APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 4 September 2019 at 7:00p.m.
Present: Cllrs Tucker (Chairman), Anderson (Vice-Chairman), Bond, Green, Faulkner, Quinn and Nightingale were present, as were South Hams District Cllr McKay, Devon County Cllr Hawkins, A Thom (Clerk), and two members of the public.
145/19 Apologies
All councillors present.
Cllr Tucker told the meeting that Tony Westcott had resigned from the Parish Council.
146/19 Declaration of Interests
None declared
147/19 Approval of the minutes of the meetings held on 3 July and 19 July 2019.
It was resolved to approve the minutes.
148/19 Public Issues
148/19.1 Maintenance of St George’s Church
A Parishioner reported that the first phase of maintenance works is complete. Works will continue in September and October. The planned finish date is 31 October.
148/19.2 Coombe Farm Studios Mobile Airstream Planning Application
The applicant explained that the Airstream is for use by the chef because the cost of local accommodation is unaffordable, and then by friends and family if it is free. It has been on site since March 2019. They had thought that the Airstream was ancillary and therefore acceptable. The need for a 0.8 full time equivalent chef has been generated by a 70% increase in business.
149/19 Community Reports
149/19.1 South Hams District Council
South Hams District Council Councillor McKay reported SHDC is working on its response to Climate Change. The possibility of a Citizens Assembly is being discussed. That proposal is controversial. There is a problem with dog poo in public spaces. Cllr McKay favours Parish Councils having authority to decide on the management of local dog poo pollution problems.
149/19.2 Devon County Council
Devon County Hawkins reported SHDC has decided to proceed with the Health and Well Being Centre. It is planned to submit a planning application in November 2019 and for the Centre to open in Winter or Spring 2021. There is a proposed reduction in district nurses – which Cllr Hawkins does not support. DCC has been asked to fix the damaged wall at Shute Hill. Cllrs reported that the wall is getting worse, will eventually collapse, and they will send further photos.
150/19 Communications in relation to planning/tree applications.
- 0847/19/TPO Firebird The Level Dittisham Devon TQ6 0ES. T0043, T0044, T0045, T0046 & T0051: Sycamore – coppice to ground level. Reason: to manage as hedgeline and encourage new growth at base. Replant with 20 native hedge mix. T0042: Ash – Fell due to showing signs of die back in crown and structurally weak union at base. Split Decision. Grant of Conditonal Consent T0042: Elm – Fell with replanting condition under the exemption. Refusal of Consent for all other trees.
- 1384/19/HHO & 1385/19/LBC1 The Old Brewhouse Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Householder & Listed Building Consent application for replacement roof and conservation velux to the rear with stable door at first floor (Retrospective). Conditional Approval.
- 1902/19/ARC Pond View Newlands Farm Blackawton Devon TQ9 7DR. Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Condition 12 of Planning Consent 1212/18/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.
- 3865/18/VAR Homelands Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 18/2500/11/F to allow the building to be used for ancillary accommodation in connection with the main dwelling. Conditional Approval.
- 0713/19/LBC Ferry Boat Inn Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed Building Consent application to replace existing roof covering with new. Withdrawn.
- 0479/19/VAR Darling Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans) Application for removal or variation of condition 2 (APPROVED PLANS) following grant of planning permission18/0742/15/F. Conditional Approval.
- 1680/19/FUL Little Coombe Farm Dittisham Devon TQ6 0JB. Continued use of land for the siting of an airstream caravan to be used for holiday use – previously granted permission under application18/2996/13/F. Conditional Approval.
- 1737/19/PDM Barn at Capton Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0JE. Notification for prior approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to 2no. dwellinghouses (Class C3) and for associated operational development(Class Q(a+b)). Prior Approval Given.
151/19 New planning/tree applications.
- 2398/19/FUL Coombe Farm Studios Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0JA. Retrospective application for permission to site mobile airstream caravan unit on land for free use by family, friends and staff.
The Joint Local Plan supports local businesses which support the local economy. DPC is aware local hospitality businesses have a problem sourcing staff because of lack of affordable local accommodation.
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Green)
- 2583/19/FUL Land At SX 861 514 North of Seymour Drive Dartmouth. Erection of 9no. dwellings and associated works (resubmission of 0852/19/FUL).
Object on same grounds as the objection to the previous application on the same site (proposed Cllr Anderson, seconded Cllr Nightingale, Cllr Green abstained).
- 2543/19/TCA Sunnybank, Manor Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0EX. T1: Larch – Fell.
Object because there are no supporting arboricultural grounds, the tree appears in good condition, loss of ash trees will lead to loss of mature trees in the village (proposed Cllr Nightingale, seconded Cllr Green)
152/19 Consultations
- Proposed changes to Service Delivery within Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service. Closes 20/9/19.
No comment will be made by DPC.
- Parking in Dartmouth, SHDC, DCC and Dartmouth Town Council. Closes 14/10/19.
Will be on the October Agenda.
- Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places, South Hams District Council. Closes 20/9/19.
No comment will be made by DPC
153/19 Camping on and Hire of The Ham
The meeting agreed that Cllrs Tucker, Anderson, and Faulkner would form a task and finish group to review the current camping policy & the hire of The Ham including possibly obtaining legal advice. It will consider the current documents and use of The Ham. It will report back to the 2 October meeting. The report will include whether obtaining formal legal advice is recommended. A second phase may involve a community consultation.
154/19 Reports from Councillors with Specific Responsibilities / External Forums
154/19.1 Playground Working Group
The meeting considered a decision to buy & install a birds nest swing. Three quotes were discussed. The cheapest was considered out of keeping with the location. Cllr Faulkner advised that the bolts in the preferred swing will loosen over time.
It was resolved to choose the middle priced contractor subject to the correct safety surface being confirmed and Cllr Faulkner and Nightingale will liaise regarding better fixings. If better fixings possible they will be purchased, if not DPC will proceed with the current fixings. The decision to proceed will be made by the Clerk taking advice from Cllrs Nightingale and Faulkner. The old swing will be disposed of, not sold, because DPC may be liable if it sells it.
It was resolved that DPC will remove the wooden edge and the black matting. It is expected that a saving will be made and a revised quote will be required.
154/19.2 Car Parks Working Group
An enquiry has been sent to SHDC regarding the possibility of issuing paperless permits to Dittisham Sailing Club. A reply is pending and the Group will report to the 2 October meeting.
154/19.3 Signs on Dittisham Pontoon
The possibility of asking DHNA to install large information signs and crabbing with kindness signs on the pontoon was discussed. Cllr Anderson will liaise with the Harbour Master in September and report back to a future meeting.
154/19.4 Picnic Tables on The Ham
It was resolved to spend up to £100 to purchase of the now damaged borrowed table. The table will be fixed in place on The Ham such that it is not in the way of the Air Ambulance.
155/19 Grant Policy
It was resolved to adopt the proposed Policy. Cllr Faulkner abstained.
156/19 Grant Request
This item was moved up the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion. DPC considered the request from St George’s Church for a grant toward the cost of grounds maintenance in the churchyard and cemetery. The Clerk summarised the S137 value requirement. It was noted that the Church is an important building in the Parish, provides an important facility, and the upkeep of the Church is important. It was resolved to grant £1,250 for one year.
157/19 Parish Lengthsman
Cllr Bond reported that the Lengthsman has started and things are going well. Cllr Bond’s list of priority drainage was discussed. The lengthsman liaises with Cllr Bond and provides a monthly written report. Cllrs Tucker and Green will assist in talking to landowners as required. The PC sends its thanks for the work done by the Lengthsman and the excellent approach.
158/19 Standards and Governance Training, 3/10/19, Follaton House
Cllr Quinn was nominated to attend. A report on the training will be emailed by Cllr Quinn to Parish Councillors. Cllr Quinn will also present the content to a meeting of Councillors if the training content justifies.
159/19 Co-option of a Parish Councillor
It was agreed that if there is no call for an election, the Clerk will advertise the two vacancies for the following two weeks. The interview of any candidates will be on Wednesday 16 October, at 6:00 pm unless Cllrs require a different time of day.
160/19 Financial Matters
160/19.1 Financial Report
The version sent on 4 September which showed a balance of £59,918.67 and unearmarked reserves of £-1,050.55 was approved.
160/19.2 Payments
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
- Maintenance Contractor 18/19 contract £4,700.00
- Rattery Sawmill Picnic Tables – two £408.00
- SHDC RingGo overpayment reimbursement £226.26
- G Anderson Copy maps £26.40
- R Bond Ground anchor reimbursement £10.89
- Clerk Office expenses reimbursement £109.37
Cllr Tucker reminded Cllrs to be aware that some of the information it has access to is commercial in confidence sensitive information. Councillors can bring the council into disrepute.
160/19.3 Overtime
No overtime claim made.
160/19.4 HMRC Employers’ National Insurance
It was resolved to approve payment of historical HMRC Employers’ NI debt £317.42.
160/19.5 Interim Budget
It was resolved to approve the proposed interim budget. The budget allocates increased funds to staff costs in the current budget and to the sick leave reserve, reduces the budgeted extra loan repayment, and DPC will determine the actual extra loan repayment in its March 2020 meeting.
160/19.6 Request for grants from the Parish of Dittisham Charity
The request by DPC for grants from the Parish of Dittisham Charity to support purchase of the defibrillators and the night landing column were confirmed.
160/19.7 The Ham Toilets Pay on Entry
It was resolved to offer SHDC an annual payment of £1,000 to remove the pay on entry.
160/19.8 Dittisham Village Hall building works and processes
Cllr Tucker explained that a meeting has been held with a representative of the Village Hall Management Committee to clarify DPC’s responsibilities and liabilities for the Hall and the responsibility of representative trustees on the VHMC. It has been established that DPC is a Custodian Trustee. The VHMC is responsible for the Hall and DPC is indemnified. DPC is a leasee and at end of the lease is with the PCC responsible to hand the Hall back to the Exeter Diocese in an acceptable condition. The VHMC are all trustees. The VHMC representative suggested a sinking fund for any end of lease works. The Village Hall would put in an equal amount. This proposal will be added to the next budget. Further discussions are needed with the VHMC to formalise the proposal. DPC will request an annual report from the VHMC on the physical state of the Hall – to be presented to the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council each May.
160/19.9 Clerk’s Payscale
It was noted that the Clerk’s agreed payscale is correctly named SCP 28 on the revised scale.
160/19.10 Bank Account signatories
It was resolved to add Cllr Anderson to the mandate for both DPC bank accounts and that he will be an electronic transactions signatory.
161/19 Correspondence
- Letter to thank the Dittisham Regatta Committee for its donation of £2,100 for a defibrillator near the pontoon
- Valuation Office Agency Request for Information Non-Domestic Rating for The Level car park & for The Ham car park.
- SHDC, Request for Town or Parish Council’s views on the withdrawal, over two years, of the payment of the Council Tax Support Grant.
162/19 Next meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will be on 2 October 2019 at 7:00 pm.
Cllr Tucker gave his apologies that he will be late of possibly absent from that meeting due to a conflicting commitment.