You are warmly invited and welcomed to the second Sustainable Dittisham Meeting
Wednesday 9th October, 6pm – 8pm
Coombe Farm Studios

The Group’s Purpose:
To take Local Action to ensure that we maintain and Improve our beautiful Parish and contribute positively to the issues facing our environment.

What to expect:
A friendly supportive atmosphere.
Everyone with a link to our area is welcome.

You will need some time and energy for working together to make Positive Change Happen.

We currently have the following specialist subGroups (number of members in brackets):
Habitat & Gardens (7), Art (4), Communication (2), Food (2), Waste & Recycling (4),
Buildings: heat, power, newbuild (8)

We are keen for your involvement and help.  We can also form more subGroups. Transport
and Agriculture are needed still for example.

For More information you can email:

Please share lifts if you can.

You love living here, lets make sure future generations do too