APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 2 October 2019 at 7:00 p.m
Present: Cllrs Anderson (Chair), Bond, Green, Nightingale, Faulkner, and Quinn were present, as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, Devon County Cllr Hawkins, and A Thom (Clerk).
163/19 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Tucker
164/19 Declaration of Interests
Cllr Nightingale declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the Capton Barn. Cllr Green declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the Downton Lodge planning application.
165/19 Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2019.
166/19 Public Issues
166/19.1 Parish Council Lengthsman
Mike Pearey introduced himself. He explained that he would prefer to take a long-term, thorough approach. He encourages Parishioners to report blocked drains directly to Devon County Council on its website. Much of what he removes is good, leaf mould soil. Mike will engage with the community and introduces himself to nearby householders when he clears a drain. Mike’s details are on the website and he is happy to be contacted by residents. Litter, particularly plastic litter, is often a cause of the blocked road drainage. He is collecting litter as he works (so that it doesn’t lead to a future blockage), but suggests that the Parish take on this responsibility and save some Lengthsman cost. Cllr Anderson suggested Dittisham have a clean like the beach clean – which Sustainable Dittisham could look into. Cllr Nightingale will introduce Mike to Capton and will encourage residents to keep an eye on local drains. Mike commented that in response to the heavier rain with climate change some drains might need to be made larger. Ashprington decided not to spray for weeds last year. Kingswear is also not spraying for weeds. Cllr Hawkins explained that Kingswear uses a solution which kills the leafy top and keeps the streets tidy. A ‘walk around’ will be arranged with Cllr Hawkins and the DCC Neighbourhood Officer.
167/19 Community Reports
167/19.1 South Hams District Council Councillor
The Planning Officer for the application for a mobile Airstream caravan at Coombe Farm Studios is supportive of the proposal. Outstanding enforcement cases will be reviewed with Cllr McKay on 24 October. Feedback is requested prior to that date. SHDC is working on a Supplementary Planning Document which is expected to be approved in March 2020. It is not yet available for public consultation. Asset based community development is the idea that expertise and knowledge held by the community is an asset, and can be encouraged and developed. Environment Emergency Councils have asked if we can all work together. The Devon Climate Emergency Response Group is a new DCC initiative and will encourage this. The Clerk will follow up the date of the next Super Cluster meeting.
167/19.2 Devon County Councillor
Devon County Councillor Hawkins reported that work on the new Health and Well Being Centre in Dartmouth is ongoing. A change of use for employment land in the West Dart Development has been approved – it ensures land will be for employment but not necessarily industrial or construction use. Dartmouth Town Council and Cllr Hawkins will meet with Stagecoach about the possibility of rerouting a service to create a more direct service to Torbay Hospital. Dartmouth Town Council has renovated the Ivy Lane youth facility. The Dartmouth Leisure Centre will be reopening youth nights on Friday night starting at the end of January 2020.
168/19 Communications from SHDC in relation to planning/tree applications.
The following decisions were noted:
- 2109/19/FUL Dittisham Sailing Club Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Raising height of two flank buildings, extension to existing balcony and erection of two timber entrance porches. Conditional Approval.
- 2509/19/NMM Cliff Cottage Manor Street Dittisham Devon TQ6 0EX. Non-material amendment for increase in area of decking to amend planning permission reference 3190/17/HHO. Conditional Approval.
169/19 New planning applications.
- 2766/19/HHO Downton Lodge Old Mill Lane Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Householder application for alterations to existing dwelling, two storey extension and construction of new garage.
The meeting discussed the issue of light pollution with the proposed glazing.
Support, include DPC’s standard comment about light pollution (Resolution proposed Cllr Faulkner, seconded Cllr Nightingale).
170/19 New tree applications
Request for a TPO, Sunnybank Manor Street Dittisham. Deodar Cedar, Cedrus deodar
Support (Resolution proposed Cllr Green, seconded Cllr Bond).
171/19 Consultations
- Proposed Supplementary Planning Document, SHDC (not yet at public consultation phase).
- Parking in Dartmouth, SHDC, DCC and Dartmouth Town Council. Closes 14/10/19.
- BT Phonebox Removal – SHDC draft decision to BT. Closes 20/10/19
No comments will be made by DPC on the above applications.
172/19 Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums
172/19.1 The Use of The Ham Task & Finish Group
The work of the Group is ongoing. The Group’s view is that legal advice will not be required to complete the review. The Title includes a covenant on the use of The Ham which needs to be kept in mind when making decisions about its use. In December 2018 DPC gave in principle approval for a 2020 Outdoor Swimming Society event.
172/19.2 Ham Events
Cllr Faulkner reported on the 2019 Dart 10K event on The Ham. He reported it was a good event. He would like to see improvements in waste and recycling, and in the direction and information notices. Glass bottles were used by a vendor this year. Broken glass would be a problem on a green field site. The Ham Use group has discussed changing the booking process so that the hire fee is paid within 14 or 30 days of agreeing a booking. The meeting approved the refund of the 2019 hire deposit to the OSS. DPC will meet with the OSS in October 2019 and bring a proposed 2020 hire agreement to the November meeting of DPC.
172/19.3 Car Parks
It is not possible to change to a system of issuing paperless permits to Dittisham Sailing Club for 2020/21 because the necessary processes cannot be completed in time. Cllr Green asked if DPC can determine if there is abuse of the system by non-sailors. The Clerk is to contact SHDC to request that the permit renewal system checks the permit holder has current Council Tax documents.
172/19.4 Installation of Signs on the Pontoon
Cllr Anderson reported that the Harbour Master has been approached about this project and the reply is pending.
172/19.5 Playground
The Clerk was asked to clarify the meaning of the loose fill area on the technical specifications, and to obtain a revised quote which excludes removal of the old swing where DPC can do that work and excludes the transfer of the cradle seat swings (which DPC will do).
172/19.6 Emergency Plan
Consideration of the Emergency Plan was deferred.
173/19 Climate & Environment
Cllr Nightingale summarised the Report provided prior to the meeting. Sustainable Dittisham had a good first meeting and has formed active specialist groups – such as Habitat and Buildings. Sustainable Dittisham is meeting next Wednesday 9 October. A representative from Devon Wildlife Trust will be talking at that meeting. The next phase will be reaching out. Each group will develop a knowledge base of expertise. Cllrs Nightingale and Green will prepare a statement of purpose, goals, and actions for a Sustainability Working Group to be discussed by the November meeting.
174/19 Habitat Woodpile in The Level Car Park
The Parish Council is very supportive in principle of the two habitat woodpiles which were created in The Level Car Park by using wood from the ash trees which were cut down in September. It agreed to keep the woodpile at the rear right hand side of the car park. However, it considered that the woodpile located next to the ticket machine is not well located. It was agreed that this second woodpile be moved to The Ham. The new site will be agreed with the Habitat Group by councillors with Ham Maintenance responsibilities (Cllrs Anderson, Bond and Faulkner). The Habitat Group will move the woodpile.
175/19 Management of Weeds on the roads in the Village.
This item was deferred.
176/19 Repair to Ham Lane
The meeting agreed that the works have been completed to a good and acceptable standard.
177/19 Pipe onto The Level Car Park
Cllr Bond was asked to discuss with local householders an unauthorised pipe which ends in the southeast corner of the car park. He will report to the November meeting
178/19 Grant Application Form
It was agreed that the Clerk will prepare a form to implement the agreed Grant Policy.
179/19 Financial Matters
179/19.1 Financial Report
It was resolved to approve the Report, which showed a total balance of £74,469.34 and unearmarked reserves of £17,100.12, and the bank reconciliation.
179/19.2 Payments Made, Due and Received
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
- South West Water Quay Standpipe, £52.91
- Kingsbridge Websites Various small website updates, £20.00
- Knowle Tree Services Removal of two ash trees The Level car park, £720.00
- External Auditor 2018/19 Audit, £360.00
The following receipts were noted:
- SHDC Precept second instalment, £5,918.50
- DCC Grant for defibrillator, £1,250.00
- DCC Grant for replacement bench, £263.00
179/19.3 External Auditor’s Report
The receipt of the External Auditor’s Report was acknowledged. The Parish Council instructed the Clerk to record its thanks to the Internal Auditor for their work on the Internal Audit and to write to the Internal Auditor.
179/19.4 Lloyds Bank Account
It was resolved to add Cllr Bond as a signatory to both DPC bank accounts and as an electronic authoriser.
It was resolved to obtain a debit card with a £250 withdrawal limit for the Lloyds bank account to be used to improve the speed and security of banking car park receipts.
180/19 Correspondence
The following correspondence was noted:
- DCC Highways Parish & Town Council Conferences, Thursday 10 October, Rattery Village Hall, by invitation
- Climate Emergency Council Seminar, Tuesday 24th September 7pm, Ottery St Mary Town Council Offices
- South Devon AONB Annual Forum, Wednesday, 9 October 2019,18:00 to 20:30, Stokenham
- Devon Community Resilience Forum Event, Rattery, 27 November 10:00-16:00
- Emergency Planning Workshops for Parishes from 10:00am – 1:00pm 30 October Sparkwell Parish Hall, Sparkwell, Plymouth, PL7 5DD or 13 November Broadwoodkelly Village Hall, Broadwoodkelly, Winkleigh, EX19 8ED.
181/19 Next meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be on 6 November 2019 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting closed at 21:59.