The approved minutes can be downloaded here MN_2022 February 09 DPC EM Approved Minutes
or read below.
APPROVED Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held on Wednesday 9 February 2022 at 7:00p.m. in Dittisham Village Hall with an audio conferencing link
Present: Councillors Green (meeting Chair), Bond, Neale, Nightingale, Quinn, and Unitt were present, as was A. Thom (Clerk). There were five members of the public, all present in the Hall.
06/22 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Tucker and Anderson.
07/22 Declaration of Interests
None declared.
08/22 Request to book The Ham for a Community Platinum Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 5 June
The provisional dates for the marquee to be on The Ham are now 1 – 6 June.
It was resolved that:
the Council agrees to hire The Ham and if necessary to extend the normal hire period,
the Council imposes the vehicle movement conditions 3 and 4 used for the Dart 10k event,
the council increases the available parking spaces for the event to 10.
should another application be received [to use the marquee] the issue of insurance and responsibility would need to be resolved in a way acceptable to the hirer (resolution proposed Cllr Unitt, seconded Cllr Neale).
The vehicle movement conditions referred to are:
That there is no movement of vehicles on The Ham during the event.
That vehicles do not drive on The Ham unless it is essential and any movement of vehicles on The Ham is minimised
The application for a grant of £2,661 for the event costs was considered.
It was resolved that the Council agrees to the grant as proposed and in addition to meet the cost of public liability insurance.
It was resolved that the Council requests Cllr Nightingale to approach other trustees of the Parish of Dittisham Charity to ask about a contribution to this event.
The meeting closed at 19:47.