The approved minutes of the meeting held on 31 May can be read below or downloaded here MN_2022 May 31 EM DPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall on Tuesday 31 May 2022 at 2:00p.m

Present: Cllrs Anderson (Chair). Nightingale (Vice-Chair), Bond, Lloyd, and Unitt, and A Thom (Clerk).

90/22 Absent: Apologies were received from Cllrs Neale, Quinn, Tucker, and Cllr Green was also absent.

91/22 To declare any interests in items on the agenda.

None declared.

92/22 Amendment of the Jubilee Lunch Ham Hire Agreement

The request to amend the hire agreement was considered.

It was resolved to approve the requests to increase the size of the marquee from 9 metres x 18 metres to 9 metres x 21 metres, and to increase the numbers of guests, including children, some of whom are babies in prams, from 150 to 164, and to refuse the requests for vehicular access via gate to The Ham for dropping off 2 or 3 guests with limited mobility and to refuse the request to allocate five car parking spaces adjacent to the toilet block.

The vehicular access requested would have breached the hire condition ‘That there is no movement of vehicles on The Ham during the event.’ This condition is required to minimise the risk to people using The Ham. Councillors supported the hiring of matting to provide a more accessible surface over the 30 metres between the car park and the marquee. DPC will try to reserve for the event ten car parking spaces at The Ham gate end of the car park, five each side. DPC wants to support the safe and convenient drop off of lunch guests. DPC is mindful that The Ham area may be very busy on Sunday 5 June because there will be holiday weekend visitors, combined with Dittisham Sailing Club races, and the Jubilee lunch.