The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2024 March 14 DPC Approved Minutes F

Notes 2024 March 6 Community Reports notes by RN

APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in
Dittisham Village Hall on Thursday 14 March 2024 at 7:00p.m.

  1. a. Public Forum

  2. i. Application to Register The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value

  3. The application has been submitted and is being considered by SHDC who will assess the application and consider its approval. DPC conveyed our understanding that if registration is approved by SHDC this will not impact on any sale of the property currently ongoing.

  4. ii. Why is DPC Paying for the Maintenance of the Hedge on Ham Lane

  5. This is standard grounds maintenance as the hedge is on DPC’s property.

  6. iii. DPC’s Management of The Red Lion Inn Freehold

  7. A member of the public raised the matter of discussions concerning The Red Lion minuted as having taken place in the ‘closed’/non-public part of the DPC meeting. DPC clarified that as discussions involved the Lease, public discussion of what is a private legal matter is not considered appropriate. DPC are Freeholders of the Red Lion and as such have a duty to act in this capacity on behalf of the Parishioners. DPC also sought to reassure and reiterated our ongoing willingness to meet to talk matters through.

  8. iv. Planning Application 0426/24/HHO The Manse

  9. A resident confirmed and explained the details of the reasons for their objection to the proposals.

  10. v. New Parish Emergency Plan

  11. A resident confirmed their support and commended the work done by the team of Cllrs and a resident to create the Plan.

  12. Present: Cllrs Bond (Vice-Chair and Meeting Chair), Golding, Hodge, Neale, and Tucker were present, as were A Thom (Clerk), and five members of the public in the room.

              1. Absent. Cllrs Green, Nightingale, Lloyd, and Unitt.

  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Nightingale.

  1. Declaration of Interests

Cllr Tucker declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the item about an offer of land for a new village car park.

  1. Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2024 with the Minute of item 23 amended to: It was agreed to submit the ACV application and a plan was made on actions to take in accordance with and to manage DPC’s Freehold responsibilities and liabilities, and agreed by resolution.

  1. Financial Matters

    1. Financial Reports

It was resolved to approve the Financial Reports, which showed a total balance of £82,751.71 and unearmakred general fund of £28,630.56, and Bank Reconciliation.

    1. Payments

It was resolved to approve the following payments:

  • Ham Lane hedge Annual maintenance cut £708.00

  • Website hosting Annual Fee £140.00

  • Clerk, February Expenses Reimbursement £82.59

  • Replace slats on The Ham bench £385.44

  • Remove bench from The Ham & reinstate surface £120.00

  • Extra emptying of bins on The Ham 12 July to 31 October, £144.00 +VAT if applicable

The following payments made since the last monthly meeting were noted:

  • Contracted lengthsman work April 2023 to January 2024 £1,115.50

  • Safety tape for The Ham bench, £13.19

  1. Applications to DPC for Grants
    1. Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC)

It was resolved to approve a grant of £3,000.

    1. St George’s Church, Grounds Maintenance

It was resolved to approve a grant of £1,250.

    1. Citizens Advice South Hams

It was resolved to approve a grant of £350.

  1. Offer of Land for an addition Village Car Park

Cllr Tucker left the meeting.

It was resolved that this is a project that DPC wants to pursue and that the members who will be on a joint working party with the VHMC are Cllrs Green, Golding, and Bond, and that Cllr Nightingale will also be invited.
Cllr Tucker returned to the meeting.

  1. Agreement with SHDC to Install a Defibrillator on The Ham Toilet Block

It was resolved to agree in principle with the six year licence approach.

  1. Financial Matters – Accounting Basis and VAT for SHDC’s Services

It was resolved to revert to presenting the annual accounts on a Receipt and Payments basis and to correct the VAT arrangement relating to car parking receipts collected by SHDC on DPC’s behalf (Level Car Park Residents Permits and RingGo payment transactions) as per the Report’s recommendations.

  1. SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decisions were noted:

  • 4061/23/TCA Mulberry House, Dittisham, Dartmouth, TQ6 0ER. T1 – T4: Apple trees – remove. T5: Holly – remove. T6: Mulberry – lateral crown reduction of up to 1m on NE and NW sides, crown reduction on upper canopy of up to 50cm. T7 – T9: Birch – remove. Raise No Objections.
  • 0348/24/ARC Dittisham Hideaway, Dittisham, TQ6 0JB. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 7 (Lighting Scheme) of planning consent 2637/23/VAR. Approved.
  • 0367/24/NMM Spindlewood Higher Street Dittisham TQ6 0HT. Non Material Minor Amendment to Planning Consent 2455/21/FUL. Approved.
  1. New planning applications
    1. 0426/24/HHO The Manse The Level Dittisham TQ6 0ES. Householder application for the creation of driveway and off road parking area including access alterations.

Object (by resolution) and comment on issues related to change to surface water run-off, negative visual impact, climate change requirements, disparities between the planning application and the observed work carried out, and to request that a comment is sought from DCC Highways.

    1. 0455/24/LBC Bay Cottage Manor StreetDittishamTQ6 0EX. Listed Building Consent for Internal alterations to first floor layout, replacement timber windows, internal & external remedial works to all stone walls, floors & ceilings, replacement rainwater goods/fascia & barge boards.

Support (by resolution) and comment requesting a traffic management plan.

    1. 0443/24/HHO Pump Cottage The Level DittishamTQ6 0ES. Demolition of existing single storey garage & store (north side extension) & first floor dormer, removal of existing oil tank & slab, proposed internal alterations & extension to include 1no proposed ground floor single storey extension South & West facing, 1no proposed two storey extension to north to provide extended living accommodation, 1no replacement dormer, installation of new Air Source Heat Pump & modifications to existing ground floor door & window openings.

Support (by resolution).

    1. 0233/24/HHO Fingals Hotel Dittisham DartmouthTQ6 0JA. Householder application for PV cells on post 1948 garage roof.

Support (by resolution).

    1. 0241/24/LBC Mulberry House Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0ER. Listed building consent for single storey extension to kitchen, replacement of veranda with new garden room, insertion of window to rear elevation, replacement of upvc windows and doors with timber units, replacement of single glazed timber conservatory with double glazed timber, installation of air source heat pump and internal alterations.

Support (by resolution) with a comment about the increase in glazing and potential negative effect on habitat and neighbours amenity using DPC’s standard light pollution comment.

    1. 0489/24/HHO Laburnum Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder application for installation of a charger for an electric car (EV Charger).

Support (by resolution).

  1. Consultations

The following consultations were noted:

  • SHDC, Public Space Protection Orders. Closes 19/03/24.

  • South Hams Community Action (formerly CVS) isolation survey

  • SHDC, Community Heroes (Young Persons, Community Champion, Community Organisation). Closes 31/3/24 The Clerk was asked to circulate information about this new award to residents.

  • Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority Consultation, Closes 24/03/24

  1. Monitoring DPC’s Process to Comment on Planning Applications

It was noted that it is helpful to have planning applications for which members of the public are likely to attend the meeting at the start of the list of applications on the Agenda. This standing Agenda item is no longer needed.

  1. Reports from Councillors with Special Responsibilities

    1. Parish Emergency Plan Working Group

It was resolved to approve the revised Dittisham Parish Emergency Plan and associated implementation costs (as per estimate of £300) and to thank Cllr Unitt for his work leading on its production. The Plan will now go out for consultation and be on the Agenda of the Annual Parish meeting on 17 April.

    1. Village Hall

The Report was noted.

    1. Jubilee Steps – Project to consider installation of a handrail

It was resolved to approve the proposed location. It was resolved to consult residents about the proposal. It is planned to discuss the consultation responses in the May DPC meeting.

    1. Maintenance Working Group

The Report on recent maintenance projects completed was noted.

  1. Request to Hire The Ham

The application to hire The Ham for a Regatta Sports Day on 18 August was supported by resolution.

  1. DPC Tree Risk Management Policy

The proposed Policy was approved with: an amendment to 3.2 – the PC will approve people who carry out post adverse weather checks but they don’t have to be Cllrs, and to replace details of urgent expenditure in 4.8 with a referral to Financial Regulations. Cllr Neale agreed to also carry out the post adverse weather checks.

  1. Defibrillator Checks

The proposal to ask a resident to share weekly checks and be added to WebNos was approved and it was agreed to add one person more if possible.

  1. Dart Harbour Communities Group

It was noted that DPC is hosting the March meeting in the Hall and it was resolved to approve a budget of up to £30 to hire the Hall.

  1. Portrait of His Majesty The King

It was agreed to accept the Government offer of a free framed portrait and to gift it to the Hall.

  1. Correspondence:

The following correspondence was noted:

  • 8/2/24 SHDC launched The South Hams Housing Offer – support and financial assistance to local communities in bringing forward affordable housing developments.

  • 9/2/24 Anthony Mangnall MP Enquiry offering to write articles for the Parish Magazine

  • 17/2/24 Resident, Slip on Jubilee Steps

  • 20/2/24 Village Hall Management Committee Insurance Claim made

  • 27/2/24, SHDC, Walking and Cycling Project Update – Barriers and interventions identified

  • Dart Harbour Annual Open Meeting, Tuesday 12 March, 7 pm at the Flavel, Dartmouth

  • Invitation to Chair, Mayor of Dartmouth, Civic Lunch & Church Service on the 80th Anniversary Exercise Tiger.

  1. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council on 3 April 2024 at 7:00 pm was confirmed.

  2. Closure of the Meeting

It was resolved, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following items because of the confidential nature of the business.

  1. Management of a Freehold Title

A plan on the next actions was approved by resolution.

  1. Installation of a Railing next to Little Orchard’s Steps

It was resolved to choose the least costly of the estimates received. DPC is working to install the railing by the end of April. It was resolved to delegate to the Clerk authority, in consultation with the Maintenance Working Group Cllrs, to choose an alternative contractor if that chosen is not able to meet the timeframe.

  1. Parish Lengthsman Contract

It was resolved to implement the optional two year extension to the contract. DPC planned to implement a system of checklist forms for monthly reports.

The meeting closed at 21:40.