APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 8 January 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Green, Lloyd, Nightingale and Quinn were present as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, A Thom (Clerk), and two members of the public.

01/20           Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Devon County Cllr Hawkins.

Cllr Faulkner apologised to Members for his inappropriate comment made during the 4 December meeting, and said that he was sorry if his comment had caused distress to the Meeting’s participants.

02/20          Declaration of Interests

Cllr Quinn declared an interest in Item 7.3 – 3864/19/ARC Darling Cottage planning application.

03/20 Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 4 December 2019.

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4 December 2019.

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Councillor Recruitment meeting held on 4 December 2019.

04/20          Public Issues

04/20.1  Parish Lengthsman

The Parish Council’s Lengthsman reported his concerns about the Dittisham Mill Creek road. They are concerned about sustainability going forward and recommend that DPC prepare more intense rainfall going forward. Cllr Green reported to them that anecdotally the water flow on the Bozomzeal road is better, and thanked them for their ambitious approach. A meeting will be arranged to discuss DPC’s approach going forward. It will report back to the February meeting.

04/20.1 Slippery Jubilee Steps

A Parishioner has recently slipped and fallen on these steps. DPC has received requests to install a hand rail and a warning sign. SHDC is responsible for cleaning the steps. They are maintained by DCC. DCC’s initial response is that DPC can install a railing at its expense – installation and ongoing maintenance. DPC needs to consider its liability if it arranges the installation. Cllr Faulkner reported on railings in Dartmouth in similar context and that the materials cost might be around £200 materials, but the installation cost much greater. A rail down the middle might affect access to Church Cottage.

It was resolved that the Clerk research further and cost the project.

SHDC was asked to pressure wash the steps. Cllr McKay will follow that request up.

04/20.3  Promotion of the West Dart Bus

The West Dart Bus has asked for ideas to promote the service. Cllr Nightingale will discuss with the Sustainable Dittisham Transport group. The Clerk will discuss with Ivybridge & District Community Transport Association which runs the bus.

05/20          Community Reports

05/20.1  South Hams District Council Councillor

South Hams District Council Councillor McKay reported that SHDC is going through a budget process. Its Council Tax will probably be increased by 2%. A Climate Change Action Plan has been adopted and now requires an implementation strategy. A Waste and Disposal information pack will be delivered to households in advance of a change to the service planned for later in 2020.

05/20.2  Devon County Council Councillor

Deferred in absence of County Cllr Hawkins.

06/20          St George’s Church Request for Funds

DPC has received a grant application request from St Georges Church to support the cost of grounds maintenance. This item was moved up the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion. DPC has become aware of a statute prohibiting Parish Councils providing funds to maintain Church property. A decision on this request was deferred pending more information. If it is not able to make a grant DPC will look at how other councils have dealt with this situation.

07/20          Communications in relation to planning/tree applications.

07/20.1    3270/19/LBC Ferry Boat Inn Manor Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0EX. Listed building consent for replacement of existing roof covering with new. Conditional Approval.

07/20.2    3339/19/LBC Chipton Barton, The Main House Dittisham TQ6 0HW. Listed building consent for proposed repair and refurbishment of existing farmhouse, internal alterations and replacement utility lean-to. Conditional Approval.

07/20.3    3423/19/ARC Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 12 of listed building consent 1462/19/LBC. Discharge of condition Approved.

07/20.4    3425/19/ARC Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 8 and 17 of planning permission 1461/19/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.

08/20          New planning/tree applications.

08/20.1    3857/19/LBC Lilac Cottage The Level Dittisham TQ6 0ES. Listed Building Consent for minor amendments to approved scheme 0277/19/LBC for renovation of existing cottage.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Green)

08/20.2    4056/19/HHO River Creek, Lower Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HY. Retrospective householder application for cantilevered balcony with metal balustrading to accommodate outward opening doors on first floor extension (approved 18/1490/09/F).

Object (proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Bond). Not carried

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Faulkner, seconded Cllr Anderson, carried.)

08/20.3    3864/19/ARC Darling Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 2 and 3 of planning consent 0479/19/VAR.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Nightingale).

09/20          Consultations

  • Government consultation on ‘Strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments’. Closes 19 February 2020.

A comment was deferred to the February meeting to allow more time for consideration.

  • Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement for 2020/21. Closes 17/1/20.

No comment will be made by DPC.

10/20          Royal Garden Party 2020

DPC will ask former Chairs Treseder and Green if they would like to be nominated to go into the draw.

11/20          Village Hall Maintenance

The grant forms received requesting grant funds for maintenance and a sinking fund, and for provision of earmarked reserves for maintenance were considered. DPC will consider reviewing its Grant Policy to allow ongoing commitment of grant funds over several years. The new approach is being considered as part of an ongoing communication strategy to build better relationships. The payment of funds in subsequent years would only be possible if proper reporting on the use of previous funds had been provided.

It was unanimously resolved to approve the two grants for a total of £5,000 towards the maintenance of the Village Hall to support the Village Hall Management Committee’s fund raising efforts, to be paid in April 2020, and that the Clerk and Cllr Lloyds would write to the VHMC.

12/20           Village Hall Building Works

The meeting discussed DPC’s legal responsibilities and role in relation to the building works project. It appears that DPC has a risk and liability as the leasee ultimately responsible to hand the hall back to the Exeter Diocese. Legal advice is pending. The use of a Risk Register to manage any risks was suggested by Cllr Lloyd. The Clerk was instructed to ask the VHMC Working Party if it has an existing Risk Register. The concern is that if work starts and the project finds or causes problems DPC could ultimately be liable for costs and fees. The Clerk was asked to look into DPC obtaining indemnity insurance for this risk.

13/20          Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums

13/20.1  Car Parks Working Group

It was resolved to approve the recommended increase in fees in both car parks from 1 April 2020 as follows: all-day rate to increase from £5 to £6, and seven day Permit to increase from £25 to £30.

It was unanimously resolved that the Clerk should proceed with VAT registration.

14/20          Playground Inspection

It was resolved to accept the quotation for independent post installation inspection of birds nest swing & concurrent annual inspection (£250).

15/20          Habitat Assessment of DPC owned land

The proposal for a project with Sustainable Dittisham to list land DPC owns or manages, and to ask Devon Wildlife Trust to assess that land and produce a management plan to improve its habitat value was supported. There is no charge. Cllr Nightingale to follow up with Devon Wildlife Trust.

16/20          Parish Lengthsman

The proposal to change the core work practices was deferred to the February meeting pending a meeting with the Lengthsman. The Clerk advise that the Lengthsman now had no remaining hours for the current financial year. It was resolved to approve an additional five hours for use between now and April on that basis.

17/20          Schedule 14 Application to DCC for registration of a new public footpath between Riverside Road and Shinners Cottages / The Level.

It was noted that DPC has now been asked to assist with the process as previously offered. The matter was discussed and it was decided that this is a matter for DCC, and DPC’s involvement is not required going forward.

18/20          Financial Matters

18/20.1  Consider approval of Financial Report.

It was resolved approve the Report which contained a total balance of £74,037.61 and unearmarked reserves of £18,677.02.

18/20.2  Payments

The following payments were approved:

  • Level Car Park Loan, Annual loan instalment, £5,000.00
  • Devon County Council, HGV signs, £938.63
  • Parish Lengthsman, Nov – Dec 2019, £120.00

18/20.3  20/21 Budget

A final budget was discussed and approved by resolution.

18/20.4  20/21 Precept Demand

It was resolved that the combined Precept and Council Tax Support Grant would remain £12,000.

19/20          Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted:

  • 12/19 Card from Dartmouth Mayor and Mayoress
  • Sent by Cllr Faulkner – Devon County Council/Woodland Trust, Register of interest for provision of landmark specimen tree.
  • Sent by Clerk – To DCC re residents’ request for registration of a public footpath between Riverside Road and Shinners Cottages / The Level.

20/20          Date of the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council

It was confirmed that the next ordinary meeting of the Council will take place on 5 February 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Green, Lloyd, Nightingale and Quinn were present as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, A Thom (Clerk), and two members of the public.

01/20           Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Devon County Cllr Hawkins.

Cllr Faulkner apologised to Members for his inappropriate comment made during the 4 December meeting, and said that he was sorry if his comment had caused distress to the Meeting’s participants.

02/20          Declaration of Interests

Cllr Quinn declared an interest in Item 7.3 – 3864/19/ARC Darling Cottage planning application.

03/20 Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 4 December 2019.

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4 December 2019.

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Councillor Recruitment meeting held on 4 December 2019.

04/20          Public Issues

04/20.1  Parish Lengthsman

The Parish Council’s Lengthsman reported his concerns about the Dittisham Mill Creek road. They are concerned about sustainability going forward and recommend that DPC prepare more intense rainfall going forward. Cllr Green reported to them that anecdotally the water flow on the Bozomzeal road is better, and thanked them for their ambitious approach. A meeting will be arranged to discuss DPC’s approach going forward. It will report back to the February meeting.

04/20.1 Slippery Jubilee Steps

A Parishioner has recently slipped and fallen on these steps. DPC has received requests to install a hand rail and a warning sign. SHDC is responsible for cleaning the steps. They are maintained by DCC. DCC’s initial response is that DPC can install a railing at its expense – installation and ongoing maintenance. DPC needs to consider its liability if it arranges the installation. Cllr Faulkner reported on railings in Dartmouth in similar context and that the materials cost might be around £200 materials, but the installation cost much greater. A rail down the middle might affect access to Church Cottage.

It was resolved that the Clerk research further and cost the project.

SHDC was asked to pressure wash the steps. Cllr McKay will follow that request up.

04/20.3  Promotion of the West Dart Bus

The West Dart Bus has asked for ideas to promote the service. Cllr Nightingale will discuss with the Sustainable Dittisham Transport group. The Clerk will discuss with Ivybridge & District Community Transport Association which runs the bus.

05/20          Community Reports

05/20.1  South Hams District Council Councillor

South Hams District Council Councillor McKay reported that SHDC is going through a budget process. Its Council Tax will probably be increased by 2%. A Climate Change Action Plan has been adopted and now requires an implementation strategy. A Waste and Disposal information pack will be delivered to households in advance of a change to the service planned for later in 2020.

05/20.2  Devon County Council Councillor

Deferred in absence of County Cllr Hawkins.

06/20          St George’s Church Request for Funds

DPC has received a grant application request from St Georges Church to support the cost of grounds maintenance. This item was moved up the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion. DPC has become aware of a statute prohibiting Parish Councils providing funds to maintain Church property. A decision on this request was deferred pending more information. If it is not able to make a grant DPC will look at how other councils have dealt with this situation.

07/20          Communications in relation to planning/tree applications.

07/20.1    3270/19/LBC Ferry Boat Inn Manor Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0EX. Listed building consent for replacement of existing roof covering with new. Conditional Approval.

07/20.2    3339/19/LBC Chipton Barton, The Main House Dittisham TQ6 0HW. Listed building consent for proposed repair and refurbishment of existing farmhouse, internal alterations and replacement utility lean-to. Conditional Approval.

07/20.3    3423/19/ARC Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 12 of listed building consent 1462/19/LBC. Discharge of condition Approved.

07/20.4    3425/19/ARC Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 8 and 17 of planning permission 1461/19/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.

08/20          New planning/tree applications.

08/20.1    3857/19/LBC Lilac Cottage The Level Dittisham TQ6 0ES. Listed Building Consent for minor amendments to approved scheme 0277/19/LBC for renovation of existing cottage.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Green)

08/20.2    4056/19/HHO River Creek, Lower Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HY. Retrospective householder application for cantilevered balcony with metal balustrading to accommodate outward opening doors on first floor extension (approved 18/1490/09/F).

Object (proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Bond). Not carried

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Faulkner, seconded Cllr Anderson, carried.)

08/20.3    3864/19/ARC Darling Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 2 and 3 of planning consent 0479/19/VAR.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Nightingale).

09/20          Consultations

  • Government consultation on ‘Strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments’. Closes 19 February 2020.

A comment was deferred to the February meeting to allow more time for consideration.

  • Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement for 2020/21. Closes 17/1/20.

No comment will be made by DPC.

10/20          Royal Garden Party 2020

DPC will ask former Chairs Treseder and Green if they would like to be nominated to go into the draw.

11/20          Village Hall Maintenance

The grant forms received requesting grant funds for maintenance and a sinking fund, and for provision of earmarked reserves for maintenance were considered. DPC will consider reviewing its Grant Policy to allow ongoing commitment of grant funds over several years. The new approach is being considered as part of an ongoing communication strategy to build better relationships. The payment of funds in subsequent years would only be possible if proper reporting on the use of previous funds had been provided.

It was unanimously resolved to approve the two grants for a total of £5,000 towards the maintenance of the Village Hall to support the Village Hall Management Committee’s fund raising efforts, to be paid in April 2020, and that the Clerk and Cllr Lloyds would write to the VHMC.

12/20           Village Hall Building Works

The meeting discussed DPC’s legal responsibilities and role in relation to the building works project. It appears that DPC has a risk and liability as the leasee ultimately responsible to hand the hall back to the Exeter Diocese. Legal advice is pending. The use of a Risk Register to manage any risks was suggested by Cllr Lloyd. The Clerk was instructed to ask the VHMC Working Party if it has an existing Risk Register. The concern is that if work starts and the project finds or causes problems DPC could ultimately be liable for costs and fees. The Clerk was asked to look into DPC obtaining indemnity insurance for this risk.

13/20          Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums

13/20.1  Car Parks Working Group

It was resolved to approve the recommended increase in fees in both car parks from 1 April 2020 as follows: all-day rate to increase from £5 to £6, and seven day Permit to increase from £25 to £30.

It was unanimously resolved that the Clerk should proceed with VAT registration.

14/20          Playground Inspection

It was resolved to accept the quotation for independent post installation inspection of birds nest swing & concurrent annual inspection (£250).

15/20          Habitat Assessment of DPC owned land

The proposal for a project with Sustainable Dittisham to list land DPC owns or manages, and to ask Devon Wildlife Trust to assess that land and produce a management plan to improve its habitat value was supported. There is no charge. Cllr Nightingale to follow up with Devon Wildlife Trust.

16/20          Parish Lengthsman

The proposal to change the core work practices was deferred to the February meeting pending a meeting with the Lengthsman. The Clerk advise that the Lengthsman now had no remaining hours for the current financial year. It was resolved to approve an additional five hours for use between now and April on that basis.

17/20          Schedule 14 Application to DCC for registration of a new public footpath between Riverside Road and Shinners Cottages / The Level.

It was noted that DPC has now been asked to assist with the process as previously offered. The matter was discussed and it was decided that this is a matter for DCC, and DPC’s involvement is not required going forward.

18/20          Financial Matters

18/20.1  Consider approval of Financial Report.

It was resolved approve the Report which contained a total balance of £74,037.61 and unearmarked reserves of £18,677.02.

18/20.2  Payments

The following payments were approved:

  • Level Car Park Loan, Annual loan instalment, £5,000.00
  • Devon County Council, HGV signs, £938.63
  • Parish Lengthsman, Nov – Dec 2019, £120.00

18/20.3  20/21 Budget

A final budget was discussed and approved by resolution.

18/20.4  20/21 Precept Demand

It was resolved that the combined Precept and Council Tax Support Grant would remain £12,000.

19/20          Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted:

  • 12/19 Card from Dartmouth Mayor and Mayoress
  • Sent by Cllr Faulkner – Devon County Council/Woodland Trust, Register of interest for provision of landmark specimen tree.
  • Sent by Clerk – To DCC re residents’ request for registration of a public footpath between Riverside Road and Shinners Cottages / The Level.

20/20          Date of the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council

It was confirmed that the next ordinary meeting of the Council will take place on 5 February 2020 at 7:00 p.m.