MN_2021 March 03 DPC Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held using public videoconferencing on Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7:00p.m.
Census on Sunday 21 March 2021 – Community Engagement Manager
Residents will receive a letter of invitation with a unique access code. Most people will complete the Census online. 10% of households will automatically receive a paper questionnaire. The invitation letter will provide a free phone number for requesting a paper copy of the Census questionnaire. There will be extensive help available to complete the Census – including phone, webchat, email, and text. The Census questionnaire can also be completed over the phone. A trusted family member or friend can complete it. The last day to return the Census is 4 May. There are three new questions: whether people have ever been in the armed forces, and two voluntary questions asking about gender identity and sexual orientation of people aged over 16 years. There is £1,000 fine for non-completion of the Census. The South Hams historically has a high completion rate.
Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Green, Lloyd, Neale, Nightingale, and Quinn were present, as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, Devon County Councillor Hawkins, and A Thom (Clerk). There were three members of the public.
39/21 Apologies
No apologies for absence were received.
40/21 Declaration of Interests
Cllr Quinn declared a personal interest in the Dartside tree application.
41/21 COVID-19 Response
No problems were raised with regard to the project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information.
42/21 Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2021
It was resolved to approve the minutes.
43/21 To consider any issues raised by members of the public.
43/21.1 Drains around area of The Level Car Park
The owner of Pump Cottage expressed their appreciation to members of the Parish Council for their ongoing efforts to address the issue. They offered to make a sensible and appropriate contribution to the cost of a CCTV survey – noting that it isn’t known to them how much it will cost. They commented on a view expressed to the previous meeting that the water could be a natural result of increased rainfall, stating for the record they have yet to be convinced that is the situation, because they have owned the house for many years and this is a different pattern of water flow.
43/21.2 A member of the public raised several issues as follows:
Fruit fall onto Jubilee steps was reported to the last meeting. The Clerk confirmed that the steps have been cleaned by the Parish lengthsman.
February Minute 21/21.8 Vegetation/Weeds on Roads in the Village – They saw the recent road sweeper and observed that it had no effect at the edges of the road.
Snow Warden Proposal Report – Cllr Lloyd said that this report had been deferred to 7 April meeting because of COVID-19 related home schooling responsibilities.
Greenbank swimming pool planning application – They asked about its visibility from houses and from the river. Cllr Anderson confirmed that this would be addressed later on the Agenda.
Stepping Stones outside Binham Cottage – They would be concerned about the installation of stepping stones or an alternative. This item is addressed later on the Agenda.
Proposed memorial Holm Oak planting on The Ham – They said that the Holm Oak is under serious consideration for listing in Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Act because it is a non-native invasive species and nothing grows under it. It is evergreen with thick and oily leaves which take a very long time to break down. It would be blocking the view of the river. Prolific fruit will travel down the river. It is very resistant to herbicides. They requested a deciduous tree. Cllr Faulkner confirmed that he was happy to take that information into account. He will do further research and if the concerns are valid look at an alternative. This will be an Agenda item for the 7 April meeting.
Cllr Green joined the meeting during the above item.
44/21 Community Reports
44/21.1 South Hams District Council Councillor
The allocation to the Council’s climate change response of an extra £200,000 in the Budget is very welcome. There was recently a serious accident on the zebra crossing in Harbertonford. Cllr McKay has restarted discussions about getting the crossing moved. The Restart grant in the Government budget will be administered by SHDC.
44/21.2 Devon County Council Councillor
SHDC COVID Compliance Officers to support businesses and customers will be in place until the end of September. The DCC Budget has been set. The Health and Well Being Centre will hopefully start in May. South Hams Leisure Centres will reopen when they are permitted to. Recycling Centres remain open.
Cllr Tucker asked Cllr Hawkins to raise with his colleague repair needed of potholes on the road between Harbertonford and Totnes.
44/21.2 DCC’s Camera Survey of Lower Street Drains and Pipes
The Clerk said that they have received a report that DCC’s recent camera survey has led to DCC’s recommendation to remove the collapsed unconnected gully outside The Moorings, and that the outlet from the gully at the bottom of the Church Steps needs repair prior to the resurfacing works which will require a temporary road closure (information about duration pending).
No comments were made.
45/21 SHDC Decisions planning/tree applications.
45/21.1 4088/20/FUL & 4089/20/LBC The Linhay Barn Chipton Barton Dittisham TQ6 0HW. Householder and Listed Building Consent for Refurbishment works, internal alterations and associated landscaping & continued use as ancillary accommodation/holiday use (resubmission of 2134/20/FUL & of 2123/20/LBC). Conditional Approval.
45/21.2 4101/20/VAR Sunbeams Riverside Road Dittisham Devon TQ6 0HS. Application for variation of conditions 2 and 3 of planning consent 3745/19/HHO regarding drawings and a privacy screen. Conditional Approval.
45/21.3 4180/20/PDM Prior approval for change of use of Agricultural building to Dwellinghouse (Class C3) an associated building operations. Prior Approval Refused.
45/21.4 3793/20/TCA 20 Dittisham Court, Dittisham, TQ6 0HS. T6: Horse Chestnut – Lateral reduction by 1m on all sides to allow clearance from property wall and ensure balance and shape of tree is maintained. No objection raised.
45/21.5 3749/20/HHO & 3750/20/LBC Dunedin House The Quay Dittisham TQ6 0EZ. Householder application and Listed building consent for roof over courtyard and lantern light withinternal alterations to rear first and second floors. Conditional Approval.
45/21.6 3927/20/LBC Lapwing Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed building consent for replacement of 3no casement windows on South elevation (retrospective). Conditional Approval.
46/21 New planning applications for consideration
46/21.1 0312/21/HHO Mowhay Barn Bosomzeal Dittisham TQ6 0JG. useholder application for new timber porch and restoration of existing outbuilding.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Bond)
46/21.2 0284/21/HHO Greenbank Riverside Road Dittisham TQ6 0HS. Householder application for exercise/therapy pool below garden bank.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Quinn, Cllr Faulkner against, Cllr Neale abstained)
47/21 New tree applications from SHDC
47/21.1 0534/21/TCA Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. T1: Lawson Cypress – Fell. G1: Lawson Cypress x2 – Fell. G2: Pittosporum, Cherry Laurel, Portuguese Laurel & Bay – Crown height reduction to 6m from ground level. T2: European Larch – Fell. T3: Leyland Cypress – Fell.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Faulkner, seconded Cllr Green, Cllrs Anderson and Bond against).
48/21 Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums
48/21.1 Management of Level Car Park Drains & Pipes
A decision regarding approval of expenditure for clearance and / or CCTV was deferred to the end of the Agenda for a discussion closed to the public and press.
48/21.2 Maintenance Working Group
The matters raised in the site meeting with the Maintenance Contractor were deferred pending further consideration by the Maintenance Working Group councillors. Expenditure of up to £100 was authorised for the proposal to block the pedestrian access to the eroded footpath near Lod Cottage with wooden fencing similar to that next to the path towards the village boat park from The Ham car park.
48/21.3 Vehicles parked at junction of Manor Street and The Lane
Cllrs Anderson and Bond’s proposals were considered. They were about improving communication between the parties involved and signage (moving the existing ‘no parking’ sign to the left, installing a new A2 size sign relating to ambulance turning, and cleaning the existing ‘The Lane/No Turning’ sign). Cllrs Anderson and Bond were asked to design a sign and notes for windscreens (to be downloadable from the parish website), and to consider including that The Lane is in use by vehicles. Clerk to follow up asking DCC about scheduling enforcement visits over the summer.
48/21.4 Dog Fouling Working Group
Cllr Neale reported that there has been some response to the current consultation. Two of six proposed dog fouling notices and a proposed leaflet for holiday lets have been circulated for DPC to consider. In response to Cllr Faulkner’s question about possibly too many notices, Cllr Neale explained that the proposed locations are noticeboards, bottom of Manor Street, and junction of The Lane and footpath 14. The Clerk requested use the standard header and addition of Clerk’s contact details. It was unanimously resolved to support the publicity on that basis.
48/21.5 Proposal for a Memorial Tree on The Ham
This item was raised under Public Issues and will be on the 7 April Agenda.
49/21 Binham Cottage’ request for a change to the surface of The Ham near Binham Cottage’ gate
The meeting considered the request from the owner of Binham Cottage. It was commented that the area has become exceptionally muddy from moving household contents. There are other private residences which have accesses directly onto The Ham. It was resolved to ask the Maintenance Working Group councillors to consider this matter in more detail and report back to DPC, and in the interim to ask the owner of Binham Cottage to use their alternative access and to let them know that DPC is seeking a way forward.
Cllrs Quinn and Hawkins left the meeting at 9 p.m.
50/21 Removal of diseased and dangerous Willow Tree and a Horse Chestnut on The Ham
SHDC’s contractors were very concerned about the diseased Willow next to the galleon, which DPC has been monitoring. They recommended removal with some urgency and before it comes into leaf. Two tree surgeons have suggested pollarding the willow and allowing it to reshoot. Cllr Faulkner has suggested removing the neighbouring tree which is a horse chestnut with canker. It was resolved to accept a quote to pollard the willow and remove the horse chestnut.
51/21 DPC Representation on Sustainable South Hams
Cllr Nightingale said that Sustainable South Hams is a good opportunity to collaborate. He said that he participates for Sustainable Dittisham and offered to represent DPC, with perhaps Cllr Neal as backup. Cllr Lloyd is also available as back up. It was unanimously resolved to agree to this proposal.
52/21 Proposed DPC Support of Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill
Cllr Nightingale explained that the purpose of asking for parish council support is to add weight to the proposed Bill and to obtain parliamentary debate, a path to make deeper changes faster. DPC would be added to the website for the Bill. It was unanimously resolved to support the proposal.
53/21 Policy Regarding the Placing of Private Skips in DPC Car Parks
Cllrs Tucker and Anderson have discussed private skips in DPC car parks and noted that there is a risk to DPC. Skips need to be supervised while they are in the car park. There is a risk to cars and users of the car park. The overall benefit to the whole of parish needs to be weighed against some benefit to one household. There are alternative locations for skips. It was unanimously resolved that the policy would be that DPC does not permit skips in its car parks for those reasons.
54/21 Delegated Authority
It was resolved to approve the proposed scheme of delegated authority and that it will be under review as and when necessary (Cllr Faulkner abstained).
55/21 Lost Property Policy
It was resolved to add ‘no return of lost property unless prepaid postage’ to the current policy for lost property on The Ham of advertising lost property on Facebook and/or in Red Lion for a week and then giving the lost property to a charity shop (Cllr Faulkner abstained).
56/21 Financial Matters
56/21.1 Financial Report
It was resolved to approve the report and bank reconciliation which showed a balance of £60,300.73 and unearmarked reserves of £10,854.66.
56/21.2 Payments
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
- Kingsbridge Websites Annual Hosting and Backups £120.00
- Tozer & Co Printers 2021/21 DSC paper permits £227.83
- Car Park Supervisor November 2020 to March 2021 £400.00
56/21.3 Transfer of Funds from NatWest to Lloyds Bank Accounts
It was resolved to approve transfer of £45,000 by cheque.
56/21.4 Clerk’s Expenses
It was resolved approve the claim CE38 for reimbursement for £130.23.
56/21.5 Clerk’s Overtime Claim
It was unanimously resolved to approve the claim for five hours overtime.
57/21 Correspondence
- Citizens Advice – Distribution of ‘COVID Winter Grant Scheme’ to support with the cost of fuel or food due to the continuing hardships caused by COVID-19
- SHDC 2/2/21 Parking Tariff Changes consultation 4 to 25 February 2021
- DSC Committee, 20/2/21, Notice of essential interior maintenance and building work DSC Club House for three to four weeks from 3 March
58/21 Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 21 April
The arrangements were discussed. The Dogs Trust and housing energy efficiency speakers have been proposed. Cllr Nightingale will send suggestions for key DPC achievements.
59/21 Next Meeting
The scheduling of the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council for 7 April 2021 at 7:00 pm was confirmed.
60/21 Management of Level Car Park Drains & Pipes
It was resolved to close the meeting while quotes were discussed due to commercial in confidence nature of the business. A contractor was chosen to carry out a CCTV survey.
The meeting closed at 21:56.