MN_2021 May DPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Meetings of Dittisham Parish Council held using public videoconferencing on Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Green, Lloyd, Neale, Nightingale, and Quinn were present, were South Hams District Councillor McKay, A Thom (Clerk), and one member of the public.

77/21    Election of Chairman

This item was chaired by Cllr Anderson.

It was unanimously resolved to re-elect Cllr Tucker as Chair.

78/21    Chairman’s Signature of Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Cllr Tucker will sign this after the meeting.

79/21    Apologies

Apologies were received from Devon County Cllr Hawkins. All Parish Councillors were present.

80/21    Declaration of Interests

None declared.

81/21    Election of Vice-Chairman

It was unanimously resolved to re-elect Cllr Anderson as Vice-Chair.

82/21    Appointments to Working Groups and Positions of Responsibility

The appointments were confirmed, with the exception that Cllr Tucker stood down from being DPC’s representative on the Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr Lloyd will consider whether to replace Cllr Tucker. Cllr Neale will be back-up or will take over as the new VHMC representative.

83/21 Asset Register, Insurance Cover, Current Contracts and Agreements, and Subscriptions

It was noted that these have been listed in separate documents (posted on

The Car Park Supervision contract which ends July 2021 and the extension of the Parish Lengthsman contract are items on the monthly meeting Agenda.

84/21 2021 Statement of Internal Controls

It was resolved to approve the Statement.

85/21 2021 Risk Register Review

A review was scheduled for May 2021, with Cllrs Lloyd and Anderson on the Task and Finish Group.

86/21 Annual authorisation of the Clerk’s base salary & Working from Home Allowance

It was resolved to approve the following: Re-approval that the Clerk’s base salary will be paid on the last day of each month and be authorised annually in May of each year or when the national salary award is changed. To agree to continue payment £17 per month Working from Home Allowance as DPC’s contribution to total £27 per month pro-rata with Blackawton Parish Council (rate as per Devon Association of Local Council’s notice).

87/21 Ordinary Meetings of the Parish Council

Ordinary meetings of the full council will remain the first Wednesday of each month excluding August at 7 pm.

Ordinary Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council

88/21    Declaration of Interests

None declared.

89/21    COVID-19 Response Project

No comments were made by Cllrs. The Clerk was asked to leave this standing Agenda item for the next two meetings.

90/21    Future Meetings

The response to the end of legislation permitting virtual Parish Council meetings on 6 May was discussed.

It was resolved to approve the proposal that from the June meeting, DPC will change to face-to-face meetings held in compliance with COVID regulations with remote access via Zoom and to ensure the quorum before the meeting (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner, unanimous). Cllr Lloyd will do the risk assessment.

91/21    Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 7 April 2021

The minutes were approved.

92/21    Public issues

92/21.1  Traffic/Parking Issues raised in the Annual Parish Meeting

Cllr Anderson will lead a Task and Finish Group. Cllrs Neale and Green will be members, plus two Parishioners.

92/21.2  Capton StreamAction to manage water flow

DPC supported a community project described by Cllr Nightingale to take action to manage the water flow in Capton Stream.

92/21.3  Member of the Public

A member of the public asked some questions:

Weeds – Is there a program for removing vegetation from the roadside in the village?

Cllr Tucker explained that when green the vegetation is a DCC issue, and when dead SHDC’s responsibility. Last summer DPC decided not to arrange for weed spraying, so manual work would be needed to remove the vegetation. Homeowners could manage vegetation outside their residences. A working party/day might be able to assist and generate community spirit but at present Covid is a barrier.

Cllr Neale suggested enjoyment of the wildflowers and that if done to remove in the autumn.

Maintenance of Noticeboard opposite Red Lion Inn

It was confirmed that painting with wood preserver is an existing spring Maintenance Working Group action item.

2021/22 Budget

How was the budget prepared and questioning the car park income estimates.
Cllr Tucker explained that the best estimate possible was made using evidence available to the January 2021 meeting.

93/21    Community Reports

93/21.1       South Hams District Council Councillor

Deferred pending availability of Cllr McKay.

93/21.2       Devon County Council Councillor

Deferred in the absence of Cllr Hawkins.

94/21    SHDC Planning Decisions

94/21.1       0210/21/HHO Pump Cottage The Level Dittisham Devon TQ6 0ES. Householder application for alterations and extension and conversion of garage into new accommodation. Conditional Approval.

94/21.2       0312/21/HHO Mowhay Barn Bosomzeal Dittisham TQ6 0JG. Householder application for new timber porch and restoration of existing outbuilding. Conditional Approval.

94/21.3       0534/21/TCA Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. T1: Lawson Cypress – Fell. G1: Lawson Cypress x2 – Fell. G2: Pittosporum, Cherry Laurel, Portuguese Laurel & Bay – Crown height reduction to 6m from ground level. T2: European Larch – Fell. T3: Leyland Cypress – Fell. No objections raised.

94/21.4       0284/21/HHO Greenbank Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for exercise/therapy pool below garden bank. Conditional Approval.

94/21.5       0989/21/COM Kingston Farm Bungalow Dittisham TQ6 0JB. Notice of intention to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus comprising 2 x 8m wooden pole (6.2m above ground). Permitted development.

94/21.6       4126/20/ARC Capton Mill Cottage Capton Devon TQ6 0JE. Application for approval of details in part reserved by conditions 4 & 5 of planning application 1669/20/HHO. Discharge of condition Approved.

94/21.7       0886/21/TEX Playground at The Ham Road Leading To Ham Car Park Dittisham Devon TQ6 0HS.  T1: Willow Salix – Pollard to around 2m above ground level, DPC has been monitoring fungal decay at base where old basal limb removal or loss resulted in two decaying wounds near ground level, site visit with SHDC’s Maintenance Team with PTI qualification raised concerns about tree, advised tree should be cut down before it comes into leaf,located in public area next to footpath and children’s playground; T2:Horse Chestnut – fell, has worsening bleeding canker, shedding small branches regularly, 70% of leaves now showing signs when in leaf. Split decision

95/21    Appeal Decision Appeal Ref: APP/X1165/W/20/3245011 Land to the south of White Rock, adjacent to Brixham Road. The appeal is allowed and outline planning permission is granted.

96/21    New planning applications.

96/21.1       0763/21/HHO Low Dolphin Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Householder application for new rear extension with internal alterations to existing building.

Object (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner, unanimous)

The proposed installation of windows on the side of the first floor of the building would result in overlooking.

The proposal would be an unsympathetic overdevelopment of a site within a Conservation Area.

96/21.2       0968/21/HHO Lod Cottage The Lane Dittisham TQ6 0HB. Householder application for new first floor extension over existing balcony.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Bond, unanimous).

96/21.3       1183/21/HHO Herons Flight Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for replacement of conservatory with new extension. Extension of existing balcony to front elevation over proposed stone clad ground floor extension. Alterations to fenestration and balustrading. Installation of natural timber cladding to first floor of front elevation and to gable end of rear elevation.

Support and make DPC’s comment on taking action to reduce light pollution (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner).

96/21.4       1416/21/HHO Little Coombe Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JB. Householder application for retention of studio workshop and erection of greenhouse (part Retrospective.

Object (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Lloyd, Cllr Green abstained).

The proposed building is unacceptably large, has a negative effect on the character of the landscape, there is no positive effect on the local employment economy, and it is considered an unacceptable over-intensification of buildings in the open countryside.

96/21.5       1446/21/HHO Greenslades Higher Street Dittisham TQ6 0HT. Householder application for alterations and extension to existing dwelling.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Green, unanimous).

96/21.6       1556/21/ARC Former Site Of Kiln Lyon Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 6, 7 and 10 of Planning Permission 0277/20/FUL.

This ARC was noted.

97/21    Premises Licence Applications

  • Variation to a premises licence application from Mr Graeme John Piesse for The Shambles (previously Quay Wines), 1 Higher Street, Dartmouth, TQ6 9RB.
  • Variation to a premises licence application from Saveurs Ltd for Saveurs, 3 Victoria Road, Dartmouth, TQ6 9RT.

No comments made on the above applications.

98/21    Consultations

  • Totnes & South Devon Bus Strategy Survey by Anthony Mangnall MP. Closes 20 May – Report from Cllrs Neale and Nightingale

Cllr Neale suggested that residents be encouraged to complete the survey and the Clerk send / resend to the Information email group.

99/21    Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums

99/21.1       Maintenance Working Group

The maintenance contractor from SHDC has done a site visit to assess management of private accesses to The Ham. The CCTV survey has been done of the Level Car Park drainage. Further work is needed to assess the gulley in the driveway to Pump Cottage, and to unblock and survey pipes from the two gullies before that one. The MWG is preparing a proposal for timber post at the edge of the sight-line and DPC land at top of Ham Lane and timber posts along Riverside Road frontage of Ham Triangle to prevent parking. The installation of a replacement post to protect The Ham car park machine (£220 +VAT) was noted. This was required because a vehicle collided with and damaged previous reinforced concrete post.

99/21.2       Vehicles parked at junction of Manor Street and The Lane

A proposed A5 windscreen note was discussed. Cllr Bond is also working on a permanent playground sign.

99/21.3       Ham Events

The requests for a booking for a Parish Lunch Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Sunday 5th June 2022 and from South West Gaffers for campervans overnight in the Ham Car Park & tents on the Ham 13 – 15 August 2021 during Dittisham Regatta were deferred. Cllr Faulkner will lead on obtaining further information and a site plan for the events.

100/21  National Trust Advertisement of access via Dittisham

Cllr Anderson will discuss with the National Trust via the DHNA forum.

101/21  Financial Matters

101/21.1     Financial Report.

It was resolved to approve the Report which showed a balance of £60,344.09 and unearmarked reserves of £11,836.19 (Cllr Faulkner abstained).

101/21.2     Payments

The following payments were approved:

  • Metric, Maintenance Contract, £1,053.79
  • Society of Local Council Clerks, Membership pro-rata with BPC, £130.00
  • Devon Association of Local Councils, Membership, £90.37
  • Glanville, CCTV Survey of pipes in The Level Car Park, £780.00
  • Kingsbridge Websites, Gallery pages, £40.00

102/21  2020/21 Annual Governance and Accountability Return

102/21.1     2020/21 Internal Audit

The Auditor’s report was noted. Expenditure for thank you gift was approved.

102/21.2     2020/21 Audit Annual Governance Statement

It was resolved to approve the Statement.

102/21.3     2020/21 Audit Accounting Statements

Cllrs had an opportunity to consider the Accounting Statements.

102/21.4     2020/21 Audit Accounting Statements

It was resolved to approve the Statements.

102/21.5     2020/21 Audit Accounting Statements’ Signature

Cllr Tucker will sign after the meeting.

103/21  Payment of HMRC VAT Invoices by Direct Debit

It was resolved to approve Payment of HMRC VAT Invoices by Direct Debit.

DPC is not pursing deferral of VAT payments.

104/21  Lengthsman Contract

It was resolved to approve extension of the agreement for 2021/22

105/21  Clerk’s Overtime Claim

It was resolved to approve the claim for 6 hours of overtime.

106/21  Clerk’s Leave

The requested annual leave, 24 July to 22 August, and 18 December to 4 January 2022, was approved.

107/21  Annual Playground Inspection

It was noted that this inspection has been booked, £125 + VAT, to meet the lead time to have the inspection before the summer holidays.

108/21  Correspondence

  • ‘collapsing pier’ Footpath 16 – referred to DCC and its owner

109/21  Next Meeting

The next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will take place on 2 June 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in Village Hall subject to being quorate.

110/21  Car Park Supervision Arrangements

It was resolved to close the meeting to members of the public and press to discuss the arrangements.

It was agreed to advertise the contract. The Clerk will finalise the scope of work, contract, advertisement documents, and process with the Car Park Working Group.

The meeting ended at 21:40