APPROVED Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held via public videoconferencing on Wednesday 22 July 2020 at 7:00p.m.
Open Forum
- Dog Fouling
The requirement that dogs in public spaces must be on a lead may not be well understood. The person in charge of a dog whether they are the owner or not, must clean up after the dog has fouled in a public space.
SHDC communications have made a new poster – which South Hams District Cllr McKay will send and Cllr Lloyd will post.
Cllr Nightingale will write an article for the parish website and parish magazine about tapeworm spread in dog faeces and the impact on sheep.
b.West Dart Bus
The West Dart Bus would like to know the needs of the residents in the near to mid-term future. One option is to offer a register and book in advance service. This would not be eligible for the Devon wide pass, but they could as an organisation choose not to charge for a trial period, thus preventing the need to handle cash or manage a card payment machine. It would also give a better idea of numbers likely to use the
service under the prevailing conditions. The West Dart Bus could offer a volunteer car service to help those in current need is a demand? Please contact the West Dart Bus directly with comments.
Cllr Faulkner commented that the bus usually takes 6-7 people at most, booking by phone could be obstacle, and the bus is usually busy over the summer holiday makers who have alternative means of transport. Cllr Nightingale said that Sustainable Dittisham is doing a transport survey in about 5-6 weeks and will add questions relevant to the use and demand for the Bus.
Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Lloyd, Nightingale, and Quinn were present, as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, and A Thom (Clerk). There were no members of the public.
165/20 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Green, and from Devon County Cllr Hawkins.
166/20 Declaration of Interests
Cllr Tucker declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Item 7, Outdoor Swimming Society Dart 10K event.
167/20 New planning applications.
167/20.1 1669/20/HHO Capton Mill Cottage Capton Dittisham TQ6 0JE. Householder application for the erection of timber framed studio/workshop with washroom and replacement septic tank.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Bond)
167/20.2 1833/20/VAR Barberry Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JA. Removal of condition (e) of planning consent 18/1285/75/1 (agricultural occupancy condition).
As a CLE has been granted for existing use for breach of the agricultural occupancy condition this application is not relevant. South Hams District Cllr McKay will look into the legal process followed to grant the CLE and respond to DPC.
167/20.3 2041/20/ARC Kiln Lyon Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning consent 0277/20/FUL.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner)
167/20.4 2134/20/FUL The Linhay Barn Chipton Barton Dittisham TQ6 0HW. Refurbishment and change of use from holiday let to full residential.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Nightingale)
168/20 Consultations
- Dog Control Orders. Closes 31 July 2020
DPC supports the renewal of the Public Space Protection Orders and the proposed addition of new orders within existing PSPO areas: that dog walkers must carry dog bags or other container to collect dog waste, and to restrict amount of dogs that can be walked to four at a time. DPC also encourages SHDC communications to reinforce the existing orders.
169/20 Maintenance Contract
The previous maintenance contract ended in July and the contractor has chosen not to accept a one year extension. A communication will be sent thank the previous maintenance contractor for 28 years of service.
Urgent arrangements are being made for grounds maintenance works to be carried out over the short term.
It was resolved to accept SHDC’s proposal for the remaining maintenance works required on The Ham in 2020. It was resolved to delegate to the Clerk authority to decide, taking advice from Maintenance Working Group, whether to accept a pending price from SHDC to strim the Level Car Park in September, and for pending management by SHDC of Hemlock Water Dropwort identified in the gullies around The Ham.
The proposed timeline to develop and advertise a new maintenance contract was accepted: In September DPC will look closely at the contract and incorporate management suggestions from Sustainable Dittisham. The 7/10/20 Meeting of DPC will agree the content of a new contract. Over October and November the contract will be advertised, potential contractors interviewed and quotes assessed. The 2/12/20 meeting of DPC is expected to decide on a new contractor. It is expected that the contract term will be 1/1/21 – 31/12/23, with an optional one year extension. The habitat review is ongoing and it was suggested that the contract have the flexibility to incorporate changes.
It was resolved that the approval MN 55/20.3 for the maintenance contractor to assist in reinstalling the noticeboard on The Ham be amended to refer to the individual and to allow two hours of work.
Cllr Quinn left the meeting
170/20 COVID-19 Response
Councillors noted the car parks and playground risk assessments, and action taken to reduce risk of spread of COVID-19 / modify behaviour. It was unanimously resolved that DPC’s view is that the practical and manageable steps are in place. DPC will monitor the risk of the situation and respond if the risk increases. DPC will increase its communication about use of the playground / The Ham and car parks. As well as the parish website and DPC Facebook page, holiday cottage businesses will be emailed.
171/20 Outdoor Swimming Society Dart 10k Event in 2021
It was resolved to accept the recommendations that a deposit of £1,500 is required and that going forward this be calculated as a percentage of the total fee – so that it accounts for inflationary changes (currently 44%), and that the CPI increase in the hire fee be calculated as near as possible to the days of the event and then deducted from the deposit returned to OSS, and to agree to the request for OSS to pay the hire fee and deposit on 31 October 2020.
172/20 Summer Pontoon
Concerns raised about obtaining socially distanced access to boats berthed on the pontoon, and the suggestions for a larger sign / extra sign and more leggo were discussed. Cllr Nightingale will write to the Harbour Master suggesting fewer and more graphic signs, and sharing the images he has accessed from the person who is doing signage for London public transport. Cllr Nightingale will also write to see if the Anchorstone Café can assist with messaging when crabbing buckets are obtained to ask users of the pontoon to please be responsible and social distance.
173/20 Payments
It was resolved to approve payment of the following costs:
- Maintenance contractor £50.60
- Clerk’s Overtime claim CE19 15 hours over May and June for DPC projects and COVID-19 response.
The meeting ended at 20 48.