The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here:AG_2024 January DPC Agenda
To all members of Dittisham Parish Council 28 December 2023
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Dittisham Parish Council to be held in Dittisham Village Hall on Wednesday 3 January 2024 at 7:00p.m for the purpose of transacting the following business.
a. Public Forum
To consider any issues raised by members of the public.
Members of the public are invited to give their views, to question the Parish Council about issues on this Agenda, or to raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chair.
To receive apologies for absence.
Declaration of Interests
To declare interests in items on the Agenda.
Approval of Minutes
To consider approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2024.
Community Reports
South Hams District Council Councillor
Devon County Council Councillor
Financial Matters
Financial Reports
To consider approval of financial reports
To authorise the following payments:
Landscape Construction & Design, Trial Clean of Slippery Path, £492.00
Clerk, November expenses reimbursement, £109.70
JHB UK Ltd, Line repainting, £900.00
Hodge, Repair and underpinning southern Ham retaining wall, £880.00
Payment since December meeting
ICO, Annual fee direct debit, £35.00
DCC Locality Budget Grant, £500.00
Proposed Budget 2024/25
To approve the 2024/25 Precept and Budget.
- SHDC Planning Decisions
3554/23/ARC Yew Tree Cottage Manor Street Dittisham TQ6 0EX. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4 (Facing Materials for Retaining Wall) of planning consent 3296/22/HHO. Discharge of Condition Approved.
2536/23/FUL Fairholme, Riverside Road, Dittisham, TQ6 0HS . New 3 bed dwelling & detached garden store with associated carparking & landscaping. Withdrawn.
2209/23/FUL Herongate, Lower Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HY. Conversion & extension of boathouse for short term holiday let(resubmission of 3628/22/FUL). Withdrawn.
- New planning applications
4019/23/NMM The Old Rectory Rectory Lane Dittisham TQ6 0HD. Non Material Minor Amendment for addition of velux roof light to first floor to match existing.
- New tree applications
- 3830/23/TCA Mill Creek Cottage, Lower Street, Dittisham, TQ6 0HY. T1-T6: Leylandii/fir trees – Fell trees due to them being vigorous growers & are taking the light from other recently planted trees that are trying to establish themselves, originally planted to quickly establish privacy from neighbours & are no longer required & particularly so if other indigenous trees & shrubs are allowed to grow, these trees kill the ground underneath them & prevent anything else from getting established, are unattractive & overpowering, surrounding deciduous trees/plants would provide a much better vista, more in keeping with the local countryside.
Peninsula Transport, Draft Transport Strategy. Closes 5/2/24.
South Devon Rural Housing Association, Proposed Merger with Placed fro People Group. Closes 7/2/24
Monitoring DPC’s Process to Comment on Planning Applications
To note comments on the process.
To approve the process to obtain further information or arrange a site visit as per the Report.
Reports from Councillors’ Working Groups & External Forums
Parish Emergency Plan
To consider a project to create a new Plan.
Maintenance Working Group
To note the update Report on trial clean of Slippery Lane.
Ham Events
To consider approval of request from South West Gaffers to hire The Ham, 16-19 August 2024
DPC Planning Day
To receive the Report and confirm the suggested changes to the Projects list.
Registration of The Red Lion Inn with SHDC as an Asset of Community Value
To decide if a public meeting is required and who to invite or to decide to make an application for registration.
Maintenance of The Ham Retaining Wall
To plan further work required.
Memorial Bench installed
To consider bench installed near toilet block & inaction to modify the installation of bench next to the River Dart.
Correspondence: To note or consider correspondence
Email from Resident, 4/12/23, Grateful thanks for cleaning the slippery path
South Devon National Landscapes, South Devon AONB renamed South Devon National Landscapes
DALC, Notice of increase in Annual Fee
19/12/23, Resident, Enquiry about roadworks advertised 2-3 Jan. Investigated approved date 17-19 Jan. Final works date TBC
19/12/23, DCT, Notice of Devon Community Resilience Forum conference 22 March 2024
5/12/23, DPC asked SHDC to investigate groundworks
Next Meeting: To note the next meeting of Dittisham Parish Council will take place on 7 February 2023 at 7:00 pm.
Closure of the Meeting
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.
The Ham Retaining Wall
To consider a proposal for work to repair and to install a length of concrete ledge.
The meeting will be held in the Village Hall with audio only Zoom conferencing.
Click this link or paste it in your browser
Dial in by phone +44 203 481 5237 Meeting ID: 844 463 3513
Annette Thom, Parish Clerk