The approved minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2023 October 04 DPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 4 October 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Public Forum

a. Parking on the Foreshore next to The Ham Car Park

A member of the public advised the meeting that they have observed frequent parking on the foreshore next to The Ham Car Park and that this takes place when there are plenty of spaces free in the car parking area.
The Clerk will research the process to enforce in this location and report to DPC.

b. Learning from recent Fire on Manor Street

A member of the public asked to attend the visit to the Dartmouth Fire Station to view the service and receive feedback on the Fire Service’s response to the recent Fire on Manor Street. They asked DPC to make a Freedom of Information request to view the Fire Service’s Report.

Present: Cllrs Nightingale (Chair), Bond (Vice-Chair), Golding, Hodge, Lloyd, Neale, Tucker, and Unitt were present, as were A Thom (Clerk), SHDC Cllr McKay, and three members of the public.

  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Green and DCC Hawkins.

  1. Declaration of Interests

None declared.

  1. Invitation to visit the Dartmouth Fire Station

This item was moved up the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion.

Cllrs Lloyd, Bond, and Unitt, and SHDC Cllr McKay will attend the visit to the Dartmouth Fire Station to receive feedback about the recent incident in Dittisham. A proposed meeting date was agreed. Members of the public representing more difficult to access locations in the Parish will be invited.

  1. Approval of Minutes

It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2023.

  1. Community Reports

    1. Devon County Council Councillor

Deferred in the absence of DCC Cllr Hawkins.

    1. South Hams District Council Councillor

SHDC Cllr McKay reported that SHDC is currently consulting on its Corporate Plan. The Plan contains high level goals. There is a focus on affordable housing. SHDC is looking at the creation of an umbrella Community Land Trust to help to progress projects. They are not affected by Right to Buy and are used in Cornwall. SHDC is looking at how it can improve planning enforcement. Climate change and biodiversity are a priority. A symposium is being organised for November – with invitations within and outside the District. SHDC is considering food distribution and production with a view to shortening the supply chain and challenging supermarkets.

Funds are available for composting projects. Sustainable South Hams’ proposal has been accepted and it will coordinate. The problem with street cleaning is being investigated and the effectiveness of street sweepers being looked at, with another piece of kit purchased.

  1. Financial Matters

    1. Financial Reports

It was resolved to approve the Reports which showed a total balance of £94,898.70 and unearmarked general fund of £38,265.06.

    1. Payments & Receipts

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

  • Level Car Park loan annual repayment, £5,000

  • Car Park Attendant, July-September, £500

  • Clerk, Expenses reimbursement, £63.76

  • South West Water, Quay tap July-September, £26.73

The receipt of the second Precept instalment, £7,000, was noted.

    1. 22/23 Audit

The Report from the External Auditor was considered. There are two except for matters raised: the restating of the 21/22 AGAR figures did not include reversal of 2020/21 creditors, and that creditors and debtors have been incorrectly included in the bank reconciliation.

DPC has existing advice that the car park income collected by SHDC on DPC’s behalf SHDC is not a debtor. DPC will consider further how to present the 23/24 accounts to the external auditor. DPC will review whether there is sufficient benefit from presenting the accounts on an Income and Expenditure basis to justify the additional complexity.

It was resolved to approve the report and to note the actions being taken to respond to it.

  1. New planning applications
    1. 2638/23/FUL Dittisham Hideaway Treehouses, Shepherds Lodges & Airstream, Dittisham, TQ6 0JB. Renovation & extension of existing gravel forest track (retrospective)

It was resolved respond that DPC is concerned about the potential effect on the wildlife, especially when assessment only possible after the development has been carried out, and to note that this is the second recent retrospective planning application. DPC is would like to see the due planning process followed.

    1. 2921/23/VAR Laburnum Cottage, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX. Application for variation of condition 1 (approved drawing) of planning consent 0479/19/VAR.

DPC is not able to comment on the application. The necessary drawing(s) of the proposal have not been provided on the planning website. They were requested on 18 September and again since then. DPC will respond to request that the application be re-advertised because the proposal has not been advertised in accordance with the legal requirements.

    1. 2786/23/CLB Mill Creek Cottage Lower Street Dittisham TQ6 0HY. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed works to a Listed Building comprising installation of chimney pot(s).

For information.

    1. 2965/23/PDM Barn At Sx 840 529, Capton. Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural buildings/barns to 4No dwelling houses (class C3) & for associated development (Class Q (a+b)).

For information.

  1. Monitoring DPC’s Process to Comment on Planning Applications

The initial three categories can be reduced to two – Minor and Major. The working copy of the Agenda will note the category. If a second retrospective application is received from same source that will trigger closer examination.

  1. Consultations

    1. SHDC, Draft Corporate Strategy, Closes Monday 23 October.

Councillors can comment individually.

  1. Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums

    1. Task & Finish Group for the Review of the Use of The Ham Policy

The TAFG report, regarding private residences’ access over The Ham, charging for use of the car park as a site compound, hire deposits, & parking on the foreshore, and the Clerk’s reports were considered.

It was agreed that the matter of granting specific permission to private residences for vehicles to have access over The Ham required further consideration.

The Clerk will report to South West Water potential issues with its outfall pipe.

    1. Maintenance Working Group

The MWG’s report & the Clerk’s on the management of the private accesses to The Ham were noted. The Clerk will discuss with owners of Little Orchard their access. It was resolved add Cllr Unitt to the MWG.

    1. Village Hall Management Committee

The Annual Premises Report provided by the VHMC was noted.

    1. DALC Conference

Due to the lateness of the hour it was agreed that written report from Cllrs Nightingale and Hodge would be circulated.

  1. Registration of The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value

Questionnaires are available on-line and have been delivered in the Parish and to East Cornworthy because its residents use The Red Lion Inn. Whether it is appropriate to submit an application to SHDC to register The Red Lion Inn as an asset of community value will be dependent on the responses received.

  1. Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted:

  • A Mangall MP, invitation Open meeting SWW, Thursday 19th October @ 17:30 Dartmouth

  • Mayor of Totnes to Chair, Civic Service, & Civic Sunday Lunch, 22/10/23, RSVP 12th October

  • 18/9/23 SHDC Cllr McKay & DCC regarding local flooding. Responded re local status and prevention measures.

  • 19/9/23 Email from a resident, Request to bring Dart 10K back into Dittisham. Advised not feasible due to lack of event parking.

  • 15/09/23, Sent to South Devon Rural Housing Association, Long-term Vacant Housing in Dittisham.

  • 11/9/23, Email How to stop people parking on the foreshore next to Ham Car Park

  • Electrical Safety Fund grants scheme for local projects, closes 22 October 2023

  • Farming Community Network, request for support & information services available

  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be on 1 November 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

  1. Closure of the Meeting

It was resolved, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following items because of the confidential and employment nature of the business respectively.

  1. Complaint

The Parish Council made a careful consideration of the factors raised by the complainant. The Clerk will respond.

  1. Personnel Subcommittee

It was resolved unanimously to re-evaluate the role into the LC2 above substantive range and to increase the Clerk’s pay point backdated to April 2023.