The approved minutes can be downloaded here or read below MN_2022 March DPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Meetings of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 4 May 2022 at 7:00p.m.

Present: Councillors Anderson (Chair), Nightingale (Vice-Chair), Bond, Green, Lloyd, Neale, Tucker, and Unitt were present, as was Devon County Councillor Hawkins, and A Thom (Clerk). South Hams District Councillor McKay attended part of the meeting via audio connection. A member of the public joined the audio connection temporarily during the meeting.

Absent: Cllr Quinn sent apologies. Present via audio connection (no voting rights).

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

52/22    Election of Chair

It was resolved unanimously to elect Councillor Anderson as Chair.

53/22    Chair’s Signature of Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Councillor Anderson signed the document.

54/22    Election of Vice-Chair

It was resolved unanimously to elect Councillor Nightingale as Vice-Chair.

55/22 Declaration of Interests in items on the Agenda

None declared.

56/22    Review of the Terms of Reference for Working Groups

The document was confirmed with the change of ‘Chairman’ to ‘Chair’.

57/22    Appointments to Working Groups and Positions of Responsibility

The membership of the Finance WG was increased to three councillors with the addition of Councillor Nightingale and other appointments were confirmed.

58/22    Creation of a Personnel Committee

The creation of a Finance and HR Committee was agreed in principle. Its creation and Terms of Reference will be on the June Agenda.

59/22    Standing Orders

The updated Standing Orders approved 2/3/22 were noted.

60/22    Review and adoption of appropriate Financial Regulations

The draft Financial Regulations were discussed. It was resolved that the limit of expenditure which can be approved without the prior agreement of the Council would be increased from £500 to £1,000 (paras 1.14, 4.1, and 4.5), and that cheque transfers would be limited to £50,000. Other changes were agreed as in the draft circulated.

61/22    Asset Register

The Asset Register as at 31/03/22 was confirmed.

62/22    Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks

The three-year insurance agreement which ends 3/7/24 was noted.

63/22    Review of the Council’s Subscriptions to other bodies and Review of the Council’s Contracts

The circulated list of subscriptions and contracts was noted.

64/22    Review of the Council’s Complaints Procedure

The circulated document was approved.

65/22    Review of the Council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation

The updated Model Publication Scheme, General Privacy Notice, Role Holders Privacy Notice, Privacy Policy, and review of Website Accessibility Statement were approved.

66/22    Review of the Council’s employment policies and procedure

DPC agreed creation of a Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure would be scheduled as time and priorities permit.

67/22    Review of the Council’s expenditure incurred under s.137 of the Local Government Act 1972

The Clerk confirmed that the expenditure limit has not been exceeded.

68/22    Ordinary Meetings of the Parish Council  

It was agreed that ordinary meetings of the Parish Council will continue to take place in the Village Hall on the first Wednesday of each month except August at 7:00 p.m.

DPC will trial timed Agenda items with a total meeting time of not more than two hours.

69/22    2022 Statement of Internal Controls & Risk Register Review

It was resolved to approve the Statement and the Risk Register Review presented to the 1 December 2021 meeting.

71/22    DPC’s Delegations of Authority

It was resolved to remove from the Delegations document the requirement that public virtual meetings used for the Clerk to consult with DPC must be convened in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, and that the Clerk will log the decisions and post the minutes of such delegation consultation meetings on the website in a ‘Delegated Decisions’ section which is being installed with the Finance documents, and that DPC will review before the autumn how it will operate if it is not possible to meet in the Hall.

72/22    Annual authorisation of the Clerk’s base salary & Working from Home Allowance

It was approved that the Clerk’s base salary will be paid on the last day of each month and be authorised annually in May of each year or when the national salary award is changed and to continue payment £17 per month Working from Home Allowance as DPC’s contribution to total £27 per month pro-rata with Blackawton Parish Council (rate as per Devon Association of Local Council’s notice). The Clerk’s notice that energy costs will be monitored and may instead be invoiced based on evidence of costs was noted.

73/22 Training

DPC will keep under review its training requirements and the creation of a Policy.

74/22    Payment of Parish Councillor Allowances

The option exists to reimburse councillors for the day-to-day expenses of being a councillor and also to pay an allowance to the Chair. DPC can also reimburse councillors for specific costs e.g. travel to attend planned training.

75/22 Forward Plan 22/23

Councillors plan to discuss DPC’s 22/23 objectives and priorities as a group outside of formal PC meetings. Councillors Anderson and Lloyd will bring a proposal to the 1 June meeting.

Ordinary Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council

76/22    Declaration of Interests in items on the agenda.

Councillor Tucker declared an interest in Items 11.4 (Dart 10K event) and Item 13 (Football Club).

77/22    Approval of Minutes.

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2022.

78/22    Ratification of the decisions made by virtual meetings held on 1/9/21, 1/12/21, 5/1/22, and 2/2/22

It was resolved to ratify the decisions taken by the meetings.

79/22    Public Issues

79/22.1       Platinum Jubilee Events 2-6 June

There are several events taking place – a dance in the Village Hall on Friday night, a sports day on the football pitch on Saturday, and a community lunch on Sunday (all tickets to the lunch in the marquee have sold).

The beacon on Fire Beacon Hill may be lit on Thursday 2 June depending on the fire risk.

80/22    Community Reports

80/22.1       South Hams District Council Councillor

Councillor McKay reported that SHDC councillors receive daily emails about the waste collection performance. SHDC is actively managing waste collection contract.

Officers are vetting forty plus potential homes for refugees from Ukraine.

Overview and Scrutiny meetings have identified increased outreach to rural residents as an action to improve delivery of services by Fusion Leisure Centres. About 80 percent of the South Hams population is rural and doesn’t live close to facilities.

Cllr Nightingale said that a member of Sustainable South Hams has offered to coordinate community composting free of charge if SHDC decides to take that route in the future.

Residents are encouraged to report missed waste collections. SHDC can withhold payment if the service hasn’t been delivered but that decision must be based on missed collections reported via SHDC’s website.

80/22.2       Devon County Council Councillor

DCC Councillor Hawkins congratulated the new Chair and Vice-Chair.

Councillor Hawkins has met with the new South Hams Police Inspector. They are responsible for a huge area.

A new Police office will open next month on College Way. A request has been made for a new Officer in Dartmouth and a PCSO.

Councillor Hawkins attended an event at the Health and Wellbeing Centre a few weeks ago. The Centre is huge inside. It should open August – September.

South Devon and Torbay NHS has had a meeting with residents who still want a MIU and beds in Dartmouth.

There are two Youth nights a month in the Leisure Centre and weekly at Ivy Lane.

Councillor Hawkins advised the Clerk to direct correspondence received by DPC about a fall off the highway on Manor Street to contact DCC.

Councillor Lloyd will contact Councillor Hawkins outside the meeting about a problem with navigation systems being used by ambulance and by bin lorries.

Councillor Hawkins left the meeting.

81/22    SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decision was noted:

81/22.1       0609/22/PDM Dittisham Landfill Dittisham TQ6 0HP. Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to 1No. dwellinghouse and for associated operational development (Class Q (a+b)). Prior Approval Refused

82/22    New planning applications

82/22.1       0507/22/HHO & 0508/22/LBC Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder application and Listed Building consent for construction of free standing garden building (summerhouse) within rear curtilage (Resubmission of 1105/20/HHO).

The applications include a plan of a new shower room with a toilet in the garden. However the application’s foul sewage assessment states that there is no foul sewage.

Dittisham Parish Council resolved to defer commenting pending clarification of the development which is being proposed.

82/22.2       Planning consultation request – P/2022/0112 – Land To The South Of White Rock, Adjacent To Brixham Road, Aka Inglewood.

No Comment (resolution proposed Councillor Anderson, seconded Nightingale).

83/22    New tree applications

83/22.1       0544/22/TPO Dittisham Sailing Club Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0HS. T001: Oak – Sever Ivy. T002: Oak – Sever Ivy. T004: Oak – Remove lowest primary branch on E side. Hanging over garage. T005: Sycamore – Remove branch with axial crack at approx. 6m from GL on E side. To prevent branch failure onto path or building. T006: Sycamore – Remove epicormic growth from base. To remove conflict with building. T007: Sycamore – Reduce lateral branches over building by 1-2m. To reduce weight of branches.

Support (resolution proposed Cllr Nightingale, seconded Cllr Green).

84/22    Orchard on The Lane

This is not a matter for DPC.

85/22    Annual Parish Meeting on 11 May

Arrangements were confirmed. Expenditure of up to £200 was authorised for wine and ‘nibbles’. Councillor Lloyd will arrange the refreshments.

86/22    Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums

86/22.1       Data Protection for Councillors Training Course

Cllr Anderson reported on helpful points from the training course. It is very important that DPC emails are not forwarded to private email addresses.

86/22.2       Speed Survey

The receipt of an update from Cllr Bond was deferred.

86/22.3       Ham Maintenance Contract Specifications

The consideration of the proposed alteration to the maintenance of Ham Triangle was deferred.

86/22.4       Ham Events – Dart 10K Event

The company with which DPC has a hire agreement has changed ownership and name. The new owner has advised that they are familiar with the event and have received a comprehensive handover. The Clerk advised that no further action was needed. It was agreed that Cllr Bond’s questions about ownership will be addressed in the 1 June meeting.

87/22    Financial Matters

87/22.1       Financial Reports

A summary of receipts and payments was tabled. The final 21/22 balances have not yet been brought forward to 22/23.

87/22.2       Payments Due

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

  • Dittisham Village Hall, Hall Hire Jan – April 22, £170.00
  • DALC, Training Cllr Anderson Data Protection, £36.00
  • Parish Lengthsman, Feb & March 2022, £140.00
  • SLCC, Annual Fee – Pro rata with BPC, £150.64
  • Clerk, CE49 Expenses Reimbursement   , £33.46
  • Cllr Bond, Sleepers for The Ham Reimbursement, £71.88

87/22.3       Parish Lengthsman’s Contract

The item to consider a proposal to amend the contract to exempt an insured subcontractor from Chapter 8 training was no longer required.

88/22    Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted:

  • Dittisham United AFC, 28/4/22, Has stood down from being a VH Management Committee Trustee
  • Anthony Mangnall MP, 13/4/22 (sent & received reply), Process for refugees from Ukraine to come to the UK

89/22    Next Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council

It was confirmed that the next meeting will be 1 June 2022 at 7:00 pm.


The meeting closed at 9:09 pm.