The Minutes can be read below or downloaded as a pdf here MN_2020 October 07 DPC Draft Minutes
DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held on Wednesday 7 October 2020 at 7:00 p.m. using public videoconferencing
Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chair), Anderson (Vice-Chair), Bond, Faulkner, Neale, Nightingale, and Quinn were present, as were South Hams District Councillor McKay, Devon County Councillor Hawkins, and A Thom (Clerk). There were no members of the public.
187/20 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Green.
188/20 Declaration of Interests
Cllr Nightingale declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in application 3075/20/PDM Barns at Capton. Cllr Quinn declared a personal interest in application 1105/20/HHO Dartside.
189/20 Application for Co-option as a Parish Councillor.
Ros Neale made a statement introducing herself and her application for co-option.
It was unanimously resolved to confirm co-option.
It was resolved that Cllr Neale will sign the undertaking in the presence of the Clerk at she and the Clerk’s earliest convenience.
190/20 Approval of Minutes
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2020.
191/20 COVID-19 Response
The project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information was reviewed. Devon County Cllr Hawkins responded to Cllr Nightingale’s question about DCC’s COVID 19 plans. SHDC will talk to parishes over next few months – as a learning process about how it can help in the future.
192/20 Public Issues
192/20.1 Planting of Crocus Corms
It was resolved unanimously to accept the offer from Rotary to plant 900 corms in the autumn. The purple crocus symbolises Rotary’s efforts to eradicate polio worldwide. It is expected that most will be planted around Ham Triangle. To be planted in consultation with the Maintenance Working Group. Cllr Faulkner will list the sites.
192/20.2 Hedge Cutting
Cllr Faulkner asked when the hedge abutting Dittisham Hill will be cut.
He was advised that the weather has made it difficult for the contractor. They are starting with the field hedges. Dittisham Hill will be done within the next 2-3 weeks. DEFRA is strict about 1 September being the earliest legal date to cut hedges.
192/20.3 Capton Stream
Cllr Nightingale said that the project to unblock the Stream is ongoing. They may get Exjet to clear silt/clay from a blocked culvert.
193/20 Community Reports
193/20.1 Devon County Council Councillor
The Neighbourhood Officer has today raised an issue with debris from hedge cutting not being cleared. Lower Street is on the circuit for resurfacing. Higher Street is also on DCC’s list for repairs. A builder on the road to The Ham has been told to move their materials off the road as soon as possible. There is £750 DCC grant funding available. It needs to be allocated by Christmas.
It was agreed that the Clerk will reforward an email from a resident about the resurfacing of Lower Street.
Cllr Hawkins emailed report notes included the following:
The first home beds at Little Cotton Farm in Dartmouth will be available next spring. A new nursing home is also being discussed for the site nearest the Health and Well-being Centre Leisure Centre. It was agreed at the last Full District Council Meeting to put £243,000 into reopening all four District Leisure Centres. This money will help pay wages costs etc up until next March. County and the eight Districts have told the Government that they do not support Unitary Devon. The Government consultation on planning regulations has been clearly told that South Hams District Council is not supportive of some of the changes. The two main concerns are that the District would have to provide twice as many houses as planned and that the raising of the threshold of 10 to 40 for an affordable contribution %. South Hams has clearly said we do not support these in an Area such as ours with AONBs and small communities.
193/20.2 South Hams District Council Councillor
Deferred because Cllr McKay was temporarily unavailable.
193/20 New Planning Applications.
193/20.1 1105/20/HHO Dartside Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received) Householder application for construction of ancillary garden building (summerhouse) within rear curtilage.
Cllr Quinn raised a concern about the Design and Access statement saying that Manor Street would be blocked for 30-60 minutes while deliveries unload.
- It was agreed that Cllr Quinns point should be addressed in more detail in a construction method statement.
- The building must be ancillary to the house and not used as a separate residential unit.
- DPC’s comment about reducing light pollution will be included in the comment.
Support subject to an ancillary use condition as above and with the comments as above (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Bond, Cllr Quinn abstained).
193/20.2 3075/20/PDM Barns at Capton Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0JE. Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 4no. dwellinghouses and associated operational development (Class Q(a+b)).
Relevant evidence can be submitted directly to SHDC.
193/20.3 3002/20/ARC Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 5-10 & 13 of listed building consent 1462/19/LBC
3001/20/ARC Downton Farm Dittisham TQ6 0JD. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 10-15 & 18 of planning consent 1461/19/FUL.
Support both of the above applications (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Nightingale, unanimous).
193/20.4 2345/20/HHO Penveron The Level Dittisham TQ6 0ES. Householder application for roof terrace decking and balustrade works.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Faulkner, unanimous).
194/20 South Hams District Council Councillor
Cllr McKay reported that the Localities Task and Finish Group is ongoing. The role is under review, with learning from the COVID experience. He has sent DPC a briefing note with his view on the proposed changes to Government planning policy. There has been a cross party rejection of them. SHDC has replied to the Government’s consultation on the proposed changes to planning policy, which Cllr McKay fully supports.
195/20 Consultations
- NALC White paper – Planning for the future. Closes 15 October 2020
Cllr Anderson said he tends to concur with Cllr McKay. The division into growth, renewal, and project areas means that Dittisham is OK. He would respond supporting protected area status of relevance to Dittisham, other parts not directly relevant. It was resolved that Cllr Anderson and the Clerk would write a response, in consultation with other councillors.
- NALC Transparency and competition (land control). Closes 16 October 2020
No comment by DPC,
- DCC 2021-2027 Updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Devon. Closes 15 October 2020
No comment by DPC. Cllr Anderson commented that there is a good executive summary.
- SHDC Licensing Act 2003 – Licensing Policy Consultation. Closes 16 October 2020.
No comment by DPC.
- Department for Transport, Pavement parking: options for change, Closes 22 November 2020.
Comment deferred to November meeting of DPC.
196/20 Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums
196/20.1 Habitat Review with Sustainable Dittisham
The Report and its Proposals were considered. It was resolved unanimously to accept proposals 6-9, which address proposed planting and authorise expenditure of £250.
Cllr Quinn requested that the proposal for a willow dome on The Ham be placed on the November agenda, consistent with DPC’s decision that it be reviewed in the autumn
196/20.2 Maintenance Working Group
Finalisation of the content of the proposed specifications for the new maintenance contract was deferred to an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 14 October at 6 pm.
Cllr Tucker said that DPC needs notices to explain any uncut areas. Cllr Hawkins said that planting and signs were possible uses of the available grant from DCC.
196/20.3 Car Parks Working Group
The Group’s recommendations regarding the Dittisham Sailing Club permits were reviewed. It was unanimously resolved to accept the recommendation that paper permits be continued for 2021. It was resolved unanimously that the charge for the permits would be increased by 20% because of the VAT cost. If necessary, based on the consultation response, DPC can give a rebate. The decision about whether to offer DSC permits in 2022 was deferred, for review in September 2021. The Clerk will contact and write to DSC about the price increase.
196/20.4 Flooding & Drainage Task and Finish Group
The Group’s Report and its Recommendations were considered and accepted.
The Parish lengthsman will clear blocked road drains in the village, parishioners to be encouraged in sourcing/storing materials such as sandbags, plastic sheeting etc. in readiness to alleviate flooding in their property should it be prone to flooding, and parishioners can also be of great help if they can regularly clear any loose debris, particularly leaves, from drain tops adjacent to their properties.
197/20 Village Hall Management Committee Report
It was agreed to accept the Report, and to write to the VHMC to say thank you and that DPC accepts the contents.
198/20 Dog Fouling
The Report, whether to approve installation & relocation of bins, and whether to use SHDC’s dog on lead posters were deferred to the November meeting.
Parishioners to be asked for their views and suggestions on management of this problem.
199/20 The Use of The Ham Policy
DPC considered the addition of a new section regarding access to properties and decided that it would be rejected. The Clerk will advise the owner property which requested access.
200/20 West Dart Bus – Ivybridge and District Community Transport Association
This item to consider proposing a councillor to replace the retiring Blackawton based trustee was deferred to the 14 October extraordinary meeting due to the lateness of the hour.
201/20 Financial Matters
201/20.1 Financial Report
The Report and bank reconciliation which showed a balance of £67,528.31 and unearmarked reserves of £17,644.01, were approved.
201/20.2 Payments
- SWW, Quay Standpipe, £40.09
- Cllr Bond, Grass Seed, £9.99
- Clerk’s Expenses Reimbursement CE35 £111.01
- VAT payment to HMRC £574.27
- One of cut of the Old Chapel Burial Ground £106.04 plus VAT – deferred
- Cllr Anderson’s expenses 21.98
- Chapter 8 training, Cllr Bond, £75+VAT
It was resolved to approve the above with the exception of the Burial Ground cut which was deferred.
- Overlay stickers to correct Car Park & Ham Lane signs
It was resolved to approve purchase of the stickers to correct the website and email addresses on the terms and conditions signs in the two car parks.
- Capton Bus Shelter
The quote of £100 for a contractor to remove the remaining base and make good was approved. The Clerk was given authority to agree with the Raleigh Estate whether they want the hard core / chippings removed, or used to improve the potholes in the field access.
202/20 Correspondence
The following correspondence was noted:
- 19/9/20 Facebook message – lack of social distancing on pontoon and bottom Manor Street
- 18/8/20 Village Website – No found on web searches
- 2/9/20 Tree down FP15, Dittisham Mill Creek – referred to DCC & DHNA
- 28/8/20 Capton Mill Bridge, repair required – referred to DCC
- 28/8/20 Resurfacing of Lower Street – passed on to DCC
- 30/9/20, Abandoned caravan on Strete road, referred to DCC which is managing
- 24/8/20 Dartmouth Town Council, Request for meeting and public space to extend community service
- 1/10/20 Two phone calls members of the public, dead swan on Dittisham Mill Creek, referred & reported to SHDC.
- 11/9/20 Access required to Blackberry Cottage for vehicle to flush drains, provided
203/20 Next meeting
It was confirmed that the next ordinary meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be held on 4 November 2020 at 7:00 pm. An extraordinary meeting will be held on 14 October at 6 pm to agree the contents of the new maintenance contract.