Do you know that your Medical Practice has a Patient Participation Group – PPG?

The PPG is the link between patients and the Practice with a view to improving services, providing useful information and developing a positive and constructive relationship between patients and the Practice to the mutual benefit of both. The PPG tries to make sure that the Practice puts the patient, and improving health, at the heart of everything it does.

For a number of years now, Dittisham Parish has been represented by residents’ member of the Dartmouth Medical Practice’s PPG. This has proved to be an advantageous loop of communication between patients–Practice–Parish Council-Parishioners.

As a current resident member is resigning, we have a vacancy so are very much hoping to find a new person to attend the PPG of either Leatside Surgery in Totnes or the Dartmouth Medical Practice.

There are 5-6, 90 mins meetings per year.

No clinical knowledge required – in fact a lack is an advantage. Practices have all the clinical experience necessary and need help from PPGs in areas where they don’t have expertise.  Your personal skills and experience help some of the issues to be seen from a patient’s point of view.

If you would like to find out more, please contact Sharon Quinn: 01803 722722 or

Thank you