Socially-distanced wreath-laying, a two-minute silence, a re-broadcast of Winston Churchill’s speech and an address from the Queen are among the national events taking place. The BBC has reported that the government is encouraging people to watch the events on the BBC and to hold 1940s-style afternoon tea parties within their households.

This BBC article lists events that are going ahead LINK

The Government has published a toolkit of resources, to include bunting and posters that you can print and display at home in your windows. English Heritage has a pack to help you put together your own celebrations to mark the anniversary from home. Share your Second World War stories, families’ histories and messages of remembrance on social media, using #VEDay75 to join the conversation. For school children, historian and presenter Dan Snow has set a creative challenge  to research what VE Day is all about.

However you mark the day, privately or publicly, please do so safely