Car Parks

The Ham and The Level car parks are owned and maintained by Dittisham Parish Council on behalf, and for the use, of the parishioners of Dittisham and its visitors.

Visitors can pay for parking using either the coin only machines or by using their RingGo account.

No overnight camping or sleeping permitted.

Car Park ½ hour 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours All day 1800 to 0900
The Ham 50p £1 £2 £3 £3.50 £6.00 no charge
The Level n/a £1 £2 £3 £3.50 £6.00 no charge

Seven day ticket £30.00

After 6.00 pm tickets can be purchased for the next day.

Machines are coin only and do not give change.

For more information or to login on your desktop:

Download RingGo for iOS      Download RingGo for Android

WARNING – There is a problem with fake RingGo sites: only use the official app from either the Play Store or Apple Store, or by visiting the official website of

Permits for residents of Dittisham

Residents can request paperless ‘virtual permits’.  South Hams District Council administers these for and on behalf of Dittisham Parish Council.

To obtain a residents’ permit, this link will take you to South Hams District Council’s website:


Payment for parking and prevention of camping and sleeping in both car parks is enforced by South Hams District Council (SHDC) whose officers who make regular visits.
To pay or challenge a penalty notice, please contact SHDC LINK.