APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held using public videoconferencing on Wednesday 1 April 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

The Agenda was reduced to necessary business until a legal basis to hold virtual meetings is created by Government.

DPC Financial Regulations permit the Clerk, in conjunction with Chairman of Council, to authorise expenditure for any items total up to £500.

63/20          Apologies

All councillors present.

64/20          Declaration of Interests

None declared.

65/20          COVID-19 Response

The project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information was reviewed. Councillors reported on the areas they are supporting. A positive response has been received from residents. There are many other active existing networks. Councillors’ activities have included shopping, pharmacy collections, phone IT support, and supporting creation of small local support groups. Currently, identified needs are all being met. Food deliveries for those identified by the NHS as being very vulnerable are at Follaton House for delivery. Capton has started a food bank box for Dartmouth Caring and the Community Chest. Dartmouth Caring is doing phone calls and deliveries of food – including meals on wheels and for the food bank.

Devon County Council has a fund to support local COVID 19 responses.

DPC councillors and the Dittisham Charity will follow up the need for local funding.

66/20          Public Issues

No issues raised.

67/20          Community Reports

67/20.1 South Hams District Council Councillor

Activities have been focussed on supporting local communities’ COVID 19 responses. Efforts are well organised. The response has been an amazing thing to witness.

Citizens Advice can assist people to access grants and get help. This information is diffuse. Please contact Cllr McKay for help if you have any questions.

67/20.2 Devon County Councillor

As for Cllr McKay, activities have been focussed on the COVID 19 response. The local DCC Highways Neighbourhood Officer is out working. The Dartmouth Foodbank is open on Wednesdays and can get food to people any time of the week

68/20          Reduced Dittisham Parish Council Income

Cllr Tucker discussed the loss of DPC’s car park income secondary to the response to the coronavirus outbreak. He said that DPC will need to be very careful with its spending. DPC can’t increase taxes to cover the deficit.

69/20          Communications in relation to planning/tree applications.

  • 3578/19/FUL Greenbank Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling. Conditional Approval.
  • 3864/19/ARC Darling Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 of planning consent 0479/19/VAR. Discharge of condition Approved.
  • 1048/19/HHO & 1049/19/LBC 2 Watermans Cottage Manor Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0EX. Householder and Listed Building Consent applications for rear extension to listed cottage with associated landscaping and new garden room. Conditional Approval.
  • 3061/19/FUL Little Capton Capton Dartmouth TQ6 0JE. Retrospective application for change of use of an agricultural building to an eco-friendly laundry and erection of associated lean-to extension. Withdrawn.


70/20          New Planning Applications.

  • 0504/20/VAR Noss Marina Bridge Road Kingswear TQ6 0EA. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following grant of planning consent 2161/17/OPA to enable hotel and residential accommodation switch between the Waterside and Philips building and update quay walldrawings and associated conditions 7, 10, 10, 12, 19 and 26 and administrative changes required to conditions 1, 3, 4, 17, 18, 22, 25,28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 41, 42, 43, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 60 reflecting approved discharge of conditions.
  • 0529/20/FUL Noss Marina Bridge Road Kingswear TQ6 0EA. Full planning permission for 1,258sqm GEA Hotel floorspace within void space proposed under Planning Application 0504/20/VAR.
  • 0528/20/FUL Noss Marina Bridge Road Kingswear TQ6 0EA. Creation of 5no. residential units (use class C3) within void space proposed under Planning Application 0504/20/VAR.

It was agreed that DPC will respond regarding management of the lighting from the site. Light pollution from the development will impact the River Dart and the AONB.

71/20          Consultations

  • Draft North East, draft North West, draft South East and draft South West Marine Plans. Closes 6 April 2020.

Cllr Anderson will write a response supporting the Plan.

72/20          Willow Dome Project

It was decided to review in the Autumn, the proposal to install a 3 metre diameter willow dome on the former log walk site on The Ham (£406).

73/20          Financial Matters

73/20.1 Financial Report

The Report showed a balance of £85,257.62 and unearmarked reserves of £29,597.03

73/20.2 Payments Made, Due and Received

It was resolved to agree the following payments:

  • Village Hall, Jan and Feb 2020, £79.20
  • Kingsbridge Websites, Website accessibility report, £160
  • RD and HJ Rowden Limited, digger work The Ham, £516 (incl. VAT)
    • Community Heartbeat Trust, Annual Support year 2, two machines, £396
    • Devon Communities Together, Annual Subscription, £50

The Clerk was asked to investigate deferral of VAT payments. The Finance Committee will review DPC’s financial position in three weeks time.

74/20          Next Meeting

The next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will take place on 6 May 2020 at 7:00 pm.