The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here: AG_2023 September 06 DPC Agenda

To all members of Dittisham Parish Council 1 September 2023

You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council to be held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 6 September 2023 at 7:00p.m for the purpose of transacting the following business.

a. Public Forum

To consider any issues raised by members of the public.

Members of the public are invited to give their views, to question the Parish Council about issues on this Agenda, or to raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chair.

              1. AGENDA

  1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence.

  1. Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal interests or disclosable pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.

  1. Approval of Minutes

To consider approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2023.

  1. Community Reports

    1. Devon County Council Councillor

    2. South Hams District Council Councillor

  2. Financial Matters

    1. Financial Reports – To consider approval of financial reports.

    2. Payments

To authorise the following payments:

  • Village Hall, Hire April to July 2023, £120.00

  • Clerk Office Expenses Reimbursement, £66.83

To note payments made since the last monthly meeting:

  • Parish Lengthsman, 22/23 final Lengthsman invoice, £264.00

  • Parish Lengthsman, Weeds Project March 2023, £308.00

  • Parish Lengthsman, Weeds Project April – June 2023, £241.50

  • South West Water, March – June 2023, £32.01

  1. Reporting Salary Payments

To note advice via DALC that the payments do not have to be reported in the Minutes.

  1. SHDC Planning Decisions
    1. 2034/23/COM Land at SX 857 053 Lapthorne Farm Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0JF. Notice of intention to install a telegraph pole at 10.5m high (9m above ground) for the provision of FTTP. Permitted development
    2. 2284/23/TEX Langscott, Lower Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HY.Proposed works: T1 & T2: Silver Birch – Fell due to both trees are dead. Grant Exemption.

    3. 2385/23/TCA Rose Grove, Lower Street, Dittisham, Dartmouth, TQ6 0HY. T1: Christmas spruce – fell due to close proximity to property on a slope, risk of blowing over. No Objections raised.

    4. 1883/23/FUL Newstone Blackawton TQ9 7DR. Erection of agricultural building. Conditional Approval.

  2. Planning applications received since the 5 July 2023 meeting
    1. 2245/23/VAR Greenslades Higher Street Dittisham TQ6 0HT. Application for variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning consent 1446/21/HHO (retrospective).

It was decided not to call an extraordinary meeting to comment.

    1. 2385/23/TCA Rose Grove Lower Street Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0HY. T1: Christmas spruce – fell due to close proximity to property on a slope, risk of blowing over.

The Clerk and Tree Wardens responded. TPO not requested.

  1. New planning applications
    1. 2209/23/FUL Herongate Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Conversion & extension of boathouse for short term holiday let (resubmission of 3628/22/FUL).

    2. 2637/23/VAR Dittisham Hideaway Dittisham TQ6 0JB. Application for variation of condition 1 (Approved Drawings) and discharge of conditions 2 (Landscaping Scheme), 3 (Finishes/Treatment to huts), 4 (Surface WaterManagement Scheme), 7 (Lighting), 9 (Ecological report & LEMP), 10 (Sewage Disposal) and 11 (DEV32) of planning consent 0546/21/FUL
  2. Monitoring DPC’s Process to Comment on Planning Applications

To note initial comments on the process.

  1. New tree applications
    1. 2812/23/TCA Langscott Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. T1 Judas tree – fell and replace – tree splits off into multi-stems from just above ground level & decay is present within this union.
  2. Consultations

  • Dart Harbour Navigation Authority, Consultation on bringing larger cruise ships (up to around 250m length) to the Dart. Decision by end of September.

  • NALC, Response to the DLUHC Consultation on Local Plans – seeks views on proposals to implement parts of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. Closes 22/09/23

  • Devon Housing Commission, Short Survey

  1. Charging for DPC Car Parks

To create a TAFG to review DPC’s policy for charging for DPC approved use of its car parks eg site compounds

  1. Traffic Accident affecting The Ham

To note the Report and agree DPC’s response.

  1. Private Accesses to The Ham

To note the risk assessment being done and work requested of Maintenance team to clear Ham Lane access hedging.

  1. Registration of The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value

To consider how to gather evidence of community support to purchase and run the asset to continue to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the community eg petition, letters.

  1. Friends of the Dart Bathing Water Status Application

To decide if DPC will submit a letter of support.

  1. Community Consultation Process

To note the report and resources.

  1. Proposal for a DPC WhatsApp Group

To consider whether Councillors choose to participate in a Group to be used for short DPC communications.

  1. DALC AGM Conference and Exhibition

To note the event on 27/09/23 and confirm approval to pay £45 per DPC attendee.

  1. Correspondence

To note or consider correspondence

  • Invitation, South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership, online 26/10/23 at 2:00 pm

  • 9/8/23, Stagecoach, Bus service changes from Sunday 3/9/23

  • AONB Farming in Protected Landscapes grant scheme. Extended until March 2025.

  • 31/8/23, Introductory email from new Stakeholder Liaison Team, DCC Highways

  • South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership, Let’s Talk Teenagers and Let’s Talk Pre-Teens, Support sessions for parents in September & October

  • Scribefest, 21/09/23, (Online), Free

  1. Next Meeting

To note the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council which is scheduled for 4 October 2023 at 7:00 pm.


The meeting will be held in the Village Hall with audio only Zoom conferencing.

Click this link or paste it in your browser

Dial in by phone +44 203 481 5237 Meeting ID: 844 463 3513

A Thom, Clerk to DPC