The Approved minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2023 June 19 DPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held
in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 7 June 2023 at 7:00p.m .

Present: Cllrs Nightingale (Chair), Bond (Vice-Chair), Golding, Hodge, Lloyd, Neale, Tucker, and Unitt were present,

as were SHDC Cllr McKay up to their report, and A Thom (Clerk). There was one members of the public present until Item 4.

  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from DCC Cllr Hawkins. Cllr Green was absent.

  1. Declaration of Interests

None declared

  1. Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2023.

  1. Public Issues

    1. Pontoon/Jetty on Dittisham Mill Creek

The Clerk will ask Dart Harbour & Navigation Authority, which is the responsible Authority, for information about the pontoon. This can be an item on the 5 July Agenda.

    1. Temporary Road Closure from Bramble Torr Cross to Higher Street, 12 – 16 June 2023

The road will be closed between 8.30am-5pm while essential tree works are carried out.

  1. Community Reports

    1. Devon County Council Councillor

DCC Cllr Hawkins was absent.

    1. South Hams District Council Councillor

SHDC Cllr McKay reported that the Liberal Democrats have established an Executive Committee of eight councillors. Cllr McKay is on the Executive and is the Lead for Climate Change & Biodiversity. Cllr McKay will follow up SHDC’s response regarding its street cleansing program in Dittisham.

  1. 2022/23 Annual Governance and Accountability Return

    1. 2022/23 Internal Audit

The Clerk reported that the Internal Auditor concluded that the Parish Council has followed proper practices during the past financial year and also made suggestions for improvements to practice. These suggestions and action taken or being taken were reported on by the Clerk and Cllr Nightingale.

    1. 2022/23 Audit Annual Governance Statement

It was resolved to approve the Statement.

    1. 2022/23 Audit Accounting Statements

Approval of the Accounting Statements was considered. The Clerk explained why the 21/22 AGAR Statements values have been re-stated to include creditors.

    1. 2022/23 Audit Accounting Statements

It was resolved to approve the Statements.

    1. 2021/22 Audit Accounting Statements

The Statements were signed by the Chair of the Meeting.

  1. Financial Matters

    1. Financial Reports

It was resolved to approve the Reports which showed a total balance of £84,150.70 and an unearmarked general fund of £27,209.06.

    1. Payments

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

  • Car Park Attendant, January – March 2023, £500.00

  • Local Council Administration Services, 2022/23 Internal Audit, £200.00

  • Judges Web Design, May/June Updates, £30.00

  • Clerk, May Expenses Reimbursement, £33.07

The following payments made since the April meeting were noted:

  • Clerk, May Salary £1248.15

  • HMRC, May, £212.46

  • NEST Pensions, May, £98.56

  1. Parish Council Insurance 2023/24 Renewal (third and final year of agreement) & Cyber Insurance Policy

It was resolved to authorise payment of the renewal. The Clerk and Cllr Nightingale’s initial review of cyber insurance is that it is not useful to reduce DPC’s risk but this will be considered further.

  1. SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decisions were noted:

    1. 0442/23/HHO & 0443/23/LBC Church Cottage Higher Street Dittisham TQ6 0HT. Description: Householder application & Listed building consent for internal alterations to change an existingfirst floor dressing room into a shower room. Conditional Approval.

    2. 0668/23/HHO Kingston Cottage Dittisham TQ6 0JB. Householder application for single-storey rear extension; veranda linking extension & existing side porch; amendments to roofline & windows of existing front porch. Conditional Approval.

    3. 0021/23/FUL Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Installation of a solar array and associated works (Retrospective). Conditional Approval.

  1. New planning applications
    1. 0622/23/VAR Noss-On-Dart Marina Bridge Road Kingswear TQ6 0EA. Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) following grant of planning permission ref. 2161/17/OPA (as amended by S.73 planning permission ref. 0504/20/VAR) for amendments to Phase 12 of the Noss Marina Redevelopment & specifically relating to the Waterside Apartments Building, raised walkway and Central Square only and associated conditions 15, 20, 36, 49 & administrative changes required to conditions 1, 3, 4, 17, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43, 45, 51,52, 56, 58, 59, 60 reflecting approved discharge of conditions.
      Neighbouring Parish Consultee.

It was unanimously resolved that a response of No comment will be made.

    1. P/2023/0377 – Land To The South Of White Rock, Adjacent To Brixham Road, Aka Inglewood

It was unanimously resolved that a response of No comment will be made.

  1. Streamlining DPC’s Process to Comment on Planning Applications

It was unanimously resolved to trial and monitor the process as described in the Report. DPC will publicise how members of the public can comment on planning applications. In meetings, members of the public will be invited to comment during the Public Issues item only.

  1. Operation of the Car Park on The Ham

DPC was advised by SHDC that a resident appealed a Penalty Charge Notice based on the terms of the donation of The Ham. DPC has taken the opportunity review the operation internally and requested confirmation from DALC that proper practice is being used to operate the car park. DALC has asked NALC’s view, which is pending.

  1. Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums

    1. Communications Working Group

It was unanimously resolved to agree to the recommendations in the Report to improve the look of the PC noticeboard, to highlight DPC’s activities, and to introduce Cllrs where they wish to participate. Communication with Parishioners (hearing from and sharing information with) is a DPC priority project.

    1. Maintenance Working Group

It was agreed that the project for a digger to clear the gulleys to the north and south of The Ham is required as soon as possible. The build-up in the south gulley has led to a backflow of water to behind the playground. The project to further protect the play equipment’s safety surface by moving a bench from next to the toilet block and installing posts is being developed.

    1. Health

Cllr Unitt summarised their research on the local unavailability of NHS dentistry. It was unanimously resolved to write to Dittisham’s Member of Parliament as proposed: requesting their effort to increase the pace of work to improve the provision of NHS dental care for children and adults.

  1. Fallen Tree The Ham

It was unanimously resolved to accept the SHDC maintenance team’s offer to dismantle a tree which has fallen on the north side of the car park at no charge to DPC.

  1. Devon Association of Local Councils’ Being a Good Councillor Training

Cllr Golding gave feedback on what they said was a very good course. Attending in person as opposed to over Zoom was valuable. Two key learning points shared were that Parish Councillors’ are here to serve the Parish with no personal agenda, and the importance of engaging with the Parish and how to do that.

  1. Cleaning of Slippery Lane between Lower Street to Dittisham Mill Creek

DCC and SHDC have both responded that at present they cannot provide the staff for the necessary manual clean. DCC will support funding from the DCC Community Enhancement Fund for DPC to arrange to get the works done. It was agreed that the Clerk will obtain a cost for the clean for the 5 July meeting.

  1. Communications

The following communications were noted or considered:

  • 21/5/23, Emptying of Dog Waste Bin in Dittisham. Referred SHDC Cllr and Officers. Has now been done.

  • Residents requested DPC’s permission to access property via The Ham. Refused by Clerk as per Policy. The meeting agreed that DPC will review its policy and this can be an item on the next Agenda

  • DALC, 22/5/23, Introducing Councillor Development Framework for parish and town councils in Devon.

  • SHDC Monitoring Officer, 23/5/23, Guidance on Declaring interests at meetings; Use of social media; & Access to information.

  • SHDC Monitoring Officer, 23/5/23, Preventing bullying and harassment

  • SHDC Monitoring Officer, 2/6/23, Dispensations

  • Road Closure at Halwell, Communications between DCC and Residents

  1. Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 5 July 2023 at 7:00 pm.

  1. Closure of the Meeting

It was resolved, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the commercial-in-confidence or employment nature of the business.

  1. Quote for Digger Work on The Ham

It was resolved to accept a quote of £300 to clear the gulleys to the north and south of The Ham, as discussed above.

  1. Personnel Committee Report

This item was deferred.

The meeting closed at 21:01.