APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 6 November 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

182/19    Apologies

All Councillors present.

183/19    Declaration of interests

Cllr Quinn declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Item 9, Darling Cottage planning application correspondence. It was resolved to grant Cllr Quinn a dispensation to speak on the Item before leaving the room.

Cllr Nightingale declared a personal interest in Item 8.1, Little Capton planning application.

184/19    Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2019.

185/19    Public Issues

185/19.1         Conduct of Meetings

Cllr Tucker reminded Cllrs of correct meeting procedure. To help reduce the length of meetings is chairing will more strictly implement correct meeting procedures and will assume that Councillors have read the documents for the meeting.

185/19.2         Renewal of Dittisham Car Park Permits

Cllr Faulkner reminded Parishioners that it is now a year since some permits were issued so they are due for renewal. Parishioners were reminded to please look out for reminder emails or log into their account to renew.

186/19    Community Reports

186/19.1         South Hams District Council Councillor

South Hams District Cllr McKay reported that current Dittisham Planning Enforcement cases have been reviewed and some cases have been closed. Cllr McKay gave the new dates being offered for a Planning training seminar for Parish Councillors. The SHDC Scrutiny Panel has a task and finish group to review the operation of the Localities team’s role.

186/19.2         Devon County Councillor

Deferred pending the arrival of Devon County Cllr Hawkins after another Parish Council meeting.

187/19    SHDC Standards & Governance Training Seminar

Cllr Quinn described the Seminar and went through its two presentations – from the Monitoring Officer, and from the Lead Specialist Communications and Media on use of Social Media. Cllr Quinn said that the seminar was well attended and well presented. She noted that regular training on the code of conduct was suggested. The meeting agreed this could take place at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. It was noted that this discussion also served that purpose.

Cllr Tucker said that if using social media Councillors need to make sure they are speaking as individuals and that there is no perception speaking for DPC. Cllr Faulkner commented that Councillors are elected and that most of the time they are seen by the public to be acting as a Councillor. Cllr Tucker also commented that members of the public perceive Councillors to be acting as a Councillor. Cllr Anderson commented that the Nolan Principles are a good set of rules to abide by in everyday life.

188/19    Communications in relation to planning/tree applications.

188/19.1         2543/19/TCA Sunnybank, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX. T1: Larch – Fell. Refuse Consent. Tree Preservation Order served. Sunnybank, Manor Street, Dittisham. Deodar Cedar, Cedrus deodar.

188/19.2         3069/19/NMM Cliff Cottage Manor Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0EX. Non-material amendment to householder consent 3190/17/HHO. Conditional Approval.

189/19    New planning applications.

189/19.1         3061/19/FUL Little Capton, Capton, Dartmouth, TQ6 0JE. Retrospective application for change of use of an agricultural building to an eco-friendly laundry and erection of associated lean-to extension.

DPC noted the business uses a new access to the highway which was approved following a previous permission doubling the size of the existing dwelling together with other improvements. The business use is more intensive, accordingly there is the potential for increased risk to highway users. Details are needed concerning the removal of waste and recycling. It was noted on the Application forms that no changes to foul sewage or surface water were being proposed, so this needs to be addressed. If granted, the approval needs to be heavily conditioned solely for the use as an Eco Laundry, to prevent the area being established for wider industrial uses in a prominent rural location.

Cllr Green became aware of having a disclosable pecuniary interest and left the room.

Support subject to conditions as discussed by the meeting, Clerk to write the comment in consultation with Cllr Anderson (proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner).

Cllr Green returned to the meeting.

189/19.2         3270/19/LBC Ferry Boat Inn Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed building consent for replacement of existing roof covering with new

Support (Proposed Cllr Anderson, Seconded Cllr Nightingale).

189/19.3         3339/19/LBC Chipton Barton, The Main House, Dittisham, TQ6 0HW. Listed building consent for proposed repair and refurbishment of existing farmhouse, internal alterations and replacement utility lean-to.

Support (Proposed Cllr Anderson, Seconded Cllr Bond).

189/19.4         3423/19/ARC Downton Farm, Dittisham, TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 12 of listed building consent 1462/19/LBC.

No Objection to either 3423/19/ARC or 3425/19/ARC (proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner)

189/19.5         3425/19/ARC Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 8 and 17 of planning permission 1461/19/FUL.

190/19    Report from Devon County Councillor

Devon County Cllr Hawkins has discussed with Officers, the issue with an HGV getting stuck on Higher Street in October. He has been advised that the view is that the signage is adequate. He will tour the Parish with the Neighbourhood Officer when they are available. The Dartmouth Health and Well Being Centre planning application is likely to be February 2020. There will be an HWBC Open Day in December or in January next year. Cllr Hawkins and Dartmouth Town Council met with StageCoach last week about a proposals to improve the bus service to Torbay Hospital. The Ivy Lane Youth Centre is open on Fridays, Youth Genesis on Friday nights in St Clements, and Fusion Youth nights start from the end of January.

South Hams District Council has warm home fund grants for gas central heating. Cllr Hawkins is one of three Councillors for homelessness in the South Hams.

Cllr Hawkins suggested DPC send a representative Councillor to speak to HATOC on 5 December. DPC decided that the statement to be made will be agreed by the next ordinary meeting on 4 December.

191/19    Correspondence regarding the Minute of Dittisham Parish Council’s comment on Planning application 0479/19/VAR at Darling, Manor Street, Dittisham. TQ6 0EX. READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans) Application for Removal or Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) following Grant of Planning permission 18/42/15/F.

The applicant read a prepared statement and requested that this matter is now minuted to record that the original minute is not correct because no such proposal ever existed. Cllr Quinn left the room.

DPC resolved to minute that Dittisham Parish Council has received correspondence from the applicant commenting that the statement in the Minutes of the meeting on 8 May 2019 ‘As it is outside the Red Line of the application, and therefore not part of the application, DPC did not comment on the proposal to change the surface of a small area of land adjacent to the roadside border of the site.’ (Minute reference 83/19.2) is not correct. DPC notes that SHDC has now removed the relevant drawing from its Planning website because it was published in error. SHDC has also removed this part of DPC’s comment from its website because the comment is in relation to a drawing that is not a part of the application.

DPC instructed the Clerk to respond to the correspondence from the applicant.

Cllr Quinn was invited to return to the meeting.

192/19    Consultations

  • DCC, Devon permit scheme for road works and street works. Closes 18 November 2019.


  • Net-Zero Task Force of the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group. Call for ideas and evidence for proposals for the Devon Carbon Plan. Closes early 2020, if your evidence could be called before one of the hearings, please submit it by Sunday 10th November.

The submission of a response was referred to Sustainable Dittisham.

  • SHDC, Electronic Planning Applications – Request for feedback from DPC on how it has managed the change and what impact it has had on management of consultation responses.

Overall this has been a very positive change. Everyone at a meeting is able to view the same document. It was commented that a potential loss is the ability to compare the existing and proposed in parallel. The Clerk will cost the purchase of a projector screen which would enable the projection of a larger image to address this.

193/19    Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums

193/19.1         Ham Maintenance

It was agreed to formally add Cllr Anderson to the WG.

It was resolved to purchase two Children Playing Signs for Ham Lane (quoted cost for signs £128.40 incl VAT). It was resolved to request that the Maintenance contractor replaces the railing on either side of the North Ham creek (quoted cost £148).

193/19.2         Playground

The final proposal and quote to install a birds nest swing was accepted by unanimous resolution (quoted cost £6,744.66 excl. VAT).

It was resolved unanimously to confirm that the Playground Inspection Company will carry out the next Annual Inspection, in January 2020.

193/19.3         Ham Events

It was resolved unanimously to agree the proposed hire agreement for the Outdoor Swimming Society Dart 10K event on 5 & 6 September 2020 with the one change that prohibition on stall holders selling glass ‘bottles’ (E. 12)) be changed to glass ‘products’.

193/19.4         Village Hall Management Committee

The proposal from the VHMC that DPC pay £3,000 annually to VHMC to be used for retaining wall maintenance work, property maintenance works, and a sinking fund for dilapidations was considered. The lease agreement indemnifies DPC against outgoing including repairs. Therefore, DPC will request that the VHMC submits an application for a grant.

DPC noted that the VHMC has given notice that DPC may be asked to be a signatory to a party wall agreement and that one chartered surveyor will be acting for both parties.

193/19.5         Emergency Plan

DPC is working to develop a Parish Emergency Plan.

It is important to now create a register of local resources – such as 4*4 vehicles, wood burners, generators, spare beds etc. An Emergency page with useful links and resources will be developed for the Parish website.

193/19.6         Dart Harbour Communities Group

Cllr Anderson’s written report was noted.

193/19.7         Climate and Environment

It was agreed to defer a statement of purpose, goals, and actions for a DPC Sustainability Working Group.

194/19    Proposal for planting on The Level Car Park & The Ham

The proposed planting scheme and expenditure of £118 were approved.

195/19    Pipe onto The Level Car Park

Cllr Bond is looking into an unauthorised pipe which ends in the southeast corner of the car park.

196/19    Policy for Lost Property on The Ham

It was resolved to confirm the current practice of advertising lost property on Facebook and/or in Red Lion for a week and then giving the lost property to a charity shop.

197/19    Environment

It was resolved to support the Local Electricity Bill.

198/19    Financial Matters

198/19.1         Financial Report

It was resolved to approve the Financial Report which showed a balance of £74,933.89 and unearmarked reserves of £17,564.67.

198/19.2         Payments

It was resolved to agree to make payments as follows:

  • Dittisham Village Hall,         July, August, September     £52.80
  • Cllr Bond,              Quick set cement reimbursement      £17.18
  • Cllr Anderson,       OS maps for land management project           £54.50
  • Information Commissioner office,      Annual fee                           £40.00
  • Car Park Supervision,          July – November 2019         £400.00

198/19.3         Lloyds Debit Card

It was agreed that this will not be pursued.

198/19.4         Devon County Council Making the Connection Grant Fund

It was resolved to agree to apply for £300 acting on behalf of Sustainable Dittisham.

198/19.5         Pay on entry The Ham Toilets

The question of whether to offer SHDC £1,600 annually to remove the pay on entry from The Ham toilets was deferred to the March Agenda. The Clerk is to allow for the payment in the 2020/21 budget.

198/19.6         Drain Clearance Level Car Park

It was confirmed that there is no need to book a gully sucker at this time.

199/19    Clerk’s Leave

Leave from 15-22 November 2019 was authorised.

200/19    Vacancies for two Parish Councillors by Co-option

If there is one candidate, the interview will take place in a meeting starting at 6:45 pm on 4 December, immediately before the ordinary meeting. If there is more than one candidate, the meeting will take place one week before (27 November).

201/19    Correspondence

  • St George’s Church Dittisham, 11/10/19, Thank you letter for grant to support the cost of maintenance of the churchyard
  • Parishioner, 8/10/19, Objection to DPC not conducting a site visit of 2398/19/FUL Coombe Farm Studios.

Cllrs confirmed that a specific application site visit had not been carried out because Cllrs were already familiar with the site. Cllrs restated the economic reasons for its support. The Clerk was instructed to write to respond.

  • Parishioner, 8/10/19, Trees fallen on public footpaths. (Referred to property owners and DCC)
  • Parishioner, 21/10/19, HGV damage in Dittisham. (Referred to DCC).
  • Director, Carpenter Oak, 21/10/19, Apologies for disruption & description of correct Ashburton delivery process
  • SHDC Town and Parish Council Event has been arranged to take place on Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 6:30 pm

202/19    Next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council

It was confirmed that the next ordinary meeting will take place on 4 December 2019 at 7:00 pm.

The meeting closed at 22:06.