DRAFT Minutes 2024 October 02

The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2024 October 02 DRAFT Minutes

DRAFT Minutes of the monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council on Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Present: Cllrs Bond(Vice-Chair), Golding, Green, Hawke, Neale, Lloyd, Pope, and Unitt

There were no members of the public present in person and there was no Zoom audio-connection.

Public Forum

No issues were raised


1. Apologies for absence.

Cllr Nightingale, Cllr Hawkins (DCC)

2. Declaration of Interests

None declared

3. Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th September 2024.

4. Community Reports

4.1. South Hams District Council Councillor: Deferred in the absence of Cllr McKay

4.2. Devon County Council Councillor: Deferred in the absence of Cllr Hawkins

5. Financial Matters

5.1. Financial Reports

The Financial Reports were noted. The finance working group plan to meet in the near future.

5.2. Payments

The following payments were authorised:

  • Clerk Expenses Reimbursement for July, August and September – £187.39

  • Payment for Car Park Attendant June-September – £500.

Payments authorised since the last monthly meeting were noted:

Ringo processing fee, SHDC, £234.22

Tindle newspaper, for advert in Kingsbridge Gazette £134.40

To reimburse Cllr Bond for Parish-related hardware expenses £6.78 and £4 respectively.

6.0 Planning Decisions noted since our September meeting.

6.1. 2062/24/LBC Myrtle Cottage, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX Listed Building Consent for of 5 timber single glazed windows – withdrawn

7.0 New Planning Applications

7.1. 2279/24/24 LBC and 2280/24/HHO The Old Bakehouse, Manor Street, Dittisham. TQ6 0EX

Proposal: Householder application to add double pile with half hipped

extension to rear, raise ridge line, addition of roof lights & dormer & internal alterations to create new bedroom suite:

Both LBC and HHO applications Supported (by resolution)

7.2. 2620/24/LBC and 621/24/HHO

Site Address: Lilac Cottage,The Level, Dittisham,TQ6 0ES

Proposal: Householder application for loft alterations, minor alterations to

first floor & outbuilding: comments by 3 October 2024.

Both LBC and HHO applications Supported (by resolution)

7.3 2891/24/LBC and 2890/24/HHO

Bay Cottage, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX

Proposal: Householder application for new extension, glazed link to existing

single storey extension, material change, new window & revised external access

Comments by 17 October 2024

Both LBC and HHO applications Object (by resolution)

  • Increase in light pollution due to link block being of glazed design. Increase light pollution of glazed roof light incorporated in flat roof area. DPC is concerned to reduce the cumulative effect of light pollution on both residential amenity and the survival of nocturnal species. DPC recognises the importance of preserving dark landscapes and dark skies as set out in the NPPF and the JPL.

If the development is approved, DPC requests a full Lighting Impact Assessment is required and appropriate conditions are put in place to minimise light pollution. DPC also requests a suitable construction management plan be put in place due to the access difficulties of the site and the impact on nearby businesses and dwellings.

7.4 2481/24/LBC

Tunis,The Quay, Dittisham. TQ6 0EZ

Proposal: Householder application for extension to the rear of the existing property with associated refurbishment works and the demolition and rebuild of an existing ancillary accommodation building. Comments by 31st October 2024

Both LBC and HHO applications Object (by resolution)

  • The proposal to extend the property from a 2/3 bedroom dwelling to a 4 bedroom dwelling is contributing to the poor housing mix in the parish and the under supply for 1/2/3 bedroom dwellings in Dittisham parish. (ONS data shows an overprovision of 4 bedroom dwellings in Dittisham parish).

  • Notable increase in hard landscaping / loss of permeable and green landscaping leading to increased surface water runoff.

  • Upscaling of ‘shed’ (as described on plans submitted) to bedroom accommodation is considered over-development.

  • Increased pressure on foul waste disposal & management.

  • Increased vehicular traffic in conservation area.

  • Overall increase to light pollution. DPC is concerned to reduce the cumulative effect of light pollution on the survival of nocturnal species and on residential amenity and recognises the importance of preserving dark landscapes and dark skies.

  • Overall negative impact on the associated Listed Buildings and the character of the Conservation Area.

If the development is approved DPC request a condition that the proposed garden accommodation shall not be used as a separate dwelling and remains as proposed, as an ancillary bedroom.

DPC also requests a suitable construction management plan due to the access difficulties of the site.

DPC further requests appropriate conditions to minimise light pollution, particular attention being on external & garden lighting.

7.5 Application for a new premises licence from Sharpham Partnership Ltd for Unit 1, South Devon Food Hub, Longcombe, Totnes, TQ9 6PW.

Application noted. No Comment

8.0 Car Parks attendant Contract (The current contract expires on 31 December 2024) It was agreed that the specifications, terms and advertising be delegated to the Clerk (Annette Thom) in consultation with the Car Parks Working Group.

8.1 Maintenance Contractor

There were no applicants for this role.

One resident is willing to do maintenance jobs for the PC but does not want to be contracted to the Parish Council.

It was agreed that regular and ad hoc maintenance jobs could be done by this individual at an hourly rate. The Maintenance Working Group will oversee any work to monitor value for money.

9. Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups and External Forums

9.1 Little Orchard steps

It was resolved to approve the installation of a knee railing – £289.29

9.2 Jubilee Steps Project Update

Six companies have been approached to quote for the manufacture and installation of a handrail on the Jubilee steps.

Three quotes have been received. The PC is awaiting two more quotes from the companies that have expressed an interest.

9.3 Parish Emergency Plan

The central contact number was tested in the meeting. Cllr Unitt will check the numbers of the two Cllrs where the call system did not work properly. Instructions will then be issued to the PC Emergency Team.

It was resolved to publish the Parish Emergency Plan on the website.

It was suggested to communicate information to the residents via a letterbox drop with info re the Emergency contact number; System for keeping medical information in a container in the fridge so it can be accessed by people responding to an emergency and an ICE (In Case Of Emergency) number to have on one’s phone.

First Aid course – previously agreed – needs to be organised.

9.4 West Dart Bus
Cllr Hawkes reported the formation of the working group (Cllrs Hawke and Green, volunteer drivers, including Claudia Benzies, WDB coordinator at Blackawton.)

Devon County Council is prepared to increase their grant for the School run by up to 10%. Also there is significant interest and potential grant funding assuming new bus has wheel chair access.

9.5 Lengthsman Report

The report was noted. There are 47.5 hours remaining up to March 31st 2025.

The Maintenance working group will prioritise the work to be done.

9.6 Neighbourhood Plan meeting.

The public meeting held on Wednesday 25th Sept. was attended by 12 people 5 of whom were Cllrs. The 7 non Cllrs represented 4 households in the Village.

It was resolved to create a working group (Cllrs Golding, Hawke, Green and Lloyd) to move this project forwards

9.7 Dittisham Music Festival

It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to the organisers congratulating them on their achievements.

9.8 Village Hall collapsed wall repairs update

The arrangements for the repair of the wall are progressing. The Ecclesiastical Insurance Company has accepted the claim for the re-instatement of the wall and outside store and has agreed to DVHMC instructing PCA Consulting (Andrew Horton) to design the replacement wall.

9.9 Dittisham Village Hall Committee meeting

Report from July meeting by Cllr Neale was noted.

Key issues: Revenue will be depleted as Buckingham Dance Studio will no longer be using the hall. The 100 club is very well supported. Annual Premises Report has been completed. The DVHMC will be submitting a grant application to the PC in the near future.

10. Climate & Nature

  1. The Sustainable South Hams (SusSH) Climate and Nature Symposium will be held on Friday11th Oct, 9:30 am – 3 pm Follaton House, Totnes.

Cllr Nightingale will be giving a presentation. Cllrs Hawke and Neale will be attending.

10.2 Friends of the Dart

Cllr Hawke will be taking part in a night time paddle to raise funds.

The organisation has been sent a DPC grant application form and a link to the Parish of Dittisham Charity page should they wish to apply for funding towards the work that they want to do with particular regard water testing throughout the year.

(The Environment agency testing stopped at the end of September)

11. Correspondence: To note or consider correspondence:


12. Next Meeting:

To confirm the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on November 2nd 2024 at 7:00 pm.

13. Closure of the Meeting

To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.

14. Quotes for Jubilee steps project

Not discussed as further quotes are expected.


The meeting will be held in the Village Hall

Ros Neale 2nd Clerk

Agenda 2024 October 03

The Agenda can be read below Agenda for October meeting or downloaded here:

Incorporating the Hamlet of Capton and the Manors of Bozomzeal and Coombe
To all members of Dittisham Parish Council Sept. 26th 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council to be held in
Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 2
nd October 2024 at 7:00p.m for the purpose of
transacting the following business.
a. Public Forum
To consider any issues raised by members of the public.
Members of the public are invited to give their views, to question the Parish Council about issues
on this Agenda, or to raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chair.
1.To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Interests
To declare interests in items on the Agenda.
3. Approval of Minutes
To consider approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 4
th September 2024.
4. Community Reports
4.1. South Hams District Council Councillor
4.2. Devon County Council Councillor
5. Financial Matters
5.1. Financial Reports
To note Financial Reports
5.2. Payments
To authorise the following payments:
 Clerk Expenses Reimbursement for July, August and September – £187.39
 Payment for Car Park Attendant June-September – £500.
To note payments authorised since the last monthly meeting:
Ringo processing fee, SHDC, £234.22
Tindle newspaper, for advert in Kingsbridge Gazette £134.40
To reimburse Cllr Bond for Parish-related hardware expenses £6.78 and £4 respectively.
6.0 Planning Decisions to note since our September meeting.
6.1. 2062/24/LBC Myrtle Cottage, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX Listed Building Consent for
of 5 timber single glazed windows – withdrawn
7.0 New Planning Applications
7.1. 2280/24/HHO The Old Bakehouse, Manor Street, Dittisham. TQ6 0EX
Proposal: Householder application to add double pile with half hipped
extension to rear, raise ridge line, addition of rooflights & dormer & internal alterations to create
new bedroom suite: comments by 3 October 2024.

Draft Minutes 2024 July 03

The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN 2024 July DPC Draft Minutes V2

DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in

Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 3 July 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

  1. 6:00 pm – Drop-In Session

  2. Two members of the public attended – one to be available to discuss 1476/24/FUL Fairholme planning application and one explained their objection to 1253/24/HHO, 1 Glendale Manor Street planning application.

  3. Present: Cllrs Nightingale(Chair), Bond(Vice-Chair), Golding, Green, Lloyd, Neale, Pope, and Unitt were present, as were A Thom (Clerk) and Devon County Council Councillor Hawkins. There were five members of the public present in person and none over Zoom audio-connection.

              1. Absent. Cllr Hawkes.

  4. 7:00 pm – Public Forum

  5. i. Dartmouth & District Chamber of Commerce

  6. The two Co-Chairs of the new Chamber discussed the Chamber and its objectives to represent the interests of businesses and community groups. The Chamber was launched in January this year and now has 130 members. Membership is free to community and festival groups. The current charge for businesses to join is £10 a year. There are four priority areas: parking, staffing, housing, and tourism; which have each have task forces. The tourism work is producing outcomes. They have a related legal entity which is managing the Dartmouth Visitors Centre. The Chamber advocates, connects, and collaborates. There is a celebration barbecue at the Dartmouth Golf Club on 16 July 2024.

  7. ii. Issues raised by Members of the Public

  8. a. 11476/24/FUL Fairholme, Riverside Road, Dittisham, TQ6 0HS.

  9. The applicant said that the recent application was withdrawn because of late questions from South Hams District Council which they could not answer in the available time. The replacement application now has certified passivhaus plus but no other changes.

b. Parish Lengthsman

The Lengthsman described their recent work in Dittisham and some obstacles to making progress. They will send a written report including hours worked.

  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hawkes and SHDC Cllr McKay.

  1. Declaration of Interests

Cllr Golding declared an interest in 1965/24/ARC Bozomzeal Manor planning application. Cllr Bond declared an interest in 1764/24/TCA 27 Dittisham Court planning application. Cllr Unitt declared an interest in 1476/24/FUL Fairholme planning application and a financial interest in item 8.5 Whitbread Group Plc Premier Inn new licence application.

  1. Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meetings held on 5 June and 26 June 2024.

  1. Community Reports

    1. South Hams District Council Councillor

Deferred in the absence of SHCC Cllr McKay.

    1. Devon County Council Councillor

DCC Cllr Hawkins reported on meetings about setting up a Dartmouth community composting scheme. The Jawbones site has been chosen. SHDC will support with funding and there will be a meeting in the Dartmouth Town Hall. The project will need volunteers to run the site.

  1. Financial Matters

    1. Financial Reports

It was resolved to approve the Financial Reports which showed total funds £74,335.59 and an unearmarked general fund of £18,448.92. The Finance Working Group will review communication of financial information to Cllrs in September 2024.

    1. Payments

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

  • Internal Audit, £150.00

  • 2024 Playground inspection, £186.00

  • Reimbursement of Clerk’s expenses £30.99

The following payment authorised since the last monthly meeting was noted:

  • Installation of handrail at Little Orchard access steps, £606.23

  1. Car Park Contract

It was resolved to extend the current contract to 31 December 2024 on the same terms.

  1. SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decision was noted:

    1. 1118/23/TEX Langscott, Lower Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HY. T1: Silver Birch – Wind has blown tree over & T2: Silver Blown – Rootplate lifted on one side and heavily leaning, to be dismantled beforeit falls over. No Objection Raised.

  1. New Planning Applications
    1. 1253/24/HHO, 1 Glendale Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EY. Householder application for proposed erection of a free-standing shed/summer house.

Object (by resolution). The image of the proposed building is a basic timber structure that DPC considers has the appearance of a summer house. DPC’s view is that the proposed building would have a negative effect on the associated Listed Buildings and on the character of the Conservation Area, and would overlook 2 Glendale’s garden with a negative effect on its privacy. If the development was approved DPC requests conditions requiring that the building cannot be used for living accommodation, cannot be used for overnight accommodation, and that no amenities can be installed. DPC will also request that a method statement be required, due to the difficult access to this location.

    1. 1476/24/FUL Fairholme, Riverside Road, Dittisham, TQ6 0HS. New 3 bed dwelling and detached garden store with associated car parking & landscaping (including new tree planting).

Support (by resolution) and comment with the same feedback as for the previous application. Cllr Unitt left the meeting while this item was addressed.

    1. 1965/24/ARC Bozomzeal Manor Bozomzeal Dittisham TQ6 0JG. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4 (Internal Wall Finishes) of planning consent 0928/24/LBC.

Cllr Golding left the meeting while this item was addressed.

Support (by resolution).

    1. Little Pizza Ltd 5 – 6 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth, TQ6 9AD. New premises licence for: Supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, Monday to Sunday 11:30 to 23:00. Opening hours of the premise Monday to Sunday 11:30 to 23:30

    2. Whitbread Group Plc Premier Inn adjacent to Townstall Road, Violet Drive, Little Cotton Farm as per OS SX855 508, Planning reference 0278/24/ARM in Dartmouth. For: Supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, Monday to Sunday 10:00 to 00:30., Exhibition of films indoors Monday to Sunday 10:00 to 00:30., Late night refreshment indoors Monday to Sunday 23:00 to 00:30., Opening hours of the premises Monday to Sunday 06:00 to 01:00.

No Comment – It was resolved to respond that DPC will not be commenting on either of the above two planning applications. Cllr Unitt left the meeting while this item was addressed.

  1. New Tree Applications
    1. 1764/24/TCA 27 Dittisham Court Dittisham TQ6 0HS. T1: Conifer – Remove.

Support (by resolution). Cllr Bond left the meeting while this item was addressed.

  1. Working Groups & Positions of Responsibility Role Descriptions

It was resolved to approve the revised the document with the additional amendments: Footpath Warden to be made plural and to note that two of the Parish of Dittisham Charity’s Trustees are DPC Cllrs.

  1. Roles for recently co-opted Councillors on Working Groups and Task & Finish Groups

The nomination of new Cllrs to specific additional roles was deferred.

  1. Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups and External Forums

    1. New Car Park Task & Finish Group

DPC Cllrs have met with representatives of the Village Hall Management Committee and with the grantor of the land for a proposed new village car park. The proposal is now for the land to be transferred to DPC and for all three car parks to be run by DPC. It was agreed to meet with the grantor to suggest that DPC develop the project and to discuss conditions. DPC would consult with all stakeholders.

    1. Climate & Nature Working Group

The Melt artwork project has been launched. In September and October there will be events associated with it. Sustainable South Hams will be conducting a Cllrs even, date to follow.

  1. Annual Playground Inspection

The Report of the 2024 Playground Inspection on 8 May 2024 identifies some risks – all assessed as low or very low. It makes recommendations for action. It also says to ensure that an appropriate water risk assessment is in place. The Clerk’s Report discusses DPC’s response to the Inspection Report and makes recommendations for action by DPC. A DPC maintenance schedule and maintenance contractor role have been drafted. DPC is carrying out its own water risk assessment. Two quotes have been received for an external water risk assessment, they start from £1039 +VAT.

It was resolved not to arrange for an external organisation to carry out a water risk assessment.

It was resolved to install a site information sign on the existing playground sign posts and the authority to do so was delegated to the Clerk.

It was resolved that Cllr Neale will action additional planting in an area identified to the west of the bench on the southern side of The Ham.

SHDC will be asked to strim the edge of the western stream more often to keep the stream visible.

The Clerk will action a playground wetpour assessment and repairs.

The consideration of fencing to manage risk was not on the Agenda for this meeting and was deferred.

  1. Maintenance Contractor

It was agreed to advertise for a DPC Maintenance Contractor.

  1. Management of Hemlock Water Dropwort on The Ham

The Report was considered. It was resolved to implement recommendations for revised information signs, to record extent of hemlock water dropwort plants around The Ham and actively monitor it, and to defer a decision about new planting with a view to reducing the extent of hemlock water dropwort.

  1. Signage around The Ham

It was agreed to implement proposals to purchase signs for Ham Car Park chevron parking, Ham access Gate, Hemlock, and a high tide directions sign, and to review all DPC signage in the autumn.

  1. 6:00 pm – Drop-In Sessions

It was agreed to cease the trial of 6:00 pm drop in sessions prior to monthly meetings of DPC. Future drop-in sessions will be provided as necessary and be from 6:30 pm.

  1. Asbestos Survey of Toilet Facilities on The Ham

The Survey arranged by SHDC of its building was noted.

  1. Correspondence & Communications

The following correspondence was noted.

  • 2/6/24 Friends of the Dart, Enquiry about Funding Support for River Dart Water Testing Programme

  • 6/6/24 Cllr approached about street furniture next to residence on Lower Street. Resident referred to SHDC & DCC as the responsible authorities

  • 24/6/24 Project Manager at Sustainable South Hams, Support for councillors on climate and nature

  1. Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 4 September 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Cllr Golding gave apologies for the meeting.

The meeting closed at 9:28 pm.