Dart 10K event hires of The Ham.


The meeting closed at 21:21