The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here: AG_2022 November DPC Agenda
To all members of Dittisham Parish Council 28 October 2022
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council to be held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 2 November 2022 at 7:00p.m for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Apologies: To receive apologies for absence.
To declare any personal interests or disclosable pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
To consider approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2022.
To consider any issues raised by members of the public.
Members of the public are invited to give their views, to question the Parish Council about issues on this Agenda, or to raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman.
Green Waste Collection – To note that the collection may not happen as the collectors may not have room for extra green waste and they cannot guarantee that there will be no cost for removal.
Community Reports
South Hams District Council Councillor
Devon County Council Councillor
- SHDC Planning Decisions
1355/22/LBC Dunedin Cottage The Quay Dittisham TQ6 0EZ. Listed building consent for new lean to shed to contain replacement electric boiler. Conditional Approval.
2855/22/HHO The Lookout Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for changing room & gazebo by existing pool. Conditional Approval.
2707/22/HHO & 2708/22/LBC Mill Creek Cottage Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Householder application & Listed Building consent for new glazed link extension with internal alterations to form ground floor WC. Conditional Approval.
- Planning Inspectorate Confirmation of Valid Appeal APP/K1128/D/22/3304662: 0507/22/HHO Dartside, Manor Street, TQ6 0EX. Householder application for construction of free standing garden building (summerhouse) within rear curtilage (Resubmission of 1105/20/HHO).
- New planning applications
2238/22/HHO Overdart House Rectory Lane Dittisham TQ6 0HD. Householder application for alterations & additions to existing dwelling.
3553/22/ARC & 3466/22/ARC Fern Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (doors and windows), 4 (timber cladding) and 5 (rainwater goods) of planning consent. 4778/21/HHO & 4779/21/LBC.
- New tree applications
- 3411/22/TPO The Old Rectory Rectory Lane Dittisham TQ6 0HD. T1: fell to ground level due to low amenity value and damage to drive& T2: Eucalyptus – fell to ground level due to low amenity value and to create space for other planting.
- 3683/22/TCA Mill Creek Cottage Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. T1-8: Ash – fell due to dieback.
- Consultations
Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Services, Council Tax, Closes 30/11/22 12:00
SHDC Council Tax Reduction Scheme Closes 27/11/22
Review of The Use of The Ham Policy and The Ham Hire Documents
To consider approval of the reorganised documents as summarised in the Report.
Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
To consider the request for hire of The Ham September 2023 for Dart 10K swim
Health Representative
To appoint Cllr Unitt as DPC’s Health representative.
To receive Cllr Unitt’s Report on the Dartmouth Patients Participation Group AGM.
Car Parks
To review the Dittisham Sailing Club permits.
Crocus bulbs from the Rotary Club
To consider the proposal to plant bulbs at the entrance to the Level Car Park on the right hand side between the line of posts and the curb.
To consider approving DPC access to the DALC Code of Conduct Webinar. Delegate fee £30.
To consider the proposal to screen the Carbon Savvy Course 30 minutes before the start of PC meetings.
DPC’s Information Management System
To receive an update on the project.
Lengthsman Update
To receive the update from the Clerk.
Review of Delegated Authority to the Clerk
To consider approval of the review.
Financial Matters
External Auditor’s Report
To consider the Report and its comments.
Consider approval of the financial reports
Payments Due
To authorise the following payments:
Judges Web Design Website updates, 30.00
Car Park Attendant, Contract July-September inclusive, 500.00
Scribe, Annual Software Licence from 1 January 2023, 273.60
Clerk, Clerk October Expenses Reimbursement, 22.28
To note payments made since the September meeting
Pension, September £82.75
Clerk Salary October £1,101.62
HMRC PAYE/NI/ENI October £116.61
To consider approval of the Clerk’s claim for overtime.
To confirm the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council which is scheduled for 7 December 2022 at 7:00 pm.
Closure of the Meeting
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item due to the commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.
Tree Works
To consider quotes for the tree works recommended in 2022 safety survey of DPC’s trees.
The meeting will be held in the Village Hall with audio only Zoom conferencing.
Click this link or paste it in your browser
Dial in by phone +44 203 481 5237 Meeting ID: 844 463 3513
Annette Thom, Parish Clerk