The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here: AG_2024 May DPC Agenda
To all members of Dittisham Parish Council 26 April 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Meeting and monthly Meeting of Dittisham Parish Council to be held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 1 May 2024 at 7:00p.m. for the purpose of transacting the following business.
6:00 pm – Drop-In Session
DPC will be available to project planning applications and for discussions with Parishioners.
7:00 pm – Public Forum
To consider any issues raised by members of the public.
Members of the public are invited to give their views, to question the Parish Council about issues on this Agenda, or to raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chair.
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Election of Chair
Chair’s Signature of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Election of Vice-Chair
Vice-Chair’s Signature of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Apologies for absence
To declare interests in items on the Agenda
Ordinary Meetings of the Parish Council
To determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the full council.
Review of the terms of reference for Personnel Committee and Subcommittee
Review of appointment of the Members of Personnel Committee and Subcommittee
Working Groups & Positions of Responsibility
To review appointments. To consider adding tree checks and playground checks. -
Confirmation of DPC’s Delegations of Authority to the Clerk
To note Standing Orders review approved 3/4/24 & Financial Regulations review approved 3/4/24.
Asset Register – To confirm the Asset Register as at 31/03/24
Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks
To note the three year agreement which ends 3/7/24.
Review of the Council’s Subscriptions, Contracts, and Direct Debit mandates.
Review of the Council’s Bank mandates.
Approval of the list of due payments which arise on a regular basis as the result of a continuing contract, statutory duty, or obligation, and which to be authorised by the council and paid by the Clerk in response to correct invoices.
Review of the list of the Council’s policies and procedures and to agree any action required.
To consider and approve the 2024 Statement of Internal Controls.
To consider and approve the 2024 Risk Register Review.
May Meeting of the Parish Council
Apologies: To receive apologies for absence.
Two Vacancies for a Parish Councillor
To confirm the advertisement plan, with applications for co-option closing 31 May 2024.
Declaration of Interests: To declare interests in items on the Agenda.
Approval of Minutes
To consider approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2024 and the Parish meeting on 17 April 2024.
Community Reports
South Hams District Council Councillor
Devon County Council Councillor
Financial Matters
Financial Reports
To consider approval of Financial Reports.
To authorise the following payments:
DALC, Annual membership Fee, £153.07
DSC Permits 24/25, £87.60
SHDC, Uncontested Elections, £213.78
Installation of section of ledge and underpinning on The Ham retaining wall, £1,350.00
Parish Meeting refreshments reimbursement, £32.20
Noticeboard Key Cutting Reimbursement, £7.95
Clerk office expenses reimbursement, £18.10
Society of Local Council Clerks membership, £154.70 for 24/25 (£238 pro-rata with Blackawton PC)
To confirm transfer by cheque of £10,000 from NatWest to Lloyds Treasurer’s Account.
To note payment authorised since the last monthly meeting:
Car Park Attendant January to March 2024, £500.00
- Receipts
To note receipts
- DCC, P3 Grant 23/24, £200.00
- SHDC, Precept first instalment, £8,000
- DSC, Permits 24/25, £6,356.02
- SHDC Planning Decisions
0366/24/ARC Spindlewood, Higher Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HT. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 5 (Timber Cladding), 9 (External Lighting), 18 (Roof Slate), 19 (Hard Landscaping) & 20 (Ducts, Flues, Rainwater Goods, Vents & External Attachments) of planning consent 2455/21/FUL. Refused.
0443/24/HHO Pump Cottage The Level Dittisham TQ6 0ES. Demolition of existing single storey garage & store (north side extension) & first floor dormer, removal of existing oil tank & slab, proposed internal alterations & extension to include 1no proposed ground floor single storey extension South & West facing, 1no proposed two storey extension to north to provide extended living accommodation, 1no replacement dormer, installation of new Air Source Heat Pump & modifications to existing ground floor door & window openings. Withdrawn.
0233/24/HHO Fingals Hotel Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0JA. Householder application for PV cells on post 1948 garage roof. Conditional Approval.
0455/24/LBC Bay Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Listed Building Consent for Internal alterations to first floor layout, replacement timber windows, internal & external remedial works to all stone walls, floors & ceilings, replacement rainwater goods/fascia & barge boards. Conditional Approval.
0241/24/LBC Mulberry House Dittisham Dartmouth TQ6 0ER. Listed building consent for single storey extension to kitchen, replacement of veranda with new garden room, insertion of window to rear elevation, replacement of upvc windows and doors with timber units, replacement of single glazed timber conservatory with double glazed timber, installation of air source heat pump and internal alterations. Conditional Approval.
0489/24/HHO Laburnum Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX . Householder application for installation of a charger for an electric car (EV Charger). Conditional Approval.
- New Planning Applications
1011/24/HHO Capton Mill Cottage CaptonTQ6 0JE. Householder application for first floor extension to rear, new raised patio to front, installation of new windows at first floor level on south east and south west elevations and juliette balcony.
0673/24/FUL Lauriston Riverside RoadDittishamTQ6 0HS. Demolition of existing house and erection of new replacement dwelling.
Neighbourhood Plan Public Information Meeting
To confirm DPC will arrange the proposed public meeting and the date of the meeting.
Replacement of Dittisham Armada Beacon Post
To consider the proposal to purchase the post and then donate it to Raleigh Estate. The Parish of Dittisham Charity is wiling to make a grant of £375 to DPC towards the costs. Total project cost £750 ex. VAT.
Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups and External Forums
Dittisham Parish Emergency Plan
To consider the approval of the revised Plan.
To confirm payment to attend DALC Crisis Communications for Local Councils training (£30 +VAT).
To confirm how DPC will respond to an enquiry from the press about the Plan.
‘Zoning’ Proposal
To decide whether to create zones for individual Councillors to liaise with, and if yes, how to implement that.
Maintenance Working Group
To consider the Report’s proposals to remove and replace a dead Memorial tree and to reconfigure a barrier fence above southern Ham retaining wall.
Being a Dementia Friendly Parish
To agree to invite a speaker to talk to the Parish Council (step one on Action Plan).
EV Charging Points
To consider the proposal to reactivate a project to consider the installation of public EV charging points in the village.
Annual Risk Assessment Survey of Dittisham Parish Council’s Trees
To confirm the inspection in June by the same surveyor and at the same cost as in 2023.
Extra emptying of the bins on The Ham during the tourist season
To confirm that DPC will request that SHDC again make an extra visit, Wednesday 10 July to 30 October, 17 empties, £160.65.
Dittisham Sailing Club Permit Regulations
To confirm the addition to the Regulations that the vehicle registration must be written with a permanent marker.
Registration of The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value
To note that South Hams District Council has decided to list The Red Lion Inn as an Asset of Community Value.
Correspondence & Communications: To note or consider:
22/4/24 SHDC, Rogue Traders Advice
19/4/24 Resident notified DPC of further earthworks at the Manse. SHDC contacted and resident also asked to report to SHDC
17/4/24 Anthony Mangnall MP, Potholes experience requested. Shared with Parish
12/4/24 DCC contacted by DPC regarding repainting 20 mph circles. Dittisham has been added to DCC’s Parish Remark package list.
11/4/24 Resident contacted DPC to request double yellow lines next to wall at entrance to The Level. Resident and a Cllr are working on a map which could be used for an application to DCC by DPC.
Clerk contacted SHDC about waiving Ham Car Park PCNs issued after Village Hall Wall collapse.
Next Meeting: To confirm the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 5 June 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Closure of the Meeting
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item because of the confidential nature of the business.
To consider the DPC’s next actions to meet its responsibilities as the owner of a freehold.
The meeting will be held in the Village Hall with audio only Zoom conferencing. Click this link or paste it in your browser
Dial in by phone +44 203 481 5237 Meeting ID: 844 463 3513
Annette Thom, Parish Clerk